
class lsst.ctrl.bps.BpsConfig(other, search_order=None)

Bases: lsst.daf.butler.Config

Contains the configuration for a BPS submission.

other : str, dict, Config, BpsConfig

Path to a yaml file or a dict/Config/BpsConfig containing configuration to copy.

search_order : list of str, optional

Root section names in the order in which they should be searched.

Attributes Summary


Methods Summary

asArray(name) Get a value as an array.
copy() Makes a copy of config
dump(output, format) Writes the config to an output stream.
dumpToUri(uri, str], updateFile, …) Writes the config to location pointed to by given URI.
fromString(string, format) Create a new Config instance from a serialized string.
fromYaml(string) Create a new Config instance from a YAML string.
merge(other) Like Config.update, but will add keys & values from other that DO NOT EXIST in self.
nameTuples([topLevelOnly]) Get tuples representing the name hierarchies of all keys.
names([topLevelOnly, delimiter]) Get a delimited name of all the keys in the hierarchy.
pop(k[,d]) If key is not found, d is returned if given, otherwise KeyError is raised.
popitem() as a 2-tuple; but raise KeyError if D is empty.
ppprint() helper function for debugging, prints a config out in a readable way in the debugger.
search(key[, opt]) Searches for key using given opt following hierarchy rules.
toDict() Convert a Config to a standalone hierarchical dict.
update(other) Like dict.update, but will add or modify keys in nested dicts, instead of overwriting the nested dict entirely.
updateParameters(configType, config, full[, …]) Generic helper function for updating specific config parameters.

Attributes Documentation

includeKey = 'includeConfigs'
resourcesPackage = 'lsst.daf.butler'

Methods Documentation


Get a value as an array.

May contain one or more elements.

name : str

Key to use to retrieve value.

array : collections.abc.Sequence

The value corresponding to name, but guaranteed to be returned as a list with at least one element. If the value is a Sequence (and not a str) the value itself will be returned, else the value will be the first element.

clear() → None. Remove all items from D.

Makes a copy of config

copy : BpsConfig

A duplicate of itself

dump(output: Optional[IO] = None, format: str = 'yaml') → Optional[str]

Writes the config to an output stream.

output : IO, optional

The stream to use for output. If None the serialized content will be returned.

format : str, optional

The format to use for the output. Can be “yaml” or “json”.

serialized : str or None

If a stream was given the stream will be used and the return value will be None. If the stream was None the serialization will be returned as a string.

dumpToUri(uri: Union[lsst.daf.butler.core._butlerUri._butlerUri.ButlerURI, str], updateFile: bool = True, defaultFileName: str = 'butler.yaml', overwrite: bool = True) → None

Writes the config to location pointed to by given URI.

Currently supports ‘s3’ and ‘file’ URI schemes.

uri: `str` or `ButlerURI`

URI of location where the Config will be written.

updateFile : bool, optional

If True and uri does not end on a filename with extension, will append defaultFileName to the target uri. True by default.

defaultFileName : bool, optional

The file name that will be appended to target uri if updateFile is True and uri does not end on a file with an extension.

overwrite : bool, optional

If True the configuration will be written even if it already exists at that location.

classmethod fromString(string: str, format: str = 'yaml') → lsst.daf.butler.core.config.Config

Create a new Config instance from a serialized string.

string : str

String containing content in specified format

format : str, optional

Format of the supplied string. Can be json or yaml.

c : Config

Newly-constructed Config.

classmethod fromYaml(string: str) → lsst.daf.butler.core.config.Config

Create a new Config instance from a YAML string.

string : str

String containing content in YAML format

c : Config

Newly-constructed Config.

get(k[, d]) → D[k] if k in D, else d. d defaults to None.
items() → a set-like object providing a view on D's items
keys() → a set-like object providing a view on D's keys

Like Config.update, but will add keys & values from other that DO NOT EXIST in self.

Keys and values that already exist in self will NOT be overwritten.

other : dict or Config

Source of configuration:


Get tuples representing the name hierarchies of all keys.

