
class lsst.meas.algorithms.ConvertRefcatManager(filenames, config, file_reader, indexer, schema, key_map, htmRange, addRefCatMetadata, log)

Bases: object

Convert a reference catalog from external files into the LSST HTM sharded format, using a multiprocessing Pool to speed up the work.

filenames : dict [int, str]

The HTM pixel id and filenames to convert the catalog into.

config : lsst.meas.algorithms.ConvertReferenceCatalogConfig

The Task configuration holding the field names.

file_reader : lsst.pipe.base.Task

The file reader to use to load the files.

indexer : lsst.meas.algorithms.HtmIndexer

The class used to compute the HTM pixel per coordinate.

schema : lsst.afw.table.Schema

The schema of the output catalog.

key_map : dict [str, lsst.afw.table.Key]

The mapping from output field names to keys in the Schema.

htmRange : tuple [int]

The start and end HTM pixel ids.

addRefCatMetadata : callable

A function called to add extra metadata to each output Catalog.

log : lsst.log.Log or logging.Logger

The log to send messages to.

Methods Summary

computeCoord(row, ra_name, dec_name) Create an ICRS coord.
getCatalog(pixelId, schema, nNewElements) Get a catalog from disk or create it if it doesn’t exist.
run(inputFiles) Index a set of input files from a reference catalog, and write the output to the appropriate filenames, in parallel.

Methods Documentation

static computeCoord(row, ra_name, dec_name)

Create an ICRS coord. from a row of a catalog being converted.

row : numpy.ndarray

Row from catalog being converted.

ra_name : str

Name of RA key in catalog being converted.

dec_name : str

Name of Dec key in catalog being converted.

coord : lsst.geom.SpherePoint

ICRS coordinate.

getCatalog(pixelId, schema, nNewElements)

Get a catalog from disk or create it if it doesn’t exist.

pixelId : dict

Identifier for catalog to retrieve

schema : lsst.afw.table.Schema

Schema to use in catalog creation it does not exist.

nNewElements : int

The number of new elements that will be added to the catalog, so space can be preallocated.

catalog : lsst.afw.table.SimpleCatalog

The new or read-and-resized catalog specified by dataId.


Index a set of input files from a reference catalog, and write the output to the appropriate filenames, in parallel.

inputFiles : list

A list of file paths to read data from.

output : dict [int, str]

The htm ids and the filenames that were written to.