
class lsst.meas.extensions.scarlet.ScarletFactorizedComponentData(xy0: tuple, extent: tuple, center: tuple, sed: numpy.ndarray, morph: numpy.ndarray)

Bases: object

Data for a factorized component

Note that both xy0 and extent use lsst (x, y) convention, not the scarlet/C++ (y, x) convention.

xy0 : tuple of int

The lower bound of the components bounding box.

extent : tuple of int

The (width, height) of the component array.

center : tuple of int

The (x, y) center of the component. Note: once this is converted into a scarlet LiteBlend the source has the traditional c++ (y, x) ordering.

sed : numpy.ndarray

The SED of the component.

morph : numpy.ndarray

The 2D morphology of the component.

Methods Summary

asDict() Return the object encoded into a dict for JSON serialization
fromDict(data) Reconstruct ScarletFactorizedComponentData from JSON compatible dict.

Methods Documentation

asDict() → dict

Return the object encoded into a dict for JSON serialization

result : dict

The object encoded as a JSON compatible dict

classmethod fromDict(data: dict) →

Reconstruct ScarletFactorizedComponentData from JSON compatible dict.

data : dict

Dictionary representation of the object

result : ScarletFactorizedComponentData

The reconstructed object