The tuples returned from this method are guaranteed to be usable to access items in the configuration object.

topLevelOnly : bool, optional

If False, the default, a full hierarchy of names is returned. If True, only the top level are returned.

names : list of tuple of str

List of all names present in the Config where each element in the list is a tuple of strings representing the hierarchy.

names(topLevelOnly=False, delimiter=None)

Get a delimited name of all the keys in the hierarchy.

The values returned from this method are guaranteed to be usable to access items in the configuration object.

topLevelOnly : bool, optional

If False, the default, a full hierarchy of names is returned. If True, only the top level are returned.

delimiter : str, optional

Delimiter to use when forming the keys. If the delimiter is present in any of the keys, it will be escaped in the returned names. If None given a delimiter will be automatically provided. The delimiter can not be alphanumeric.

names : list of str

List of all names present in the Config.


The supplied delimiter is alphanumeric.


This is different than the built-in method dict.keys, which will return only the first level keys.

pop(k[, d]) → v, remove specified key and return the corresponding value.

If key is not found, d is returned if given, otherwise KeyError is raised.

popitem() → (k, v), remove and return some (key, value) pair

as a 2-tuple; but raise KeyError if D is empty.


helper function for debugging, prints a config out in a readable way in the debugger.

use: pdb> print(myConfigObject.ppprint())

s : str

A prettyprint formatted string representing the config

search(key, opt=None)

Searches for key using given opt following hierarchy rules.

Search hierarchy rules: current values, a given search object, and search order of config sections.

key : str

Key to look for in config.

opt : dict, optional

Options dictionary to use while searching. All are optional.


Means to pass in values for search order key (curr_<sectname>) or variable replacements. (dict, optional)


Value to return if not found. (Any, optional)


If search result is string, whether to replace variables inside it. By default set to True. (bool)


If replacing variables, whether to raise exception if variable is undefined. By default set to False. (bool)

found : bool

Whether name was in config or not

value : str, int, BpsConfig, …

Value from config if found

setdefault(k[, d]) → D.get(k,d), also set D[k]=d if k not in D

Convert a Config to a standalone hierarchical dict.

d : dict

The standalone hierarchical dict with any Config classes in the hierarchy converted to dict.


This can be useful when passing a Config to some code that expects native Python types.


Like dict.update, but will add or modify keys in nested dicts, instead of overwriting the nested dict entirely.

For example, for the given code: foo = {“a”: {“b”: 1}} foo.update({“a”: {“c”: 2}})

other : dict or Config

Source of configuration:

  • If foo is a dict, then after the update foo == {“a”: {“c”: 2}}
  • But if foo is a Config, then after the update foo == {“a”: {“b”: 1, “c”: 2}}
static updateParameters(configType, config, full, toUpdate=None, toCopy=None, overwrite=True)

Generic helper function for updating specific config parameters.

Allows for named parameters to be set to new values in bulk, and for other values to be set by copying from a reference config.

Assumes that the supplied config is compatible with configType and will attach the updated values to the supplied config by looking for the related component key. It is assumed that config and full are from the same part of the configuration hierarchy.

configType : ConfigSubset

Config type to use to extract relevant items from config.

config : Config

A Config to update. Only the subset understood by the supplied ConfigSubset will be modified. Default values will not be inserted and the content will not be validated since mandatory keys are allowed to be missing until populated later by merging.

full : Config

A complete config with all defaults expanded that can be converted to a configType. Read-only and will not be modified by this method. Values are read from here if toCopy is defined.

Repository-specific options that should not be obtained from defaults when Butler instances are constructed should be copied from full to config.

toUpdate : dict, optional

A dict defining the keys to update and the new value to use. The keys and values can be any supported by Config assignment.

toCopy : tuple, optional

tuple of keys whose values should be copied from full into config.

overwrite : bool, optional

If False, do not modify a value in config if the key already exists. Default is always to overwrite.


Neither toUpdate not toCopy were defined.

values() → an object providing a view on D's values