
class lsst.meas.algorithms.SubtractBackgroundTask(config: Optional[Config] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, parentTask: Optional[Task] = None, log: Optional[Union[logging.Logger, lsst.utils.logging.LsstLogAdapter]] = None)

Bases: lsst.pipe.base.Task

Subtract the background from an exposure

Methods Summary

emptyMetadata() Empty (clear) the metadata for this Task and all sub-Tasks.
fitBackground(maskedImage[, nx, ny, algorithm]) Estimate the background of a masked image
getFullMetadata() Get metadata for all tasks.
getFullName() Get the task name as a hierarchical name including parent task names.
getName() Get the name of the task.
getTaskDict() Get a dictionary of all tasks as a shallow copy.
makeField(doc) Make a lsst.pex.config.ConfigurableField for this task.
makeSubtask(name, **keyArgs) Create a subtask as a new instance as the name attribute of this task.
run(exposure[, background, stats, statsKeys]) Fit and subtract the background of an exposure.
timer(name, logLevel) Context manager to log performance data for an arbitrary block of code.

Methods Documentation

emptyMetadata() → None

Empty (clear) the metadata for this Task and all sub-Tasks.

fitBackground(maskedImage, nx=0, ny=0, algorithm=None)

Estimate the background of a masked image

maskedImage : lsst.afw.image.maskedImage

Masked image whose background is to be computed

nx : ‘int`

Number of x bands; if 0 compute from width and self.config.binSizeX

ny : int

Number of y bands; if 0 compute from height and self.config.binSizeY

algorithm : str

Name of interpolation algorithm; if None use self.config.algorithm

bg : lsst.afw.math.Background

A fit background


Raised if lsst.afw.math.makeBackground returns None, an indicator of failure.

getFullMetadata() → lsst.pipe.base._task_metadata.TaskMetadata

Get metadata for all tasks.

metadata : TaskMetadata

The keys are the full task name. Values are metadata for the top-level task and all subtasks, sub-subtasks, etc.


The returned metadata includes timing information (if @timer.timeMethod is used) and any metadata set by the task. The name of each item consists of the full task name with . replaced by :, followed by . and the name of the item, e.g.:


using : in the full task name disambiguates the rare situation that a task has a subtask and a metadata item with the same name.

getFullName() → str

Get the task name as a hierarchical name including parent task names.

fullName : str

The full name consists of the name of the parent task and each subtask separated by periods. For example:

  • The full name of top-level task “top” is simply “top”.
  • The full name of subtask “sub” of top-level task “top” is “top.sub”.
  • The full name of subtask “sub2” of subtask “sub” of top-level task “top” is “top.sub.sub2”.
getName() → str

Get the name of the task.

taskName : str

Name of the task.

See also

getTaskDict() → Dict[str, weakref.ReferenceType[lsst.pipe.base.task.Task]]

Get a dictionary of all tasks as a shallow copy.

taskDict : dict

Dictionary containing full task name: task object for the top-level task and all subtasks, sub-subtasks, etc.

classmethod makeField(doc: str) → lsst.pex.config.configurableField.ConfigurableField

Make a lsst.pex.config.ConfigurableField for this task.

doc : str

Help text for the field.

configurableField : lsst.pex.config.ConfigurableField

A ConfigurableField for this task.


Provides a convenient way to specify this task is a subtask of another task.

Here is an example of use:

class OtherTaskConfig(lsst.pex.config.Config):
    aSubtask = ATaskClass.makeField("brief description of task")
makeSubtask(name: str, **keyArgs) → None

Create a subtask as a new instance as the name attribute of this task.

name : str

Brief name of the subtask.


Extra keyword arguments used to construct the task. The following arguments are automatically provided and cannot be overridden:

  • “config”.
  • “parentTask”.


The subtask must be defined by, an instance of ConfigurableField or RegistryField.

run(exposure, background=None, stats=True, statsKeys=None)

Fit and subtract the background of an exposure.

exposure : lsst.afw.image.Exposure

Exposure whose background is to be subtracted.

background : lsst.afw.math.BackgroundList

Initial background model already subtracted. May be None if no background has been subtracted.

stats : bool

If True then measure the mean and variance of the full background model and record the results in the exposure’s metadata.

statsKeys : tuple

Key names used to store the mean and variance of the background in the exposure’s metadata (another tuple); if None then use (“BGMEAN”, “BGVAR”); ignored if stats is false.

background : lsst.afw.math.BackgroundLst

Full background model (initial model with changes), contained in an lsst.pipe.base.Struct.

timer(name: str, logLevel: int = 10) → Iterator[None]

Context manager to log performance data for an arbitrary block of code.

name : str

Name of code being timed; data will be logged using item name: Start and End.


A logging level constant.

See also



Creating a timer context:

with self.timer("someCodeToTime"):
    pass  # code to time