Class GaussHermiteConvolution

Class Documentation

class GaussHermiteConvolution

A parametrized matrix that performs a convolution in shapelet space.

GaussHermiteConvolution is defined only for the HERMITE basis type.

Public Functions

ndarray::Array<double const, 2, 2> evaluate(afw::geom::ellipses::Ellipse &ellipse) const

Evaluate a shapelet convolution matrix in the given array.

The returned array is owned by the

GaussHermiteConvolution object and will be modified the next time evaluate() is called.
  • [inout] ellipse: On input, the ellipse core of the unconvolved shapelet expansion. On output, the ellipse core of the convolved shapelet expansion.

int getColOrder() const

Return the order of the to-be-convolved shapelet basis.

int getRowOrder() const

Return the order of the post-convolution shapelet basis.

GaussHermiteConvolution(int colOrder, ShapeletFunction const &psf)

Construct a matrix that convolves a basis of the given order with the given shapelet function.

GaussHermiteConvolution(const GaussHermiteConvolution&)
GaussHermiteConvolution &operator=(const GaussHermiteConvolution&)
GaussHermiteConvolution &operator=(GaussHermiteConvolution&&)

Public Static Functions

static int computeRowOrder(int colOrder, int psfOrder)