

lsst.ctrl.bps is developed at You can find Jira issues for this module under the ctrl_bps component.

Python API reference

lsst.ctrl.bps Package


BaseWmsService(config) Interface for interactions with a specific WMS.
BaseWmsWorkflow(name, config) Interface for single workflow specific to a WMS.
BpsConfig(other[, search_order]) Contains the configuration for a BPS submission.
BpsFormatter String formatter class that allows BPS config search options
ClusteredQuantumGraph([incoming_graph_data]) Graph where the data for a node is a subgraph of the full QuantumGraph represented by a list of NodeIds.
GenericWorkflow(name[, incoming_graph_data]) A generic representation of a workflow used to submit to specific workflow management systems.
GenericWorkflowFile(name, wms_transfer[, …]) Information about a file that may be needed by various workflow management services.
GenericWorkflowJob(name) Information about a job that may be needed by various workflow management services.
WmsJobReport(wms_id, name, label, state) WMS job information to be included in detailed report output
WmsRunReport(wms_id, path, label, run, …) WMS run information to be included in detailed report output
WmsStates Run and job states