
class lsst.pipe.base.DatasetTypeDescriptor(name, dimensionNames, storageClassName, scalar, manualLoad)

Bases: object

Description of an unnormalized proto-DatasetType and its relationship to a PipelineTask.

This class contains the information needed to construct a DatasetType (once a DimensionUniverse is available) and all relevant options that are used by PipelineTask. Typically this is derived from configuration classes, but sub-classes of PipelineTask can also define additional DatasetTypes that are not part of the task configuration.

name : str

Name of the dataset type.

dimensionNames: `` of `str`

Names of the dimensions used to identify datasets of this type.

storageClassName: `str`

Name of the StorageClass for this dataset type.

scalar : bool

True if this is a scalar dataset.

manualLoad : bool

True if this dataset will be manually loaded by a concrete PipelineTask instead of loaded automatically by the base class.

Attributes Summary

manualLoad True if the task will handle loading the data
name Name of the dataset type (str).
scalar True if this is a scalar dataset.

Methods Summary

fromConfig(datasetConfig) Make DatasetTypeDescriptor instance from configuration object.
makeDatasetType(universe) Construct a true DatasetType instance with normalized dimensions.

Attributes Documentation


True if the task will handle loading the data


Name of the dataset type (str).


True if this is a scalar dataset.

Methods Documentation

classmethod fromConfig(datasetConfig)

Make DatasetTypeDescriptor instance from configuration object.

datasetConfig : lsst.pex.config.Config

Instance of one the InputDatasetConfig, OutputDatasetConfig, InitInputDatasetConfig, or InitOutputDatasetConfig types

descriptor : DatasetTypeDescriptor

Construct a true DatasetType instance with normalized dimensions.

universe : lsst.daf.butler.DimensionUniverse

Set of all known dimensions to be used to normalize the dimension names specified in config.

datasetType : DatasetType

The DatasetType defined by this descriptor.