
class lsst.pipe.tasks.functors.CustomFunctor(expr, **kwargs)

Bases: lsst.pipe.tasks.functors.Functor

Arbitrary computation on a catalog

Column names (and thus the columns to be loaded from catalog) are found by finding all words and trying to ignore all “math-y” words.

expr : str

Expression to evaluate, to be parsed and executed by mag_aware_eval.

Attributes Summary

columns Columns required to perform calculation
name Full name of functor (suitable for figure labels)
shortname Short name of functor (suitable for column name/dict key)

Methods Summary

__call__(data[, dropna]) Call self as a function.
difference(data1, data2, **kwargs) Computes difference between functor called on two different ParquetTable objects
multilevelColumns(data[, columnIndex, …]) Returns columns needed by functor from multilevel dataset

Attributes Documentation


Columns required to perform calculation


Full name of functor (suitable for figure labels)


Short name of functor (suitable for column name/dict key)

Methods Documentation

__call__(data, dropna=False)

Call self as a function.

difference(data1, data2, **kwargs)

Computes difference between functor called on two different ParquetTable objects

multilevelColumns(data, columnIndex=None, returnTuple=False)

Returns columns needed by functor from multilevel dataset

To access tables with multilevel column structure, the MultilevelParquetTable or DeferredDatasetHandle need to be passed either a list of tuples or a dictionary.

data : MultilevelParquetTable or DeferredDatasetHandle
columnIndex (optional): pandas `Index` object

either passed or read in from DeferredDatasetHandle.

`returnTuple` : bool

If true, then return a list of tuples rather than the column dictionary specification. This is set to True by CompositeFunctor in order to be able to combine columns from the various component functors.