
The lsst.obs.base module provides the framework and common API for telescope/camera specific “obs” packages. New cameras will derive from the classes defined here. lsst.obs.base.tests provides the tests that all “obs” packages should pass.


lsst.obs.base is developed at You can find Jira issues for this module under the obs_base component.

Python API reference

lsst.obs.base Package


bboxFromIraf(irafBBoxStr) Return a Box2I corresponding to an IRAF-style BBOX
exposureFromImage(image[, dataId, mapper, …]) Generate an Exposure from an image-like object


CalibrationMapping(datasetType, policy, …) CalibrationMapping is a Mapping subclass for calibration-type products.
CameraMapper(policy, repositoryDir[, root, …]) CameraMapper is a base class for mappers that handle images from a camera and products derived from them.
DatasetMapping(datasetType, policy, …) DatasetMapping is a Mapping subclass for non-Exposure datasets that can be retrieved by the standard daf_persistence mechanism.
ExposureIdInfo([expId, expBits, maxBits]) Exposure ID and number of bits used.
ExposureMapping(datasetType, policy, …) ExposureMapping is a Mapping subclass for normal exposures.
ImageMapping(datasetType, policy, registry, …) ImageMapping is a Mapping subclass for non-camera images.
MakeRawVisitInfo([log]) Base class functor to make a VisitInfo from the FITS header of a raw image.
MakeRawVisitInfoViaObsInfo([log]) Base class functor to make a VisitInfo from the FITS header of a raw image using ObservationInfo translators.
Mapping(datasetType, policy, registry, …) Mapping is a base class for all mappings.

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of lsst.obs.base.mapping.CalibrationMapping, lsst.obs.base.cameraMapper.CameraMapper, lsst.obs.base.mapping.DatasetMapping, lsst.obs.base.exposureIdInfo.ExposureIdInfo, lsst.obs.base.mapping.ExposureMapping, lsst.obs.base.mapping.ImageMapping, lsst.obs.base.makeRawVisitInfo.MakeRawVisitInfo, lsst.obs.base.makeRawVisitInfoViaObsInfo.MakeRawVisitInfoViaObsInfo, lsst.obs.base.mapping.Mapping