File GaussianProcess.h

namespace lsst

Class for a simple mapping implementing a generic AstrometryTransform.

Remove all non-astronomical counts from the Chunk Exposure’s pixels.

Forward declarations for lsst::utils::Cache

For details on the Cache class, see the Cache.h file.

It uses a template rather than a pointer so that the derived classes can use the specifics of the transform. The class simplePolyMapping overloads a few routines.

A base class for image defects

Numeric constants used by the Integrate.h integrator routines.

Compute Image Statistics


Gauss-Kronrod-Patterson quadrature coefficients for use in quadpack routine qng. These coefficients were calculated with 101 decimal digit arithmetic by L. W. Fullerton, Bell Labs, Nov 1981.


The Statistics class itself can only handle lsst::afw::image::MaskedImage() types. The philosophy has been to handle other types by making them look like lsst::afw::image::MaskedImage() and reusing that code. Users should have no need to instantiate a Statistics object directly, but should use the overloaded makeStatistics() factory functions.

namespace afw
namespace math
template<typename T>
class Covariogram
#include <GaussianProcess.h>

The parent class of covariogram functions for use in Gaussian Process interpolation

Each instantiation of a Covariogram will store its own hyper parameters

Subclassed by lsst::afw::math::NeuralNetCovariogram< T >, lsst::afw::math::SquaredExpCovariogram< T >

Public Functions

virtual ~Covariogram()
Covariogram(const Covariogram&)
Covariogram &operator=(const Covariogram&)
Covariogram &operator=(Covariogram&&)

construct a Covariogram assigning default values to the hyper parameters

virtual T operator()(ndarray::Array<const T, 1, 1> const &p1, ndarray::Array<const T, 1, 1> const &p2) const

Actually evaluate the covariogram function relating two points you want to interpolate from

  • [in] p1: the first point

  • [in] p2: the second point

template<typename T>
class GaussianProcess
#include <GaussianProcess.h>

Stores values of a function sampled on an image and allows you to interpolate the function to unsampled points

The data will be stored in a KD Tree for easy nearest neighbor searching when interpolating.

The array _function[] will contain the values of the function being interpolated. You can provide a two dimensional array _function[][] if you wish to interpolate a vector of functions. In this case _function[i][j] is the jth function associated with the ith data point. Note: presently, the covariance matrices do not relate elements of _function[i][] to each other, so the variances returned will be identical for all functions evaluated at the same point in parameter space.

_data[i][j] will be the jth component of the ith data point.

_max and _min contain the maximum and minimum values of each dimension in parameter space (if applicable) so that data points can be normalized by _max-_min to keep distances between points reasonable. This is an option specified by calling the relevant constructor.

Public Functions

GaussianProcess(const GaussianProcess&)
GaussianProcess &operator=(const GaussianProcess&)
GaussianProcess &operator=(GaussianProcess&&)
GaussianProcess(ndarray::Array<T, 2, 2> const &dataIn, ndarray::Array<T, 1, 1> const &ff, std::shared_ptr<Covariogram<T>> const &covarIn)

This is the constructor you call if you do not wish to normalize the positions of your data points and you have only one function.

  • [in] dataIn: an ndarray containing the data points; the ith row of datain is the ith data point

  • [in] ff: a one-dimensional ndarray containing the values of the scalar function associated with each data point. This is the function you are interpolating

  • [in] covarIn: is the input covariogram

GaussianProcess(ndarray::Array<T, 2, 2> const &dataIn, ndarray::Array<T, 1, 1> const &mn, ndarray::Array<T, 1, 1> const &mx, ndarray::Array<T, 1, 1> const &ff, std::shared_ptr<Covariogram<T>> const &covarIn)

This is the constructor you call if you want the positions of your data points normalized by the span of each dimension and you have only one function.

Note: the member variable _useMaxMin will allow the code to remember which constructor you invoked

  • [in] dataIn: an ndarray containing the data points; the ith row of datain is the ith data point

  • [in] mn: a one-dimensional ndarray containing the minimum values of each dimension (for normalizing the positions of data points)

  • [in] mx: a one-dimensional ndarray containing the maximum values of each dimension (for normalizing the positions of data points)

  • [in] ff: a one-dimensional ndarray containing the values of the scalar function associated with each data point. This is the function you are interpolating

  • [in] covarIn: is the input covariogram

GaussianProcess(ndarray::Array<T, 2, 2> const &dataIn, ndarray::Array<T, 2, 2> const &ff, std::shared_ptr<Covariogram<T>> const &covarIn)

this is the constructor to use in the case of a vector of input functions and an unbounded/unnormalized parameter space

