
class lsst.dax.apdb.ApdbConfig

Bases: lsst.pex.config.Config

Attributes Summary

cardinality_hint If non-zero then use cardinality hint (int, default 0)
column_map Location of (YAML) configuration file with column mapping (str, default '/opt/lsst/software/stack/stack/miniconda3-4.7.10-4d7b902/Linux64/dax_apdb/19.0.0-1-ge272bc4+17/data/apdb-afw-map.yaml')
connection_pool If False then disable SQLAlchemy connection pool.
connection_timeout Maximum time to wait time for database lock to be released before exiting.
db_url SQLAlchemy database connection URI (str)
dia_object_columns List of columns to read from DiaObject, by default read all columns (List, default [])
dia_object_index Indexing mode for DiaObject table (str, default 'baseline')
dia_object_nightly Use separate nightly table for DiaObject (bool, default False)
diaobject_index_hint Name of the index to use with Oracle index hint (str, default None)
dynamic_sampling_hint If non-zero then use dynamic_sampling hint (int, default 0)
explain If True then run EXPLAIN SQL command on each executed query (bool, default False)
extra_schema_file Location of (YAML) configuration file with extra schema (str, default '/opt/lsst/software/stack/stack/miniconda3-4.7.10-4d7b902/Linux64/dax_apdb/19.0.0-1-ge272bc4+17/data/apdb-schema-extra.yaml')
isolation_level Transaction isolation level (str, default 'READ_COMMITTED')
object_last_replace If True (default) then use “upsert” for DiaObjectsLast table (bool, default True)
prefix Prefix to add to table names and index names (str, default '')
read_forced_sources_months Number of months of history to read from DiaForcedSource (int, default 12)
read_sources_months Number of months of history to read from DiaSource (int, default 12)
schema_file Location of (YAML) configuration file with standard schema (str, default '/opt/lsst/software/stack/stack/miniconda3-4.7.10-4d7b902/Linux64/dax_apdb/19.0.0-1-ge272bc4+17/data/apdb-schema.yaml')
sql_echo If True then pass SQLAlchemy echo option.
timer If True then print/log timing information (bool, default False)

Methods Summary

compare(other[, shortcut, rtol, atol, output]) Compare this configuration to another Config for equality.
formatHistory(name, **kwargs) Format a configuration field’s history to a human-readable format.
freeze() Make this config, and all subconfigs, read-only.
items() Get configurations as (field name, field value) pairs.
iteritems() Iterate over (field name, field value) pairs.
iterkeys() Iterate over field names
itervalues() Iterate over field values.
keys() Get field names.
load(filename[, root]) Modify this config in place by executing the Python code in a configuration file.
loadFromStream(stream[, root, filename]) Modify this Config in place by executing the Python code in the provided stream.
names() Get all the field names in the config, recursively.
save(filename[, root]) Save a Python script to the named file, which, when loaded, reproduces this config.
saveToStream(outfile[, root, skipImports]) Save a configuration file to a stream, which, when loaded, reproduces this config.
setDefaults() Subclass hook for computing defaults.
toDict() Make a dictionary of field names and their values.
update(**kw) Update values of fields specified by the keyword arguments.
validate() Validate the Config, raising an exception if invalid.
values() Get field values.

Attributes Documentation


If non-zero then use cardinality hint (int, default 0)


Location of (YAML) configuration file with column mapping (str, default '/opt/lsst/software/stack/stack/miniconda3-4.7.10-4d7b902/Linux64/dax_apdb/19.0.0-1-ge272bc4+17/data/apdb-afw-map.yaml')


If False then disable SQLAlchemy connection pool. Do not use connection pool when forking. (bool, default True)


Maximum time to wait time for database lock to be released before exiting. Defaults to sqlachemy defaults if not set. (float, default None)


SQLAlchemy database connection URI (str)


List of columns to read from DiaObject, by default read all columns (List, default [])


Indexing mode for DiaObject table (str, default 'baseline')

Allowed values:

Index defined in baseline schema
(pixelId, objectId, iovStart) PK
Separate DiaObjectLast table
Field is optional

Use separate nightly table for DiaObject (bool, default False)


Name of the index to use with Oracle index hint (str, default None)


If non-zero then use dynamic_sampling hint (int, default 0)


If True then run EXPLAIN SQL command on each executed query (bool, default False)


Location of (YAML) configuration file with extra schema (str, default '/opt/lsst/software/stack/stack/miniconda3-4.7.10-4d7b902/Linux64/dax_apdb/19.0.0-1-ge272bc4+17/data/apdb-schema-extra.yaml')


Transaction isolation level (str, default 'READ_COMMITTED')

Allowed values:

Read committed
Read uncommitted
Repeatable read
Field is optional

If True (default) then use “upsert” for DiaObjectsLast table (bool, default True)


Prefix to add to table names and index names (str, default '')


Number of months of history to read from DiaForcedSource (int, default 12)


Number of months of history to read from DiaSource (int, default 12)


Location of (YAML) configuration file with standard schema (str, default '/opt/lsst/software/stack/stack/miniconda3-4.7.10-4d7b902/Linux64/dax_apdb/19.0.0-1-ge272bc4+17/data/apdb-schema.yaml')


If True then pass SQLAlchemy echo option. (bool, default False)


If True then print/log timing information (bool, default False)

Methods Documentation

compare(other, shortcut=True, rtol=1e-08, atol=1e-08, output=None)

Compare this configuration to another Config for equality.

other : lsst.pex.config.Config

Other Config object to compare against this config.

shortcut : bool, optional

If True, return as soon as an inequality is found. Default is True.

rtol : float, optional

Relative tolerance for floating point comparisons.

atol : float, optional

Absolute tolerance for floating point comparisons.

output : callable, optional

A callable that takes a string, used (possibly repeatedly) to report inequalities.

isEqual : bool

True when the two lsst.pex.config.Config instances are equal. False if there is an inequality.


