
class lsst.daf.butler.registry.interfaces.OpaqueTableStorage(name: str)

Bases: abc.ABC

An interface that manages the records associated with a particular opaque table in a Registry.

name : str

Name of the opaque table.

Methods Summary

delete(**where) Remove records from an opaque table.
fetch(**where) Retrieve records from an opaque table.
insert(*data) Insert records into the table

Methods Documentation

delete(**where) → None

Remove records from an opaque table.


Additional keyword arguments are interpreted as equality constraints that restrict the deleted rows (combined with AND); keyword arguments are column names and values are the values they must have.

fetch(**where) → Iterator[dict]

Retrieve records from an opaque table.


Additional keyword arguments are interpreted as equality constraints that restrict the returned rows (combined with AND); keyword arguments are column names and values are the values they must have.

row : dict

A dictionary representing a single result row.

insert(*data) → None

Insert records into the table


Each additional positional argument is a dictionary that represents a single row to be added.