
lsst.ip.diffim.sourceToFootprintList(candidateInList, templateExposure, scienceExposure, kernelSize, config, log)

Takes an input list of Sources that were selected to constrain the Psf-matching Kernel and turns them into a List of Footprints, which are used to seed a set of KernelCandidates. The function checks both the template and science image for masked pixels, rejecting the Source if certain Mask bits (defined in config) are set within the Footprint.

@param candidateInList: Input list of Sources @param templateExposure: Template image, to be checked for Mask bits in Source Footprint @param scienceExposure: Science image, to be checked for Mask bits in Source Footprint @param config: Config that defines the Mask planes that indicate an invalid Source and Bbox grow radius @param log: Log for output

@return a list of dicts having a “source” and “footprint” field, to be used for Psf-matching