Unselected targets of RegistryField fields and unselected choices of ConfigChoiceField fields are not considered by this method.

Floating point comparisons are performed by numpy.allclose.

formatHistory(name, **kwargs)

Format a configuration field’s history to a human-readable format.

name : str

Name of a Field in this config.


Keyword arguments passed to lsst.pex.config.history.format.

history : str

A string containing the formatted history.


Make this config, and all subconfigs, read-only.


Get configurations as (field name, field value) pairs.

items : list

List of tuples for each configuration. Tuple items are:

  1. Field name.
  2. Field value.

Iterate over (field name, field value) pairs.

item : tuple

Tuple items are:

  1. Field name.
  2. Field value.

Iterate over field names

key : str

A field’s key (attribute name).


Iterate over field values.

value : obj

A field value.


Get field names.

names : list

List of lsst.pex.config.Field names.

load(filename, root='config')

Modify this config in place by executing the Python code in a configuration file.

filename : str

Name of the configuration file. A configuration file is Python module.

root : str, optional

Name of the variable in file that refers to the config being overridden.

For example, the value of root is "config" and the file contains:

config.myField = 5

Then this config’s field myField is set to 5.

Deprecated: For backwards compatibility, older config files that use root="root" instead of root="config" will be loaded with a warning printed to sys.stderr. This feature will be removed at some point.

See also

lsst.pex.config.Config.loadFromStream, lsst.pex.config.Config.save, lsst.pex.config.Config.saveFromStream

loadFromStream(stream, root='config', filename=None)

Modify this Config in place by executing the Python code in the provided stream.

stream : file-like object, str, or compiled string

Stream containing configuration override code.

root : str, optional

Name of the variable in file that refers to the config being overridden.

For example, the value of root is "config" and the file contains:

config.myField = 5

Then this config’s field myField is set to 5.

Deprecated: For backwards compatibility, older config files that use root="root" instead of root="config" will be loaded with a warning printed to sys.stderr. This feature will be removed at some point.

filename : str, optional

Name of the configuration file, or None if unknown or contained in the stream. Used for error reporting.

See also

lsst.pex.config.Config.load, lsst.pex.config.Config.save, lsst.pex.config.Config.saveFromStream


Get all the field names in the config, recursively.

names : list of str

Field names.

save(filename, root='config')

Save a Python script to the named file, which, when loaded, reproduces this config.

filename : str

Desination filename of this configuration.

root : str, optional

Name to use for the root config variable. The same value must be used when loading (see lsst.pex.config.Config.load).

saveToStream(outfile, root='config', skipImports=False)

Save a configuration file to a stream, which, when loaded, reproduces this config.

outfile : file-like object

Destination file object write the config into. Accepts strings not bytes.


Name to use for the root config variable. The same value must be used when loading (see lsst.pex.config.Config.load).

skipImports : bool, optional

If True then do not include import statements in output, this is to support human-oriented output from pipetask where additional clutter is not useful.


Subclass hook for computing defaults.


Derived Config classes that must compute defaults rather than using the Field instances’s defaults should do so here. To correctly use inherited defaults, implementations of setDefaults must call their base class’s setDefaults.


Make a dictionary of field names and their values.

dict_ : dict

Dictionary with keys that are Field names. Values are Field values.


This method uses the toDict method of individual fields. Subclasses of Field may need to implement a toDict method for this method to work.


Update values of fields specified by the keyword arguments.


Keywords are configuration field names. Values are configuration field values.


The __at and __label keyword arguments are special internal keywords. They are used to strip out any internal steps from the history tracebacks of the config. Do not modify these keywords to subvert a Config instance’s history.


This is a config with three fields:

>>> from lsst.pex.config import Config, Field
>>> class DemoConfig(Config):
...     fieldA = Field(doc='Field A', dtype=int, default=42)
...     fieldB = Field(doc='Field B', dtype=bool, default=True)
...     fieldC = Field(doc='Field C', dtype=str, default='Hello world')
>>> config = DemoConfig()

These are the default values of each field:

>>> for name, value in config.iteritems():
...     print(f"{name}: {value}")
fieldA: 42
fieldB: True
fieldC: 'Hello world'

Using this method to update fieldA and fieldC:

>>> config.update(fieldA=13, fieldC='Updated!')

Now the values of each field are:

>>> for name, value in config.iteritems():
...     print(f"{name}: {value}")
fieldA: 13
fieldB: True
fieldC: 'Updated!'

Validate the Config, raising an exception if invalid.


Raised if verification fails.


The base class implementation performs type checks on all fields by calling their validate methods.

Complex single-field validation can be defined by deriving new Field types. For convenience, some derived lsst.pex.config.Field-types (ConfigField and ConfigChoiceField) are defined in lsst.pex.config that handle recursing into subconfigs.

Inter-field relationships should only be checked in derived Config classes after calling this method, and base validation is complete.


Get field values.

values : list

List of field values.