
class lsst.ip.diffim.GetCoaddAsTemplateConfig

Bases: lsst.pex.config.config.Config

Attributes Summary

coaddName coadd name: typically one of deep or goodSeeing (str, default 'deep')
templateBorderSize Number of pixels to grow the requested template image to account for warping (int, default 10)
warpType Warp type of the coadd template: one of ‘direct’ or ‘psfMatched’ (str, default 'direct')

Attributes Documentation


coadd name: typically one of deep or goodSeeing (str, default 'deep')


Number of pixels to grow the requested template image to account for warping (int, default 10)


Warp type of the coadd template: one of ‘direct’ or ‘psfMatched’ (str, default 'direct')