provides many of the Task
classes that drive the LSST Science Pipelines.
The pipeline tasks listed here are useful data processing entry points for most users.
does not provide all the tasks and pipeline tasks in the LSST Science Pipelines.
For a complete list of all available tasks, see Task index and for an introduction to processing data see Getting started with the LSST Science Pipelines.
Using lsst.pipe.tasks¶
is developed at
You can find Jira issues for this module under the pipe_tasks component.
Task reference¶
Pipeline tasks¶
- AssembleCoaddTask
- Assemble a coadded image from a set of warps.
- CalibrateTask
- Calibrate an exposure: measure sources and perform astrometric and photometric calibration.
- CharacterizeImageTask
- Measure bright sources and use this to estimate background and PSF of an exposure.
- CompareWarpAssembleCoaddTask
- Assemble a compareWarp coadded image from a set of warps by masking artifacts detected by comparing PSF-matched warps.
- ConsolidateHealSparsePropertyMapTask
- Task to consolidate HealSparse property maps.
- ConsolidateSourceTableTask
- Concatenate sourceTable list into a per-visit sourceTable_visit
- ConsolidateVisitSummaryTask
- Task to consolidate per-detector visit metadata.
- DcrAssembleCoaddTask
- Assemble DCR coadded images from a set of warps.
- DetectCoaddSourcesTask
- Detect sources on a single filter coadd.
- FinalizeCharacterizationTask
- Run final characterization on exposures.
- HealSparsePropertyMapTask
- Task to compute Healsparse property maps.
- HighResolutionHipsTask
- Task for making high resolution HiPS images.
- ImageDifferenceTask
- Subtract an image from a template and measure the result.
- IsolatedStarAssociationTask
- Associate sources into isolated star catalogs.
- MeasureMergedCoaddSourcesTask
- Deblend sources from main catalog in each coadd seperately and measure.
- MergeDetectionsTask
- Merge sources detected in coadds of exposures obtained with different filters.
- MergeMeasurementsTask
- Merge measurements from multiple bands.
- NumberDeblendChildSourcesMetricTask
- Task that computes the number of science sources created through deblending.
- NumberDeblendedSourcesMetricTask
- Task that computes the number of science sources that have been deblended.
- TransformSourceTableTask
- Transform/standardize a source catalog
- WriteSourceTableTask
- Write source table to parquet.
- BaseFakeSourcesTask
- An abstract base class for subtasks that inject fake sources into images to test completeness and other aspects of the processing.
- CoaddInputRecorderTask
- Subtask that handles filling a CoaddInputs object for a coadd exposure, tracking the CCDs and visits that went into a coadd.
- ComputeExposureSummaryStatsTask
- Task to compute exposure summary statistics.
- ExampleSigmaClippedStatsTask
- Example task to compute sigma-clipped mean and standard deviation of an image.
- ExampleSimpleStatsTask
- Example task to compute mean and standard deviation of an image.
- HealSparseInputMapTask
- Task for making a HealSparse input map.
- InterpImageTask
- Interpolate over bad image pixels
- LoadReferenceCatalogTask
- Load multi-band reference objects from a reference catalog.
- MakeDiscreteSkyMapTask
- Make a DiscreteSkyMap in a repository, using the bounding box of a set of calexps.
- MaskStreaksTask
- Find streaks or other straight lines in image data.
- MatchBackgroundsTask
- Base class for data processing tasks.
- MeasurePsfTask
- A task that selects stars from a catalog of sources and uses those to measure the PSF.
- PhotoCalTask
- Calculate an Exposure's zero-point given a set of flux measurements of stars matched to an input catalogue.
- PropagateSourceFlagsTask
- Task to propagate source flags to coadd objects.
- PropagateVisitFlagsTask
- Task to propagate flags from single-frame measurements to coadd measurements.
- PsfWcsSelectImagesTask
- Select images using their Wcs and cuts on the PSF properties.
- RegisterTask
- Task to register (align) multiple images.
- RepairTask
- Repair an exposures defects and cosmic rays via interpolation.
- ReserveIsolatedStarsTask
- Reserve isolated stars with repeatable hash.
- ScaleVarianceTask
- Scale the variance in a MaskedImage
- ScaleZeroPointTask
- Compute scale factor to scale exposures to a desired photometric zero point.
- SetPrimaryFlagsTask
- Add isPrimaryKey to a given schema.
- SnapCombineTask
- Combine two snaps into a single visit image.
- WarpAndPsfMatchTask
- A task to warp and PSF-match an exposure
- WcsSelectImagesTask
- Select images using their Wcs.
