
class lsst.daf.butler.DatasetRef

Bases: object

Reference to a Dataset in a Registry.

A DatasetRef may point to a Dataset that currently does not yet exist (e.g., because it is a predicted input for provenance).

datasetType : DatasetType

The DatasetType for this Dataset.

dataId : DataCoordinate

A mapping of dimensions that labels the Dataset within a Collection.

id : int, optional

The unique integer identifier assigned when the dataset is created.

run : str, optional

The name of the run this dataset was associated with when it was created.

hash : bytes, optional

A hash of the dataset type and data ID. Should only be provided if copying from another DatasetRef with the same dataset type and data ID.

components : dict, optional

A dictionary mapping component name to a DatasetRef for that component. Should not be passed unless id is also provided (i.e. if this is a “resolved” reference).

conform : bool, optional

If True (default), call DataCoordinate.standardize to ensure that the data ID’s dimensions are consistent with the dataset type’s. DatasetRef instances for which those dimensions are not equal should not be created in new code, but are still supported for backwards compatibility. New code should only pass False if it can guarantee that the dimensions are already consistent.


Raised if run or components is provided but id is not, or if a component dataset is inconsistent with the storage class.

Attributes Summary

components Named DatasetRef components (Mapping or None).
dataId A mapping of Dimension primary key values that labels the dataset within a Collection (DataCoordinate).
datasetType The definition of this dataset (DatasetType).
dimensions The dimensions associated with the underlying DatasetType
hash Secure hash of the DatasetType name and data ID (bytes).
id Primary key of the dataset (int or None).
run The name of the run that produced the dataset.

Methods Summary

expanded(dataId) Return a new DatasetRef with the given expanded data ID.
isComponent() Boolean indicating whether this DatasetRef refers to a component of a composite.
isComposite() Boolean indicating whether this DatasetRef is a composite type.
resolved(id, run, components, …) Return a new DatasetRef with the same data ID and dataset type and the given ID and run.
unresolved() Return a new DatasetRef with the same data ID and dataset type, but no ID, run, or components.

Attributes Documentation


Named DatasetRef components (Mapping or None).

For resolved DatasetRef instances, this is a read-only mapping that can be updated in-place via Registry.attachComponent(). For unresolved instances, this is always None.


A mapping of Dimension primary key values that labels the dataset within a Collection (DataCoordinate).

Cannot be changed after a DatasetRef is constructed.


The definition of this dataset (DatasetType).

Cannot be changed after a DatasetRef is constructed.


The dimensions associated with the underlying DatasetType


Secure hash of the DatasetType name and data ID (bytes).


Primary key of the dataset (int or None).

Cannot be changed after a DatasetRef is constructed; use resolved or unresolved to add or remove this information when creating a new DatasetRef.


The name of the run that produced the dataset.

Cannot be changed after a DatasetRef is constructed; use resolved or unresolved to add or remove this information when creating a new DatasetRef.

Methods Documentation

expanded(dataId: lsst.daf.butler.core.dimensions.coordinate.ExpandedDataCoordinate) → lsst.daf.butler.core.datasets.ref.DatasetRef

Return a new DatasetRef with the given expanded data ID.

dataId : ExpandedDataCoordinate

Data ID for the new DatasetRef. Must compare equal to the original data ID.

ref : DatasetRef

A new DatasetRef with the given data ID.

isComponent() → bool

Boolean indicating whether this DatasetRef refers to a component of a composite.

isComponent : bool

True if this DatasetRef is a component, False otherwise.

isComposite() → bool

Boolean indicating whether this DatasetRef is a composite type.

isComposite : bool

True if this DatasetRef is a composite type, False otherwise.

resolved(id: int, run: str, components: Optional[Mapping[str, lsst.daf.butler.core.datasets.ref.DatasetRef]] = None) → lsst.daf.butler.core.datasets.ref.DatasetRef

Return a new DatasetRef with the same data ID and dataset type and the given ID and run.

id : int

The unique integer identifier assigned when the dataset is created.

run : str

The run this dataset was associated with when it was created.

components : dict, optional

A dictionary mapping component name to a DatasetRef for that component. If self is already a resolved DatasetRef, its components will be merged with this dictionary, with this dictionary taking precedence.

ref : DatasetRef

A new DatasetRef.

unresolved() → lsst.daf.butler.core.datasets.ref.DatasetRef

Return a new DatasetRef with the same data ID and dataset type, but no ID, run, or components.

ref : DatasetRef

A new DatasetRef.


This can be used to compare only the data ID and dataset type of a pair of DatasetRef instances, regardless of whether either is resolved:

if ref1.unresolved() == ref2.unresolved():