
class lsst.obs.base.MakeRawVisitInfoViaObsInfo(log=None)

Bases: object

Base class functor to make a VisitInfo from the FITS header of a raw image using ObservationInfo translators.

Subclasses can be used if a specific MetadataTranslator translator should be used.

The design philosophy is to make a best effort and log warnings of problems, rather than raising exceptions, in order to extract as much VisitInfo information as possible from a messy FITS header without the user needing to add a lot of error handling.

log : lsst.log.Log or None

Logger to use for messages. (None to use Log.getLogger("MakeRawVisitInfoViaObsInfo")).

Attributes Summary

metadataTranslator Header translator to use to construct VisitInfo, defaulting to automatic determination.

Methods Summary

__call__(md[, exposureId]) Construct a VisitInfo and strip associated data from the metadata.

Attributes Documentation

metadataTranslator = None

Header translator to use to construct VisitInfo, defaulting to automatic determination.

Methods Documentation

__call__(md, exposureId=None)

Construct a VisitInfo and strip associated data from the metadata.

md : lsst.daf.base.PropertyList or lsst.daf.base.PropertySet

Metadata to pull from. Items that are used are stripped from the metadata.

exposureId : int, optional

Ignored. Here for compatibility with MakeRawVisitInfo.

visitInfo : lsst.afw.image.VisitInfo

VisitInfo derived from the header using a MetadataTranslator.