
class lsst.afw.cameraGeom.testUtils.CameraWrapper(plateScale=20.0, radialDistortion=0.925, isLsstLike=False)

Bases: object

A simple Camera and the data used to construct it

Intended for use with unit tests, thus saves some interesting information.

plateScale : float

Plate scale in arcsec/mm; 20.0 is for LSST.

radialDistortion : float

Radial distortion, in mm/rad^2. The r^3 coefficient of the radial distortion polynomial that converts FIELD_ANGLE in radians to FOCAL_PLANE in mm; 0.925 is the value Dave Monet measured for lsstSim data.

isLsstLike : bool.

Make repository products with one raw image per amplifier (True) or with one raw image per detector (False).

Attributes Summary

nDetectors Return the number of detectors

Methods Summary

makeAmpLists(ampFile[, isLsstLike]) Construct a dict of list of Amplifer, one list per detector.
makeDetectorConfigs(detFile) Construct a list of DetectorConfig, one per detector
makeTestRepositoryItems([isLsstLike]) Make camera config and amp catalog dictionary, using default detector and amp files.

Attributes Documentation


Return the number of detectors

Methods Documentation

makeAmpLists(ampFile, isLsstLike=False)

Construct a dict of list of Amplifer, one list per detector.

ampFile : str

Path to amplifier data file.

isLsstLike : bool

If True then there is one raw image per amplifier; if False then there is one raw image per detector.


Construct a list of DetectorConfig, one per detector


Make camera config and amp catalog dictionary, using default detector and amp files.

isLsstLike : bool

If True then there is one raw image per amplifier; if False then there is one raw image per detector.