  • [in] dataIn: contains the data points, as in other constructors

  • [in] ff: contains the functions. Each row of ff corresponds to a datapoint. Each column corresponds to a function (ff[i][j] is the jth function associated with the ith data point)

  • [in] covarIn: is the input covariogram

GaussianProcess(ndarray::Array<T, 2, 2> const &dataIn, ndarray::Array<T, 1, 1> const &mn, ndarray::Array<T, 1, 1> const &mx, ndarray::Array<T, 2, 2> const &ff, std::shared_ptr<Covariogram<T>> const &covarIn)

this is the constructor to use in the case of a vector of input functions using minima and maxima in parameter space

  • [in] dataIn: contains the data points, as in other constructors

  • [in] mn: contains the minimum allowed values of the parameters in parameter space

  • [in] mx: contains the maximum allowed values of the parameters in parameter space

  • [in] ff: contains the functions. Each row of ff corresponds to a datapoint. Each column corresponds to a function (ff[i][j] is the jth function associated with the ith data point)

  • [in] covarIn: is the input covariogram

int getNPoints() const

return the number of data points stored in the GaussianProcess

int getDim() const

return the dimensionality of data points stored in the GaussianProcess

void getData(ndarray::Array<T, 2, 2> pts, ndarray::Array<T, 1, 1> fn, ndarray::Array<int, 1, 1> indices) const

Return a sub-sample the data underlying the Gaussian Process

  • [out] pts: will contain the data points from the Gaussian Process

  • [out] fn: will contain the function values from the Gaussian Process

  • [in] indices: is an array of indices indicating the points to return

void getData(ndarray::Array<T, 2, 2> pts, ndarray::Array<T, 2, 2> fn, ndarray::Array<int, 1, 1> indices) const

Return a sub-sample the data underlying the Gaussian Process

  • [out] pts: will contain the data points from the Gaussian Process

  • [out] fn: will contain the function values from the Gaussian Process

  • [in] indices: is an array of indices indicating the points to return

T interpolate(ndarray::Array<T, 1, 1> variance, ndarray::Array<T, 1, 1> const &vin, int numberOfNeighbors) const

Interpolate the function value at one point using a specified number of nearest neighbors

the interpolated value of the function will be returned at the end of this method

  • [out] variance: a one-dimensional ndarray. The value of the variance predicted by the Gaussian process will be stored in the zeroth element

  • [in] vin: a one-dimensional ndarray representing the point at which you want to interpolate the function

  • [in] numberOfNeighbors: the number of nearest neighbors to be used in the interpolation

Note: if you used a normalized parameter space, you should not normalize vin before inputting. The code will remember that you want a normalized parameter space, and will apply the normalization when you call interpolate

void interpolate(ndarray::Array<T, 1, 1> mu, ndarray::Array<T, 1, 1> variance, ndarray::Array<T, 1, 1> const &vin, int numberOfNeighbors) const

This is the version of GaussianProcess::interpolate for a vector of functions.

Note: Because the variance currently only depends on the covariance function and the covariance function currently does not include any terms relating different elements of mu to each other, all of the elements of variance will be identical

  • [out] mu: will store the vector of interpolated function values

  • [out] variance: will store the vector of interpolated variances on mu

  • [in] vin: the point at which you wish to interpolate the functions

  • [in] numberOfNeighbors: is the number of nearest neighbor points to use in the interpolation

T selfInterpolate(ndarray::Array<T, 1, 1> variance, int dex, int numberOfNeighbors) const

This method will interpolate the function on a data point for purposes of optimizing hyper parameters.

The interpolated value of the function will be returned at the end of this method

  • [out] variance: a one-dimensional ndarray. The value of the variance predicted by the Gaussian process will be stored in the zeroth element

  • [in] dex: the index of the point you wish to self interpolate

  • [in] numberOfNeighbors: the number of nearest neighbors to be used in the interpolation

  • pex::exceptions::RuntimeError: if the nearest neighbor search does not find the data point itself as the nearest neighbor

This method ignores the point on which you are interpolating when requesting nearest neighbors

void selfInterpolate(ndarray::Array<T, 1, 1> mu, ndarray::Array<T, 1, 1> variance, int dex, int numberOfNeighbors) const

The version of selfInterpolate called for a vector of functions

  • [out] mu: this is where the interpolated function values will be stored

  • [out] variance: the variance on mu will be stored here

  • [in] dex: the index of the point you wish to interpolate

  • [in] numberOfNeighbors: the number of nearest neighbors to use in the interpolation

  • pex::exceptions::RuntimeError: if the nearest neighbor search does not find the data point itself as the nearest neighbor

void batchInterpolate(ndarray::Array<T, 1, 1> mu, ndarray::Array<T, 1, 1> variance, ndarray::Array<T, 2, 2> const &queries) const

Interpolate a list of query points using all of the input data (rather than nearest neighbors)

This method will attempt to construct a _npts X _npts covariance matrix C and solve the problem Cx=b. Be wary of using it in the case where _npts is very large.

