
class lsst.obs.cfht.cfhtIsrTask.CfhtIsrTaskConfig

Bases: lsst.ip.isr.isrTask.IsrTaskConfig

Attributes Summary

assembleCcd CCD assembly task (ConfigurableInstance, default <class 'lsst.ip.isr.assembleCcdTask.AssembleCcdConfig'>)
badStatistic How to estimate the average value for BAD regions.
biasDataProductName Name of the bias data product (str, default 'bias')
brighterFatterApplyGain Should the gain be applied when applying the brighter fatter correction? (bool, default True)
brighterFatterLevel The level at which to correct for brighter-fatter.
brighterFatterMaxIter Maximum number of iterations for the brighter fatter correction (int, default 10)
brighterFatterThreshold Threshold used to stop iterating the brighter fatter correction.
connections Configurations describing the connections of the PipelineTask to datatypes (Connections, default <class 'lsst.pipe.base.config.Connections'>)
crosstalk Intra-CCD crosstalk correction (ConfigurableInstance, default <class 'lsst.ip.isr.crosstalk.CrosstalkConfig'>)
darkDataProductName Name of the dark data product (str, default 'dark')
datasetType Dataset type for input data; users will typically leave this alone, but camera-specific ISR tasks will override it (str, default 'raw')
defaultFluxMag0T1 Default value for fluxMag0T1 (for an unrecognized filter).
doAddDistortionModel Apply a distortion model based on camera geometry to the WCS? Deprecated: Camera geometry is incorporated when reading the raw files.
doApplyGains Correct the amplifiers for their gains instead of applying flat correction (bool, default False)
doAssembleCcd Assemble amp-level exposures into a ccd-level exposure? (bool, default True)
doAssembleIsrExposures Assemble amp-level calibration exposures into ccd-level exposure? (bool, default False)
doAttachTransmissionCurve Construct and attach a wavelength-dependent throughput curve for this CCD image? (bool, default False)
doBias Apply bias frame correction? (bool, default True)
doBrighterFatter Apply the brighter fatter correction (bool, default False)
doCameraSpecificMasking Mask camera-specific bad regions? (bool, default False)
doConvertIntToFloat Convert integer raw images to floating point values? (bool, default True)
doCrosstalk Apply intra-CCD crosstalk correction? (bool, default False)
doCrosstalkBeforeAssemble Apply crosstalk correction before CCD assembly, and before trimming? (bool, default False)
doDark Apply dark frame correction? (bool, default True)
doDefect Apply correction for CCD defects, e.g.
doEmpiricalReadNoise Calculate empirical read noise instead of value from AmpInfo data? (bool, default False)
doFlat Apply flat field correction? (bool, default True)
doFringe Apply fringe correction? (bool, default True)
doIlluminationCorrection Perform illumination correction? (bool, default False)
doInterpolate Interpolate masked pixels? (bool, default True)
doLinearize Correct for nonlinearity of the detector’s response? (bool, default True)
doMeasureBackground Measure the background level on the reduced image? (bool, default False)
doNanInterpAfterFlat If True, ensure we interpolate NaNs after flat-fielding, even if we also have to interpolate them before flat-fielding.
doNanInterpolation Perform interpolation over pixels masked as NaN? NB: This is independent of doNanMasking; if that is False this plane will likely be blank, resulting in a no-op here.
doNanMasking Mask NAN pixels? (bool, default True)
doOverscan Do overscan subtraction? (bool, default True)
doSaturation Mask saturated pixels? NB: this is totally independent of the interpolation option - this is ONLY setting the bits in the mask.
doSaturationInterpolation Perform interpolation over pixels masked as saturated? NB: This is independent of doSaturation; if that is False this plane will likely be blank, resulting in a no-op here.
doSaveInterpPixels Save a copy of the pre-interpolated pixel values? (bool, default False)
doSetBadRegions Should we set the level of all BAD patches of the chip to the chip’s average value? (bool, default True)
doStrayLight Subtract stray light in the y-band (due to encoder LEDs)? (bool, default False)
