
lsst.meas.extensions.scarlet contains the pipeline task used to execute the scarlet deblending algorithm (Melchior et. al 2018).


lsst.meas.extensions.scarlet is developed at You can find Jira issues for this module under the meas_extensions_scarlet component.

Python API reference

lsst.meas.extensions.scarlet Package


boundedDataToBox(nBands, boundedData) Convert bounds from the data storage format to a scarlet.bbox.Box
dataToScarlet(blendData[, nBands, …]) Convert the storage data model into a scarlet lite blend
deblend(mExposure, footprint, config, …) Deblend a parent footprint
deblend_lite(mExposure, modelPsf, footprint, …) Deblend a parent footprint
modelToHeavy(source, mExposure, blend[, …]) Convert a scarlet model to a MultibandFootprint.
scarletLiteToData(blend, psfCenter, xy0) Convert a scarlet lite blend into a persistable data object
scarletToData(blend, psfCenter, xy0) Convert a scarlet blend into a persistable data object
updateBlendRecords(blendData, catalog, …) Create footprints and update band-dependent columns in the catalog


ComponentCube(model, center, bbox, model_bbox) Dummy component for scarlet main sources.
DummyObservation(psfs, model_psf, bbox, dtype) An observation that does not have any image data
ScarletBlendData(xy0, extent, sources, psfCenter) Data for an entire blend.
ScarletComponentData(xy0, extent, center, model) Data for a component expressed as a 3D data cube
ScarletDeblendConfig MultibandDeblendConfig
ScarletDeblendTask(schema[, peakSchema]) Split blended sources into individual sources.
ScarletFactorizedComponentData(xy0, extent, …) Data for a factorized component
ScarletModelData(bands, psf[, blends]) A container that propagates scarlet models for an entire SourceCatalog
ScarletSourceData(components, …) Data for a scarlet source