  • [out] mu: a 1-dimensional ndarray where the interpolated function values will be stored

  • [out] variance: a 1-dimensional ndarray where the corresponding variances in the function value will be stored

  • [in] queries: a 2-dimensional ndarray containing the points to be interpolated. queries[i][j] is the jth component of the ith point

This version of the method will also return variances for all of the query points. That is a very time consuming calculation relative to just returning estimates for the function. Consider calling the version of this method that does not calculate variances (below). The difference in time spent is an order of magnitude for 189 data points and 1,000,000 interpolations.

void batchInterpolate(ndarray::Array<T, 1, 1> mu, ndarray::Array<T, 2, 2> const &queries) const

Interpolate a list of points using all of the data. Do not return variances for the interpolation.

This method will attempt to construct a _npts X _npts covariance matrix C and solve the problem Cx=b. Be wary of using it in the case where _npts is very large.

  • [out] mu: a 1-dimensional ndarray where the interpolated function values will be stored

  • [in] queries: a 2-dimensional ndarray containing the points to be interpolated. queries[i][j] is the jth component of the ith point

This version of the method does not return variances. It is an order of magnitude faster than the version of the method that does return variances (timing done on a case with 189 data points and 1 million query points).

void batchInterpolate(ndarray::Array<T, 2, 2> mu, ndarray::Array<T, 2, 2> variance, ndarray::Array<T, 2, 2> const &queries) const

This is the version of batchInterpolate (with variances) that is called for a vector of functions.

void batchInterpolate(ndarray::Array<T, 2, 2> mu, ndarray::Array<T, 2, 2> const &queries) const

This is the version of batchInterpolate (without variances) that is called for a vector of functions.

void addPoint(ndarray::Array<T, 1, 1> const &vin, T f)

Add a point to the pool of data used by GaussianProcess for interpolation

Note: excessive use of addPoint and removePoint can result in an unbalanced

KdTree, which will slow down nearest neighbor searches
  • [in] vin: a one-dimensional ndarray storing the point in parameter space that you are adding

  • [in] f: the value of the function at that point

  • pex::exceptions::RuntimeError: if you call this when you should have called the version taking a vector of functions (below)

  • pex::exceptions::RuntimeError: if the tree does not end up properly constructed (the exception is actually thrown by KdTree<T>::addPoint() )

void addPoint(ndarray::Array<T, 1, 1> const &vin, ndarray::Array<T, 1, 1> const &f)

This is the version of addPoint that is called for a vector of functions

Note: excessive use of addPoint and removePoint can result in an unbalanced

KdTree, which will slow down nearest neighbor searches
  • pex::exceptions::RuntimeError: if the tree does not end up properly constructed (the exception is actually thrown by KdTree<T>::addPoint() )

void removePoint(int dex)

This will remove a point from the data set

Note: excessive use of addPoint and removePoint can result in an unbalanced

KdTree, which will slow down nearest neighbor searches
  • [in] dex: the index of the point you want to remove from your data set

  • pex::exceptions::RuntimeError: if the tree does not end up properly constructed (the exception is actually thrown by KdTree<T>::removePoint() )

void setKrigingParameter(T kk)

Assign a value to the Kriging paramter

  • [in] kk: the value assigned to the Kriging parameters

void setCovariogram(std::shared_ptr<Covariogram<T>> const &covar)

Assign a different covariogram to this GaussianProcess

  • [in] covar: the Covariogram object that you wish to assign

void setLambda(T lambda)

set the value of the hyperparameter _lambda

_lambda is a parameter meant to represent the characteristic variance of the function you are interpolating. Currently, it is a scalar such that all data points must have the same characteristic variance. Future iterations of the code may want to promote _lambda to an array so that different data points can have different variances.

  • [in] lambda: the value you want assigned to _lambda

GaussianProcessTimer &getTimes() const

Give the user acces to _timer, an object keeping track of the time spent on various processes within interpolate.