doSuspect Mask suspect pixels? (bool, default False)
doTrimToMatchCalib Trim raw data to match calibration bounding boxes? (bool, default False)
doTweakFlat Tweak flats to match observed amplifier ratios? (bool, default False)
doUseAtmosphereTransmission Load and use transmission_atmosphere (if doAttachTransmissionCurve is True)? (bool, default True)
doUseFilterTransmission Load and use transmission_filter (if doAttachTransmissionCurve is True)? (bool, default True)
doUseOpticsTransmission Load and use transmission_optics (if doAttachTransmissionCurve is True)? (bool, default True)
doUseSensorTransmission Load and use transmission_sensor (if doAttachTransmissionCurve is True)? (bool, default True)
doVariance Calculate variance? (bool, default True)
doVignette Apply vignetting parameters? (bool, default False)
doWidenSaturationTrails Widen bleed trails based on their width? (bool, default True)
doWrite Persist postISRCCD? (bool, default True)
expectWcs Expect input science images to have a WCS (set False for e.g.
fallbackFilterName Fallback default filter name for calibrations.
flatDataProductName Name of the flat data product (str, default 'flat')
flatScalingType The method for scaling the flat on the fly.
flatUserScale If flatScalingType is ‘USER’ then scale flat by this amount; ignored otherwise (float, default 1.0)
fluxMag0T1 The approximate flux of a zero-magnitude object in a one-second exposure, per filter.
fringe Fringe subtraction task (ConfigurableInstance, default <class 'lsst.ip.isr.fringe.FringeConfig'>)
fringeAfterFlat Do fringe subtraction after flat-fielding? (bool, default True)
fwhm FWHM of PSF in arcseconds.
gain The gain to use if no Detector is present in the Exposure (ignored if NaN) (float, default nan)
growSaturationFootprintSize Number of pixels by which to grow the saturation footprints (int, default 1)
illumFilters Only perform illumination correction for these filters.
illumScale Scale factor for the illumination correction.
illuminationCorrectionDataProductName Name of the illumination correction data product.
maskListToInterpolate List of mask planes that should be interpolated.
masking Masking task.
normalizeGains Normalize all the amplifiers in each CCD to have the same median value.
numEdgeSuspect Number of edge pixels to be flagged as untrustworthy.
overscanBiasJump Fit the overscan in a piecewise-fashion to correct for bias jumps? (bool, default False)
overscanBiasJumpDevices List of devices that need piecewise overscan correction.
overscanBiasJumpKeyword Header keyword containing information about devices.
overscanBiasJumpLocation Location of bias jump along y-axis.
overscanFitType The method for fitting the overscan bias level.
overscanIsInt Treat overscan as an integer image for purposes of overscan.FitType=MEDIAN (bool, default True)
overscanMaxDev Maximum deviation from the median for overscan (float, default 1000.0)
overscanNumLeadingColumnsToSkip Number of columns to skip in overscan, i.e.
overscanNumSigmaClip Rejection threshold (sigma) for collapsing overscan before fit (float, default 3.0)
overscanNumTrailingColumnsToSkip Number of columns to skip in overscan, i.e.
overscanOrder Order of polynomial or to fit if overscan fit type is a polynomial, or number of spline knots if overscan fit type is a spline.
qa QA related configuration options.
readNoise The read noise to use if no Detector is present in the Exposure (float, default 0.0)
safe Safety margin for CFHT sensors gain determination (float, default 0.95)
saturatedMaskName Name of mask plane to use in saturation detection and interpolation (str, default 'SAT')
saturation The saturation level to use if no Detector is present in the Exposure (ignored if NaN) (float, default nan)
saveMetadata Flag to enable/disable metadata saving for a task, enabled by default.
strayLight y-band stray light correction (ConfigurableInstance, default <class 'lsst.ip.isr.straylight.StrayLightConfig'>)
suspectMaskName Name of mask plane to use for suspect pixels (str, default 'SUSPECT')
useFallbackDate Pass observation date when using fallback filter.
vignette Vignetting task.

