
lsst.daf.butler.cli.cmd.collection_chain = <ButlerCommand collection-chain>

Define a collection chain.

REPO is the URI or path to an existing data repository root or configuration file.

PARENT is the name of the chained collection to create or modify. If the collection already exists the chain associated with it will be updated.

CHILDREN are the collections to be used to modify the chain. The supplied values will be split on comma. The exact usage depends on the MODE option. For example,

$ butler collection-chain REPO PARENT child1,child2 child3

will result in three children being included in the chain.

When the MODE is ‘pop’ the CHILDREN should be integer indices indicating collections to be removed from the current chain. MODE ‘pop’ can take negative integers to indicate removal relative to the end of the chain, but when doing that ‘–’ must be given to indicate the end of the options specification.

$ butler collection-chain REPO –mode=pop PARENT – -1

Will remove the final collection from the chain.