- Colorterm
- Colorterm correction for one pair of filters
- ColortermDict
- A mapping of physical filter label to Colorterm
- ColortermLibrary
- A mapping of photometric reference catalog name or glob to ColortermDict
- CullPeaksConfig
- Configuration for culling garbage peaks after merging footprints.
- DatabaseSelectImagesConfig
- Base configuration for subclasses of BaseSelectImagesTask that use a database.
- InitialPsfConfig
- Describes the initial PSF used for detection and measurement before we do PSF determination.
Python API reference¶
lsst.pipe.tasks.assembleCoadd Module¶
AssembleCoaddTask (*args, **kwargs) |
Assemble a coadded image from a set of warps. |
AssembleCoaddConnections (*[, config]) |
AssembleCoaddConfig |
CompareWarpAssembleCoaddTask (*args, **kwargs) |
Assemble a compareWarp coadded image from a set of warps by masking artifacts detected by comparing PSF-matched warps. |
CompareWarpAssembleCoaddConfig |
lsst.pipe.tasks.associationUtils Module¶
Utilities for interfacing with hpgeom. Originally implemented in and then translated to hpgeom.
toIndex (nside, ra, dec) |
Return healpix index given ra, dec in degrees |
toRaDec (nside, index) |
Convert from healpix index to ra,dec in degrees |
eq2xyz (ra, dec) |
Convert from equatorial ra,dec in degrees to x,y,z on unit sphere. |
eq2xyzVec (ra, dec) |
Convert equatorial ra,dec in degrees to x,y,z on the unit sphere parameters |
convert_spherical (ra, dec) |
Convert from ra,dec to spherical coordinates. |
convert_spherical_array (array) |
Convert from and a array ra,dec to spherical coordinates. |
query_disc (nside, ra, dec, max_rad[, min_rad]) |
Get the list of healpix indices within max_rad, min_rad given in radians around ra,dec given in degrees |
lsst.pipe.tasks.background Module¶
BackgroundConfig |
Configuration for background measurement |
FocalPlaneBackground (config, dims, transform) |
Background model for a focal plane camera |
FocalPlaneBackgroundConfig |
Configuration for FocalPlaneBackground |
MaskObjectsConfig |
Configuration for MaskObjectsTask |
MaskObjectsTask (*args, **kwargs) |
Iterative masking of objects on an Exposure |
SkyMeasurementConfig |
Configuration for SkyMeasurementTask |
SkyMeasurementTask (config, name, parentTask, …) |
Task for creating, persisting and using sky frames |
SkyStatsConfig |
Parameters controlling the measurement of sky statistics |
lsst.pipe.tasks.calexpCutout Module¶
CalexpCutoutTaskConfig |
Configuration for CalexpCutoutTask |
CalexpCutoutTask (*, config, log, …) |
Task for computing cutouts on a specific calexp given positions, xspans, and yspans of the stamps. |
lsst.pipe.tasks.calibrate Module¶
CalibrateConfig |
Config for CalibrateTask. |
CalibrateTask ([butler, astromRefObjLoader, …]) |
Calibrate an exposure: measure sources and perform astrometric and photometric calibration. |
lsst.pipe.tasks.characterizeImage Module¶
CharacterizeImageConfig |
Config for CharacterizeImageTask. |
CharacterizeImageTask ([butler, …]) |
Measure bright sources and use this to estimate background and PSF of an exposure. |
lsst.pipe.tasks.coaddBase Module¶
getSkyInfo (coaddName, patchRef) |
Return the SkyMap, tract and patch information, wcs, and outer bbox of the patch to be coadded. |
makeSkyInfo (skyMap, tractId, patchId) |
Constructs SkyInfo used by coaddition tasks for multiple patchId formats. |
CoaddBaseTask (**kwargs) |
Base class for coaddition. |
lsst.pipe.tasks.coaddInputRecorder Module¶
CoaddInputRecorderTask (*args, **kwargs) |
Subtask that handles filling a CoaddInputs object for a coadd exposure, tracking the CCDs and visits that went into a coadd. |
lsst.pipe.tasks.colorterms Module¶
ColortermNotFoundError |
Exception class indicating we couldn’t find a colorterm |
Colorterm |
Colorterm correction for one pair of filters |
ColortermDict |
A mapping of physical filter label to Colorterm |
ColortermLibrary |
A mapping of photometric reference catalog name or glob to ColortermDict |
lsst.pipe.tasks.computeExposureSummaryStats Module¶
ComputeExposureSummaryStatsTask (config, …) |