Methods Summary

compare(other[, shortcut, rtol, atol, output]) Compare this configuration to another Config for equality.
formatHistory(name, **kwargs) Format a configuration field’s history to a human-readable format.
freeze() Make this config, and all subconfigs, read-only.
items() Get configurations as (field name, field value) pairs.
iteritems() Iterate over (field name, field value) pairs.
iterkeys() Iterate over field names
itervalues() Iterate over field values.
keys() Get field names.
load(filename[, root]) Modify this config in place by executing the Python code in a configuration file.
loadFromStream(stream[, root, filename]) Modify this Config in place by executing the Python code in the provided stream.
names() Get all the field names in the config, recursively.
save(filename[, root]) Save a Python script to the named file, which, when loaded, reproduces this config.
saveToStream(outfile[, root, skipImports]) Save a configuration file to a stream, which, when loaded, reproduces this config.
setDefaults() Subclass hook for computing defaults.
toDict() Make a dictionary of field names and their values.
update(**kw) Update values of fields specified by the keyword arguments.
validate() Validate the Config, raising an exception if invalid.
values() Get field values.

Attributes Documentation


CCD assembly task (ConfigurableInstance, default <class 'lsst.ip.isr.assembleCcdTask.AssembleCcdConfig'>)


How to estimate the average value for BAD regions. (str, default 'MEANCLIP')

Allowed values:

Correct using the (clipped) mean of good data
Correct using the median of the good data
Field is optional

Name of the bias data product (str, default 'bias')


Should the gain be applied when applying the brighter fatter correction? (bool, default True)


The level at which to correct for brighter-fatter. (str, default 'DETECTOR')

Allowed values:

Every amplifier treated separately.
One kernel per detector
Field is optional

Maximum number of iterations for the brighter fatter correction (int, default 10)


Threshold used to stop iterating the brighter fatter correction. It is the absolute value of the difference between the current corrected image and the one from the previous iteration summed over all the pixels. (float, default 1000)


Configurations describing the connections of the PipelineTask to datatypes (Connections, default <class 'lsst.pipe.base.config.Connections'>)


Intra-CCD crosstalk correction (ConfigurableInstance, default <class 'lsst.ip.isr.crosstalk.CrosstalkConfig'>)


Name of the dark data product (str, default 'dark')


Dataset type for input data; users will typically leave this alone, but camera-specific ISR tasks will override it (str, default 'raw')


Default value for fluxMag0T1 (for an unrecognized filter). (float, default 158489319246.11172)


Apply a distortion model based on camera geometry to the WCS? Deprecated: Camera geometry is incorporated when reading the raw files. This option no longer is used, and will be removed after v19. (bool, default True)


Correct the amplifiers for their gains instead of applying flat correction (bool, default False)


Assemble amp-level exposures into a ccd-level exposure? (bool, default True)


Assemble amp-level calibration exposures into ccd-level exposure? (bool, default False)


Construct and attach a wavelength-dependent throughput curve for this CCD image? (bool, default False)


Apply bias frame correction? (bool, default True)


Apply the brighter fatter correction (bool, default False)


Mask camera-specific bad regions? (bool, default False)


Convert integer raw images to floating point values? (bool, default True)


Apply intra-CCD crosstalk correction? (bool, default False)


Apply crosstalk correction before CCD assembly, and before trimming? (bool, default False)


Apply dark frame correction? (bool, default True)


Apply correction for CCD defects, e.g. hot pixels? (bool, default True)


Calculate empirical read noise instead of value from AmpInfo data? (bool, default False)


Apply flat field correction? (bool, default True)


Apply fringe correction? (bool, default True)


Perform illumination correction? (bool, default False)


Interpolate masked pixels? (bool, default True)


Correct for nonlinearity of the detector’s response? (bool, default True)


Measure the background level on the reduced image? (bool, default False)


If True, ensure we interpolate NaNs after flat-fielding, even if we also have to interpolate them before flat-fielding. (bool, default False)


Perform interpolation over pixels masked as NaN? NB: This is independent of doNanMasking; if that is False this plane will likely be blank, resulting in a no-op here. (bool, default True)


Mask NAN pixels? (bool, default True)


Do overscan subtraction? (bool, default True)


Mask saturated pixels? NB: this is totally independent of the interpolation option - this is ONLY setting the bits in the mask. To have them interpolated make sure doSaturationInterpolation=True (bool, default True)


Perform interpolation over pixels masked as saturated? NB: This is independent of doSaturation; if that is False this plane will likely be blank, resulting in a no-op here. (bool, default True)


Save a copy of the pre-interpolated pixel values? (bool, default False)


Should we set the level of all BAD patches of the chip to the chip’s average value? (bool, default True)


Subtract stray light in the y-band (due to encoder LEDs)? (bool, default False)


Mask suspect pixels? (bool, default False)


Trim raw data to match calibration bounding boxes? (bool, default False)


Tweak flats to match observed amplifier ratios? (bool, default False)


Load and use transmission_atmosphere (if doAttachTransmissionCurve is True)? (bool, default True)


Load and use transmission_filter (if doAttachTransmissionCurve is True)? (bool, default True)


Load and use transmission_optics (if doAttachTransmissionCurve is True)? (bool, default True)


Load and use transmission_sensor (if doAttachTransmissionCurve is True)? (bool, default True)


Calculate variance? (bool, default True)


Apply vignetting parameters? (bool, default False)


Widen bleed trails based on their width? (bool, default True)


Persist postISRCCD? (bool, default True)


Expect input science images to have a WCS (set False for e.g. spectrographs). (bool, default True)


Fallback default filter name for calibrations. (str, default None)