This will return a GaussianProcessTimer object. The user can, for example, see how much time has been spent on Eigen’s linear algebra package (see the comments on the GaussianProcessTimer class) using code like




Private Members

int _npts
int _useMaxMin
int _dimensions
int _room
int _roomStep
int _nFunctions
T _krigingParameter
T _lambda
ndarray::Array<T, 1, 1> _max
ndarray::Array<T, 1, 1> _min
ndarray::Array<T, 2, 2> _function
KdTree<T> _kdTree
std::shared_ptr<Covariogram<T>> _covariogram
GaussianProcessTimer _timer
class GaussianProcessTimer
#include <GaussianProcess.h>

This is a structure for keeping track of how long the interpolation methods spend on different parts of the interpolation

_eigenTime keeps track of how much time is spent using Eigen’s linear algebra packages

_iterationTime keeps track of how much time is spent iterating over matrix indices (this is also a catch-all for time that does not obviously fit in the other categories)

_searchTime keeps track of how much time is spent on nearest neighbor searches (when applicable)

_varianceTime keeps track of how much time is spent calculating the variance of our interpolated function value (note: time spent using Eigen packages for this purpose is tallied here, not in _eigenTime)

_totalTime keeps track of how much time total is spent on interpolations

_interpolationCount keeps track of how many points have been interpolated

Public Functions

GaussianProcessTimer(GaussianProcessTimer const&)
GaussianProcessTimer &operator=(GaussianProcessTimer const&)
GaussianProcessTimer &operator=(GaussianProcessTimer&&)
void reset()

Resets all of the data members of GaussianProcessTimer to zero.

void start()

Starts the timer for an individual call to an interpolation routine

void addToEigen()

Adds time to _eigenTime

void addToVariance()

Adds time to _varianceTime

void addToSearch()

Adds time to _searchTime

void addToIteration()

Adds time to _iterationTime

void addToTotal(int i)

Adds time to _totalTime and adds counts to _interpolationCount

  • [in] i: the number of counts to add to _interpolationCount

void display()

Displays the current values of all times and _interpolationCount

Private Members

double _before
double _beginning
double _eigenTime
double _iterationTime
double _searchTime
double _varianceTime
double _totalTime
int _interpolationCount
template<typename T>
class KdTree
#include <GaussianProcess.h>

The data for GaussianProcess is stored in a KD tree to facilitate nearest-neighbor searches

Note: I have removed the ability to arbitrarily specify a distance function. The KD Tree nearest neighbor search algorithm only makes sense in the case of Euclidean distances, so I have forced KdTree to use Euclidean distances.

Public Functions

KdTree(const KdTree&)
KdTree &operator=(const KdTree&)
KdTree &operator=(KdTree&&)
void Initialize(ndarray::Array<T, 2, 2> const &dt)

Build a KD Tree to store the data for GaussianProcess

  • [in] dt: an array, the rows of which are the data points (dt[i][j] is the jth component of the ith data point)

  • pex::exceptions::RuntimeError: if the tree is not properly constructed

void findNeighbors(ndarray::Array<int, 1, 1> neighdex, ndarray::Array<double, 1, 1> dd, ndarray::Array<const T, 1, 1> const &v, int n_nn) const

Find the nearest neighbors of a point

neighbors will be returned in ascending order of distance

  • [out] neighdex: this is where the indices of the nearest neighbor points will be stored

  • [out] dd: this is where the distances to the nearest neighbors will be stored

  • [in] v: the point whose neighbors you want to find

  • [in] n_nn: the number of nearest neighbors you want to find

note that distance is forced to be the Euclidean distance

T getData(int ipt, int idim) const

Return one element of one node on the tree

  • [in] ipt: the index of the node to return

  • [in] idim: the index of the dimension to return

ndarray::Array<T, 1, 1> getData(int ipt) const

Return an entire node from the tree

I currently have this as a return-by-value method. When I tried it as a return-by-reference, the compiler gave me

  • [in] ipt: the index of the node to return

warning: returning reference to local temporary object

Based on my reading of Stack Overflow, this is because ndarray was implicitly creating a new ndarray::Array<T,1,1> object and passing a reference thereto. It is unclear to me whether or not this object would be destroyed once the call to getData was complete.

The code still compiled, ran, and passed the unit tests, but the above behavior seemed to me like it could be dangerous (and, because ndarray was still creating a new object, it did not seem like we were saving any time), so I reverted to return-by-value.

void addPoint(ndarray::Array<const T, 1, 1> const &v)

Add a point to the tree. Allot more space in _tree and data if needed.

