Action Types¶
Here is a list of the current actions implemented in analysis_tools
Please look at these carefully before adding new actions to avoid duplication.
Plot actions are covered in a separate section.
Scalar Actions¶ Package¶
Returns the median of the lowest ten values of the sorted input. |
Returns the number of non-NaN entries in the given column. |
Counts the number of unique rows in a given column. |
Compute the fraction of a distribution that is between specified minimum and maximum values, and is not NaN. |
Compute the fraction of vector entries that are NaN. |
Compute the fraction of a distribution that is above or below a specified threshold. |
Returns the maximum of the given data. |
Calculates the mean of the given data. |
Calculates the median of the given data. |
Returns the minimum of the given data. |
Calculates the sigma mad of the given data. |
Calculates the standard deviation of the given data. |
Class Inheritance Diagram¶
Vector Actions¶ Package¶
Calculate (A+B). |
Makes a mask for sources observed in a specified set of bands. |
A Config class that holds some of the parameters supported by treecorr. |
Calculate a complex value representation of the ellipticity. |
Calculate \(e_1\) (distortion-type) or \(g_1\) (shear-type). |
Calculate \(e_2\) (distortion-type) or \(g_2\) (shear-type). |
Calculate the difference of two ellipticities as a complex quantity. |
Calculate rho statistics. |
Calculate a size: \((I_{xx}I_{yy}-I_{xy}^2)^{\frac{1}{4}}\) (determinant radius) or \(\sqrt{(I_{xx}+I_{yy})/2}\) (trace radius). |
Calculate the signal-to-noise ratio from a single flux vector. |
This default setting makes it take the band from the kwargs. |
Return a constant scalar value. |
Turn nano janskies into magnitudes. |
Convert the units of a vector. |
Calculate (A/B) |
Get a vector from KeyedData, apply specified selector, return the shorter Vector. |
A selector that picks between extended and point sources. |
Compute the difference between two magnitudes and correct for extinction By default bands are derived from the <band>_ prefix on flux columns, per the naming convention in the Object Table: e.g. |
The base flag selector to use to select valid sources for QA. |
Calculate (A-B)/B. |
A selector that picks out galaxies based off of their extendedness values. |
Selects good DIA sources from diaSourceTables. |
Load and return a Vector from KeyedData. |
Calculate the difference between two magnitudes; each magnitude is derived from a flux column. |
Get a vector from KeyedData, apply specified set of selectors with AND logic, and return the shorter Vector. |
Calculate (A*B) |
Compute per-group statistic values and return result as a vector with one element per group. |
Construct a vector of RA*cos(Dec) in order to have commensurate values between RA and Dec. |
Selects rows within a range, inclusive of min/exclusive of max. |
Compute residual between individual elements of group and the per-group statistic. |
Selects sky objects in the given band(s). |
Selects sky sources from sourceTables. |
Selects points that have S/N > threshold in the given flux type. |
A selector that picks out stars based off of their extendedness values. |
Calculate (A-B). |
Return a mask corresponding to an applied threshold. |
A selector that picks out unclassified objects based off of their extendedness values. |
Load a boolean vector from KeyedData and return it for use as a selector. |
Select on a set of flags appropriate for making visit-level plots (i.e., using sourceTable_visit catalogs). |
Class Inheritance Diagram¶
KeyedData Actions¶ Package¶
Compute a |
Calculate relative distances in a matched catalog. |
Run a series of |
Extract Vector specified by |
Creates an output of type KeyedData, where the keys are given by the identifiers in |
Determine Stellar Locus fit parameters from given input |