Name of the flat data product (str, default 'flat')


The method for scaling the flat on the fly. (str, default 'USER')

Allowed values:

Scale by flatUserScale
Scale by the inverse of the mean
Scale by the inverse of the median
Field is optional

If flatScalingType is ‘USER’ then scale flat by this amount; ignored otherwise (float, default 1.0)


The approximate flux of a zero-magnitude object in a one-second exposure, per filter. (Dict, default {'Unknown': 158489319246.11172})


Fringe subtraction task (ConfigurableInstance, default <class 'lsst.ip.isr.fringe.FringeConfig'>)


Do fringe subtraction after flat-fielding? (bool, default True)


FWHM of PSF in arcseconds. (float, default 1.0)


The gain to use if no Detector is present in the Exposure (ignored if NaN) (float, default nan)


Number of pixels by which to grow the saturation footprints (int, default 1)


Only perform illumination correction for these filters. (List, default [])


Scale factor for the illumination correction. (float, default 1.0)


Name of the illumination correction data product. (str, default 'illumcor')


List of mask planes that should be interpolated. (List, default ['SAT', 'BAD', 'UNMASKEDNAN'])


Masking task. (ConfigurableInstance, default <class 'lsst.ip.isr.masking.MaskingConfig'>)


Normalize all the amplifiers in each CCD to have the same median value. (bool, default False)


Number of edge pixels to be flagged as untrustworthy. (int, default 0)


Fit the overscan in a piecewise-fashion to correct for bias jumps? (bool, default False)


List of devices that need piecewise overscan correction. (List, default ())


Header keyword containing information about devices. (str, default 'NO_SUCH_KEY')


Location of bias jump along y-axis. (int, default 0)


The method for fitting the overscan bias level. (str, default 'MEDIAN')

Allowed values:

Fit ordinary polynomial to the longest axis of the overscan region
Fit Chebyshev polynomial to the longest axis of the overscan region
Fit Legendre polynomial to the longest axis of the overscan region
Fit natural spline to the longest axis of the overscan region
Fit cubic spline to the longest axis of the overscan region
Fit Akima spline to the longest axis of the overscan region
Correct using the mean of the overscan region
Correct using a clipped mean of the overscan region
Correct using the median of the overscan region
Field is optional

Treat overscan as an integer image for purposes of overscan.FitType=MEDIAN (bool, default True)


Maximum deviation from the median for overscan (float, default 1000.0)


Number of columns to skip in overscan, i.e. those closest to amplifier (int, default 0)


Rejection threshold (sigma) for collapsing overscan before fit (float, default 3.0)


Number of columns to skip in overscan, i.e. those farthest from amplifier (int, default 0)


Order of polynomial or to fit if overscan fit type is a polynomial, or number of spline knots if overscan fit type is a spline. (int, default 1)


QA related configuration options. (IsrQaConfig, default <class 'lsst.ip.isr.isrQa.IsrQaConfig'>)


The read noise to use if no Detector is present in the Exposure (float, default 0.0)


Safety margin for CFHT sensors gain determination (float, default 0.95)


Name of mask plane to use in saturation detection and interpolation (str, default 'SAT')


The saturation level to use if no Detector is present in the Exposure (ignored if NaN) (float, default nan)


Flag to enable/disable metadata saving for a task, enabled by default. (bool, default True)


y-band stray light correction (ConfigurableInstance, default <class 'lsst.ip.isr.straylight.StrayLightConfig'>)


Name of mask plane to use for suspect pixels (str, default 'SUSPECT')


Pass observation date when using fallback filter. (bool, default False)


Vignetting task. (ConfigurableInstance, default <class 'lsst.ip.isr.vignette.VignetteConfig'>)

Methods Documentation

compare(other, shortcut=True, rtol=1e-08, atol=1e-08, output=None)

Compare this configuration to another Config for equality.

other : lsst.pex.config.Config

Other Config object to compare against this config.

shortcut : bool, optional

If True, return as soon as an inequality is found. Default is True.

rtol : float, optional

Relative tolerance for floating point comparisons.

atol : float, optional

Absolute tolerance for floating point comparisons.

output : callable, optional

A callable that takes a string, used (possibly repeatedly) to report inequalities.

isEqual : bool

True when the two lsst.pex.config.Config instances are equal. False if there is an inequality.


Unselected targets of RegistryField fields and unselected choices of ConfigChoiceField fields are not considered by this method.

Floating point comparisons are performed by numpy.allclose.

formatHistory(name, **kwargs)

Format a configuration field’s history to a human-readable format.

name : str

Name of a Field in this config.


