
InstallGaussianPsfTask installs a Gaussian PSF model in an exposure.

Processing summary

InstallGaussianPsfTask installs a Gaussian PSF model in an exposure, creating a new PSF with the same sigma and width if a PSF already exists for the exposure. If there is not a PSF model for the exposure, the sigma and width are taken from the config.

Python API summary

from lsst.meas.algorithms.installGaussianPsf import InstallGaussianPsfTask
classInstallGaussianPsfTask(config=None, name=None, parentTask=None, log=None)

Install a Gaussian PSF model in an exposure. If the exposure already has a PSF model then the new model has the same sigma and size (width and height in pixels) of the existing model...


Access configuration fields and retargetable subtasks.


Set exposure’s PSF to a simple PSF model...

See also

See the InstallGaussianPsfTask API reference for complete details.


from lsst.afw.image import ExposureF
from lsst.meas.algorithms.installGaussianPsf import InstallGaussianPsfTask, FwhmPerSigma

exposure = ExposureF(100, 100)
task = InstallGaussianPsfTask()

 # This particular exposure had no PSF model to begin with, so the new PSF model
 # uses the config's FWHM. However, measured FWHM is based on the truncated
 # PSF image, so it does not exactly match the input
 measFwhm = exposure.getPsf().computeShape().getDeterminantRadius() * FwhmPerSigma
 assert abs(measFwhm - task.config.fwhm) < 1e-3