Class GaussHermiteEvaluator

Class Documentation

class GaussHermiteEvaluator

A class to evaluate HERMITE shapelet-related quantities.

Public Functions

int getOrder() const
void fillEvaluation(Array1d const &target, double x, double y, Array1d const &dx = Array1d(), Array1d const &dy = Array1d()) const

Fill a vector whose dot product with a HERMITE coefficient vector evaluates a simple unscaled shapelet expansion at the given point.

void fillEvaluation(Array1d const &target, geom::Point2D const &point, Array1d const &dx = Array1d(), Array1d const &dy = Array1d()) const

Fill a vector whose dot product with a HERMITE coefficient vector evaluates a simple unscaled shapelet expansion at the given point.

void fillEvaluation(Array1d const &target, geom::Extent2D const &point, Array1d const &dx = Array1d(), Array1d const &dy = Array1d()) const

Fill a vector whose dot product with a HERMITE coefficient vector evaluates a simple unscaled shapelet expansion at the given point.

void fillIntegration(Array1d const &target, int xMoment = 0, int yMoment = 0) const

Fill a vector whose dot product with a HERMITE coefficient vector integrates a simple unscaled shapelet expansion.

double sumEvaluation(ndarray::Array<double const, 1> const &coeff, double x, double y, double *dx = 0, double *dy = 0) const

Evaluate a simple unscaled shapelet expansion at the given point.

double sumEvaluation(ndarray::Array<double const, 1> const &coeff, geom::Point2D const &point, double *dx = 0, double *dy = 0) const

Evaluate a simple unscaled shapelet expansion at the given point.

double sumEvaluation(ndarray::Array<double const, 1> const &coeff, geom::Extent2D const &point, double *dx = 0, double *dy = 0) const

Evaluate a simple unscaled shapelet expansion at the given point.

double sumIntegration(ndarray::Array<double const, 1> const &coeff, int xMoment = 0, int yMoment = 0) const

Integrate a simple unscaled shapelet expansion.

GaussHermiteEvaluator(int order)

Public Static Functions

static Eigen::MatrixXd computeInnerProductMatrix(int rowOrder, int colOrder, double a, double b)

Fill a matrix with the function inner products of two HERMITE shapelet basis functions with different scales. \( M_{\mathbf{i},\mathbf{j}} = \int d^2 \mathbf{x} \psi_\mathbf{i}(a\mathbf{x})\phi_\mathbf{j}(b\mathbf{x}) \).