Keyword arguments passed to lsst.pex.config.history.format.

history : str

A string containing the formatted history.


Make this config, and all subconfigs, read-only.


Get configurations as (field name, field value) pairs.

items : list

List of tuples for each configuration. Tuple items are:

  1. Field name.
  2. Field value.

Iterate over (field name, field value) pairs.

item : tuple

Tuple items are:

  1. Field name.
  2. Field value.

Iterate over field names

key : str

A field’s key (attribute name).


Iterate over field values.

value : obj

A field value.


Get field names.

names : list

List of lsst.pex.config.Field names.

load(filename, root='config')

Modify this config in place by executing the Python code in a configuration file.

filename : str

Name of the configuration file. A configuration file is Python module.

root : str, optional

Name of the variable in file that refers to the config being overridden.

For example, the value of root is "config" and the file contains:

config.myField = 5

Then this config’s field myField is set to 5.

Deprecated: For backwards compatibility, older config files that use root="root" instead of root="config" will be loaded with a warning printed to sys.stderr. This feature will be removed at some point.

See also

lsst.pex.config.Config.loadFromStream,, lsst.pex.config.Config.saveFromStream

loadFromStream(stream, root='config', filename=None)

Modify this Config in place by executing the Python code in the provided stream.

stream : file-like object, str, or compiled string

Stream containing configuration override code.

root : str, optional

Name of the variable in file that refers to the config being overridden.

For example, the value of root is "config" and the file contains:

config.myField = 5

Then this config’s field myField is set to 5.

Deprecated: For backwards compatibility, older config files that use root="root" instead of root="config" will be loaded with a warning printed to sys.stderr. This feature will be removed at some point.

filename : str, optional

Name of the configuration file, or None if unknown or contained in the stream. Used for error reporting.

See also

lsst.pex.config.Config.load,, lsst.pex.config.Config.saveFromStream


Get all the field names in the config, recursively.

names : list of str

Field names.

save(filename, root='config')

Save a Python script to the named file, which, when loaded, reproduces this config.

filename : str

Desination filename of this configuration.

root : str, optional

Name to use for the root config variable. The same value must be used when loading (see lsst.pex.config.Config.load).

saveToStream(outfile, root='config', skipImports=False)

Save a configuration file to a stream, which, when loaded, reproduces this config.

outfile : file-like object

Destination file object write the config into. Accepts strings not bytes.


Name to use for the root config variable. The same value must be used when loading (see lsst.pex.config.Config.load).

skipImports : bool, optional

If True then do not include import statements in output, this is to support human-oriented output from pipetask where additional clutter is not useful.


Subclass hook for computing defaults.


Derived Config classes that must compute defaults rather than using the Field instances’s defaults should do so here. To correctly use inherited defaults, implementations of setDefaults must call their base class’s setDefaults.


Make a dictionary of field names and their values.

dict_ : dict

Dictionary with keys that are Field names. Values are Field values.


This method uses the toDict method of individual fields. Subclasses of Field may need to implement a toDict method for this method to work.


Update values of fields specified by the keyword arguments.


Keywords are configuration field names. Values are configuration field values.


The __at and __label keyword arguments are special internal keywords. They are used to strip out any internal steps from the history tracebacks of the config. Do not modify these keywords to subvert a Config instance’s history.


This is a config with three fields:

>>> from lsst.pex.config import Config, Field
>>> class DemoConfig(Config):
...     fieldA = Field(doc='Field A', dtype=int, default=42)
...     fieldB = Field(doc='Field B', dtype=bool, default=True)
...     fieldC = Field(doc='Field C', dtype=str, default='Hello world')
>>> config = DemoConfig()

These are the default values of each field:

>>> for name, value in config.iteritems():
...     print(f"{name}: {value}")
fieldA: 42
fieldB: True
fieldC: 'Hello world'

Using this method to update fieldA and fieldC:

>>> config.update(fieldA=13, fieldC='Updated!')

Now the values of each field are:

>>> for name, value in config.iteritems():
...     print(f"{name}: {value}")
fieldA: 13
fieldB: True
fieldC: 'Updated!'

Validate the Config, raising an exception if invalid.


Raised if verification fails.


The base class implementation performs type checks on all fields by calling their validate methods.

Complex single-field validation can be defined by deriving new Field types. For convenience, some derived lsst.pex.config.Field-types (ConfigField and ConfigChoiceField) are defined in lsst.pex.config that handle recursing into subconfigs.

Inter-field relationships should only be checked in derived Config classes after calling this method, and base validation is complete.


Get field values.

values : list

List of field values.