  • [in] v: the point you are adding to the tree

  • pex::exceptions::RuntimeError: if the branch ending in the new point is not properly constructed

void removePoint(int dex)

Remove a point from the tree. Reorganize what remains so that the tree remains self-consistent

  • [in] dex: the index of the point you want to remove from the tree

  • pex::exceptions::RuntimeError: if the entire tree is not poperly constructed after the point has been removed

int getNPoints() const

return the number of data points stored in the tree

void getTreeNode(ndarray::Array<int, 1, 1> const &v, int dex) const

Return the _tree information for a given data point

  • [out] v: the array in which to store the entry from _tree

  • [in] dex: the index of the node whose information you are requesting

Private Types

enum [anonymous]



Private Functions

void _organize(ndarray::Array<int, 1, 1> const &use, int ct, int parent, int dir)

Find the daughter point of a node in the tree and segregate the points around it

  • [in] use: the indices of the data points being considered as possible daughters

  • [in] ct: the number of possible daughters

  • [in] parent: the index of the parent whose daughter we are chosing

  • [in] dir: which side of the parent are we on? dir==1 means that we are on the left side; dir==2 means the right side.

int _findNode(ndarray::Array<const T, 1, 1> const &v) const

Find the point already in the tree that would be the parent of a point not in the tree

  • [in] v: the points whose prospective parent you want to find

void _lookForNeighbors(ndarray::Array<const T, 1, 1> const &v, int consider, int from) const

This method actually looks for the neighbors, determining whether or not to descend branches of the tree.

The class

KdTree keeps track of how many neighbors you want and how many neighbors you have found and what their distances from v are in the class member variables _neighborsWanted, _neighborsFound, _neighborCandidates, and _neighborDistances
  • [in] v: the point whose neighbors you are looking for

  • [in] consider: the index of the data point you are considering as a possible nearest neighbor

  • [in] from: the index of the point you last considered as a nearest neighbor (so the search does not backtrack along the tree)

int _testTree() const

Make sure that the tree is properly constructed. Returns 1 of it is. Return zero if not.

int _walkUpTree(int target, int dir, int root) const

A method to make sure that every data point in the tree is in the correct position relative to its parents.

This method returns the value of _masterParent if the branch is correctly contructed. It returns zero otherwise

  • [in] target: is the index of the node you are looking at

  • [in] dir: is the direction (1,2) of the branch you ascended from root

  • [in] root: is the node you started walking up from

void _count(int where, int *ct) const

A method which counts the number of nodes descended from a given node (used by removePoint(int))

  • [in] where: the node you are currently on

  • [inout] *ct: keeps track of how many nodes you have encountered as you descend the tree

void _descend(int root)

Descend the tree from a node which has been removed, reassigning severed nodes as you go

  • root: the index of the node where you are currently

void _reassign(int target)

Reassign nodes to the tree that were severed by a call to removePoint(int)

  • target: the node you are reassigning

double _distance(ndarray::Array<const T, 1, 1> const &p1, ndarray::Array<const T, 1, 1> const &p2) const

calculate the Euclidean distance between the points p1 and p2

Private Members

ndarray::Array<int, 2, 2> _tree
ndarray::Array<int, 1, 1> _inn
ndarray::Array<T, 2, 2> _data
int _npts
int _dimensions
int _room
int _roomStep
int _masterParent
int _neighborsFound
int _neighborsWanted
ndarray::Array<double, 1, 1> _neighborDistances
ndarray::Array<int, 1, 1> _neighborCandidates
template<typename T>
class NeuralNetCovariogram : public lsst::afw::math::Covariogram<T>
#include <GaussianProcess.h>

a Covariogram that recreates a neural network with one hidden layer and infinite units in that layer

Contains two hyper parameters (_sigma0 and _sigma1) that characterize the expected variance of the function being interpolated

see Rasmussen and Williams (2006) equation 4.29

Public Functions

void setSigma0(double sigma0)

set the _sigma0 hyper parameter

void setSigma1(double sigma1)

set the _sigma1 hyper parameter

T operator()(ndarray::Array<const T, 1, 1> const &p1, ndarray::Array<const T, 1, 1> const &p2) const

Actually evaluate the covariogram function relating two points you want to interpolate from

  • [in] p1: the first point

  • [in] p2: the second point

Private Members

double _sigma0
double _sigma1
template<typename T>
class SquaredExpCovariogram : public lsst::afw::math::Covariogram<T>
#include <GaussianProcess.h>


a Covariogram that falls off as the negative exponent of the square of the distance between the points

Contains one hyper parameter (_ellSquared) encoding the square of the characteristic length scale of the covariogram

Public Functions

void setEllSquared(double ellSquared)

set the _ellSquared hyper parameter (the square of the characteristic length scale of the covariogram)

T operator()(ndarray::Array<const T, 1, 1> const &p1, ndarray::Array<const T, 1, 1> const &p2) const

Actually evaluate the covariogram function relating two points you want to interpolate from

  • [in] p1: the first point

  • [in] p2: the second point

Private Members

double _ellSquared