
class lsst.ctrl.bps.GenericWorkflowFile(name: str, src_uri: str | None = None, wms_transfer: bool = False, job_access_remote: bool = False, job_shared: bool = False)

Bases: object

Information about a file that may be needed by various workflow management services.

Attributes Summary


Whether the job can remotely access file (using separately specified file access protocols).


Whether job requires its own copy of this file.


Lookup key (logical file name) of file/directory.


Original location of file/directory.


Whether the WMS should ignore file or not.

Attributes Documentation

job_access_remote: bool

Whether the job can remotely access file (using separately specified file access protocols). Default is False.

job_shared: bool

Whether job requires its own copy of this file. Default is False.

name: str

Lookup key (logical file name) of file/directory. Must be unique within run.

src_uri: str

Original location of file/directory.

wms_transfer: bool

Whether the WMS should ignore file or not. Default is False.