
class lsst.cbp.testUtils.SampleCoordinateConverter(detectorFracPosList=None, holeFracPosList=None, telFlipX=False, cbpFlipX=False)

Bases: object

An object containing a CoordinateConverter and the information used to create it.

detectorFracPosList : iterable of pair of float (optional)

Position of the center of each detector, as a fraction of the width and height of the detector. The first element must have value (0, 0). See the field of the same name for more information. Defaults to:

    (0, 0),
    (1.01, 0),  # 1.01: leave a 1% gap
    (-4, 7),    # a corner detector in the LSST camera
holeFracPosList : iterable of pair of float (optional)

Positions of holes on a given detector, as a fraction of the distance from lower left corner to upper right corner. Thus (0.5, 0.5) is centered on the detector. Defaults to ((0, 0), (0.75, 0.75)).



detectorWidthPix : int
Width of each detector, in pixels.
detectorHeightPix : int
Height of each detector, in pixels.
pixelSizeMm : float
Width = height of each pixel, in mm.
plateScale : lsst.geom.Angle
Plate scale: in angle on the sky per mm on the focal plane.
detectorFracPosList : iterable of pair of float
Position of the center of each detector, as a fraction of the width and height of the detector. For instance (0, 0) is a detector centered on the focal plane and (1, 0) is adjacent to a centered detector, in the direction of increasing focal plane x.
holeFracPosList : iterable of pair of float
Positions of holes on a given detector, as a fraction of the distance from lower left corner to upper right corner. Thus (0.5, 0.5) is centered on the detector.
cameraGeom : lsst.afw.cameraGeom.Camera
Camera geometry. There will be one detector per entry in detectorFracPosList with names “D0”, “D1”, … Detector “D0” is centered on the focal plane.
config : lsst.cbp.CoordinateConverterConfig
Basic configuration for coordinateConverter.
maskInfo : lsst.cbp.MaskInfo
CBP mask information.
coordinateConverter : lsst.cbp.CoordinateConverter
The test coordinate converter.

Methods Summary

makeCameraGeom() Make a camera geometry.
makeCoordinateConverterConfig(telFlipX, cbpFlipX) Make a coordinate converter config.
makeMaskInfo() Make mask information.

Methods Documentation


Make a camera geometry.

cameraGeom : lsst.afw.cameraGeom.Camera

Camera geometry.


There is one field per entry in self.detectorFracPosList with specifications set by self.detectorWidthPix, self.detectorHeightPix, and self.pixelSizeMm.

The plate scale is set by self.plateScale and the amount of optical distortion is fixed.

All detectors have the same shape (unlike LSST) and orientation (unlike HSC). Varying these is not necessary for testing the CBP and having all detectors the same simplifies the code.

makeCoordinateConverterConfig(telFlipX, cbpFlipX)

Make a coordinate converter config.

telFlipX : bool

Flip the telescope focal plane.

cbpFlipX : bool

Flip the CBP focal plane.

config : lsst.cbp.CoordinateConverterConfig

Coordinate converter config.


Make mask information.

maskInfo : lsst.cbp.MaskInfo

Mask info.


The mask will have one hole per entry in self.holeFracPosList per detector.

self.cameraGeom and self.config must be set before calling this method.