Class Associations

Class Documentation

class Associations

The class that implements the relations between MeasuredStar and FittedStar.

Public Functions

size_t refStarListSize()
size_t fittedStarListSize()

Source selection is performed in python, so Associations’ constructor only initializes a couple of variables.

Associations(CcdImageList const &imageList)

Create an Associations object from a pre-built list of ccdImages.

This is primarily useful for tests that build their own ccdImageList, but it could be used to help parallelize the creation of the ccdImages.

  • imageList: A pre-built ccdImage list.

Associations(Associations const&)

No moves or copies: jointcal only ever needs one Associations object.

Associations &operator=(Associations const&)
Associations &operator=(Associations&&)
void computeCommonTangentPoint()

Sets a shared tangent point for all ccdImages, using the mean of the centers of all ccdImages.

void setCommonTangentPoint(lsst::geom::Point2D const &commonTangentPoint)

Sets a shared tangent point for all ccdImages.

  • commonTangentPoint: The common tangent point of all input images (decimal degrees).

Point getCommonTangentPoint() const

can be used to project sidereal coordinates related to the image set on a plane.

void createCcdImage(afw::table::SourceCatalog &catalog, std::shared_ptr<lsst::afw::geom::SkyWcs> wcs, std::shared_ptr<lsst::afw::image::VisitInfo> visitInfo, lsst::geom::Box2I const &bbox, std::string const &filter, std::shared_ptr<afw::image::PhotoCalib> photoCalib, std::shared_ptr<afw::cameraGeom::Detector> detector, int visit, int ccd, lsst::jointcal::JointcalControl const &control)

Create a ccdImage from an exposure catalog and metadata, and add it to the list.

  • [in] catalog: The extracted source catalog, selected for good astrometric sources.

  • [in] wcs: The exposure’s original wcs

  • [in] visitInfo: The exposure’s visitInfo object

  • [in] bbox: The bounding box of the exposure

  • [in] filter: The exposure’s filter

  • [in] photoCalib: The exposure’s photometric calibration

  • [in] detector: The exposure’s detector

  • [in] visit: The visit identifier

  • [in] ccd: The ccd identifier

  • [in] control: The JointcalControl object

void addCcdImage(std::shared_ptr<CcdImage> const ccdImage)

Add a pre-constructed ccdImage to the ccdImageList.

void associateCatalogs(const double matchCutInArcsec = 0, const bool useFittedList = false, const bool enlargeFittedList = true)

incrementaly builds a merged catalog of all image catalogs

void collectRefStars(afw::table::SimpleCatalog &refCat, geom::Angle matchCut, std::string const &fluxField, float refCoordinateErr, bool rejectBadFluxes = false)

Collect stars from an external reference catalog and associate them with fittedStars.

  • refCat: The catalog of reference sources

  • [in] matchCut: Separation radius to match fitted and reference stars.

  • fluxField: The field name in refCat to get the flux from.

  • refCoordinateErr: Error on reference catalog coordinates [mas]. If not NaN, this overrides the coord_*_err values in the reference catalog itself. This value is divided by cos(dec) before being used for ra_err.

  • rejectBadFluxes: Reject reference sources with flux=NaN or 0 and/or fluxErr=NaN or 0. Typically false for astrometry and true for photometry.

void deprojectFittedStars()

Sends back the fitted stars coordinates on the sky FittedStarsList::inTangentPlaneCoordinates keeps track of that.

void prepareFittedStars(int minMeasurements)

Set the color field of FittedStar ‘s from a colored catalog.

Prepare the fittedStar list by making quality cuts and normalizing measurements.

  • [in] minMeasurements: The minimum number of measuredStars for a FittedStar to be included.

CcdImageList const &getCcdImageList() const
unsigned getNFilters() const

Number of different bands in the input image list. Not implemented so far.

lsst::sphgeom::Circle computeBoundingCircle() const

Return the bounding circle in on-sky (RA, Dec) coordinates containing all CcdImages.

Requires that computeCommonTangentPoint() be called first, so that sensor bounding boxes can be transformed into the common tangent plane.

int nCcdImagesValidForFit() const

return the number of CcdImages with non-empty catalogs to-be-fit.

size_t nFittedStarsWithAssociatedRefStar() const

Return the number of fittedStars that have an associated refStar.

Public Members

CcdImageList ccdImageList
RefStarList refStarList
FittedStarList fittedStarList