
class lsst.daf.butler.registry.interfaces.DatastoreRegistryBridge(datastoreName: str)

Bases: abc.ABC

An abstract base class that defines the interface that a Datastore uses to communicate with a Registry.

datastoreName : str

Name of the Datastore as it should appear in Registry tables referencing it.

Methods Summary

check(refs, …) Check which refs are listed for this datastore.
emptyTrash() Retrieve all the dataset ref IDs that are in the trash associated for this datastore, and then remove them if the context exists without an exception being raised.
insert(refs, …) Record that a datastore holds the given datasets.
moveToTrash(refs, …) Move dataset location information to trash.

Methods Documentation

check(refs: Iterable[Union[lsst.daf.butler.core.datasets.ref.DatasetRef, lsst.daf.butler.registry.interfaces._bridge.FakeDatasetRef]]) → Iterable[Union[lsst.daf.butler.core.datasets.ref.DatasetRef, lsst.daf.butler.registry.interfaces._bridge.FakeDatasetRef]]

Check which refs are listed for this datastore.

refs : Iterable of DatasetIdRef

References to the datasets.

present : Iterable [ DatasetIdRef ]

Datasets from refs that are recorded as being in this datastore.


Raised if any( is None for ref in refs).

emptyTrash() → AbstractContextManager[Iterable[Union[lsst.daf.butler.core.datasets.ref.DatasetRef, lsst.daf.butler.registry.interfaces._bridge.FakeDatasetRef]]]

Retrieve all the dataset ref IDs that are in the trash associated for this datastore, and then remove them if the context exists without an exception being raised.

ids : set of DatasetIdRef

The IDs of datasets that can be safely removed from this datastore. Can be empty.


The object yielded by the context manager may be a single-pass iterator. If multiple passes are required, it should be converted to a list or other container.

Datastores should never raise (except perhaps in testing) when an artifact cannot be removed only because it is already gone - this condition is an unavoidable outcome of concurrent delete operations, and must not be considered and error for those to be safe.


Typical usage by a Datastore is something like:

with self.bridge.emptyTrash() as iter:
    for ref in iter:
        # Remove artifacts associated with,
        # raise an exception if something goes wrong.
insert(refs: Iterable[Union[lsst.daf.butler.core.datasets.ref.DatasetRef, lsst.daf.butler.registry.interfaces._bridge.FakeDatasetRef]]) → None

Record that a datastore holds the given datasets.

refs : Iterable of DatasetIdRef

References to the datasets.


Raised if any( is None for ref in refs).

moveToTrash(refs: Iterable[Union[lsst.daf.butler.core.datasets.ref.DatasetRef, lsst.daf.butler.registry.interfaces._bridge.FakeDatasetRef]]) → None

Move dataset location information to trash.

refs : Iterable of DatasetIdRef

References to the datasets.


Raised if any( is None for ref in refs).