Task to compute exposure summary statistics. |
ComputeExposureSummaryStatsConfig |
Config for ComputeExposureSummaryTask |
lsst.pipe.tasks.cosmicRayPostDiff Module¶
CosmicRayPostDiffConfig |
Config for CosmicRayPostDiffTask |
CosmicRayPostDiffTask (**kwargs) |
Detect and repair cosmic rays on an image difference. |
lsst.pipe.tasks.dcrAssembleCoadd Module¶
DcrAssembleCoaddConnections (*[, config]) |
DcrAssembleCoaddTask (*args, **kwargs) |
Assemble DCR coadded images from a set of warps. |
DcrAssembleCoaddConfig |
lsst.pipe.tasks.deblendCoaddSourcesPipeline Module¶
DeblendCoaddSourcesSingleConfig |
DeblendCoaddSourcesSingleTask (initInputs, …) |
DeblendCoaddSourcesMultiConfig |
DeblendCoaddSourcesMultiTask (initInputs, …) |
lsst.pipe.tasks.diff_matched_tract_catalog Module¶
DiffMatchedTractCatalogConfig |
DiffMatchedTractCatalogTask (*, config, log, …) |
Load subsets of matched catalogs and output a merged catalog of matched sources. |
MatchedCatalogFluxesConfig |
MatchType |
An enumeration. |
MeasurementType |
An enumeration. |
SourceType |
An enumeration. |
Statistic |
A statistic that can be applied to a set of values. |
Median |
The median of a set of values. |
SigmaIQR |
The re-scaled interquartile range (sigma equivalent). |
SigmaMAD |
The re-scaled median absolute deviation (sigma equivalent). |
Percentile (percentile) |
An arbitrary percentile. |
lsst.pipe.tasks.drpAssociationPipe Module¶
Pipeline for running DiaSource association in a DRP context.
DrpAssociationPipeTask (**kwargs) |
Driver pipeline for loading DiaSource catalogs in a patch/tract region and associating them. |
DrpAssociationPipeConfig |
DrpAssociationPipeConnections (*, config) |
lsst.pipe.tasks.drpDiaCalculationPipe Module¶
Pipeline for computing DiaObject summary/light curve values.
DrpDiaCalculationPipeTask (**kwargs) |
Driver pipeline for loading DiaSource catalogs in a patch/tract region and associating them. |
DrpDiaCalculationPipeConfig |
DrpDiaCalculationPipeConnections (*, config) |
lsst.pipe.tasks.exampleStatsTasks Module¶
ExampleSigmaClippedStatsConfig |
Configuration for ExampleSigmaClippedStatsTask |
ExampleSigmaClippedStatsTask (*args, **kwargs) |
Example task to compute sigma-clipped mean and standard deviation of an image. |
ExampleSimpleStatsTask (config, name, …) |
Example task to compute mean and standard deviation of an image. |
lsst.pipe.tasks.extended_psf Module¶
Read preprocessed bright stars and stack them to build an extended PSF model.
FocalPlaneRegionExtendedPsf (…) |
Single extended PSF over a focal plane region. |
ExtendedPsf ([default_extended_psf]) |
Extended PSF model. |
StackBrightStarsConfig |
Configuration parameters for StackBrightStarsTask. |
StackBrightStarsTask (config, name, …) |
Stack bright stars together to build an extended PSF model. |
MeasureExtendedPsfConfig |
Configuration parameters for MeasureExtendedPsfTask. |
MeasureExtendedPsfTask ([initInputs]) |
Build and save extended PSF model. |
lsst.pipe.tasks.fakes Module¶
BaseFakeSourcesConfig |
BaseFakeSourcesTask (**kwargs) |
An abstract base class for subtasks that inject fake sources into images to test completeness and |
lsst.pipe.tasks.finalizeCharacterization Module¶
Task to run a finalized image characterization, using additional data.
FinalizeCharacterizationConnections (*, config) |
FinalizeCharacterizationConfig |
Configuration for FinalizeCharacterizationTask. |
FinalizeCharacterizationTask ([initInputs]) |
Run final characterization on exposures. |
lsst.pipe.tasks.fit_multiband Module¶
CatalogExposure (catalog, None], exposure, …) |
A class to store a catalog, exposure, and metadata for a given dataId. |
MultibandFitConfig |
Configure a MultibandFitTask, including a configurable fitting subtask. |
MultibandFitSubConfig |
Config class for the MultibandFitTask to define methods returning values that depend on multiple config settings. |
MultibandFitSubTask (schema, **kwargs) |
An abstract interface for subtasks of MultibandFitTask to perform multiband fitting of deblended sources. |
MultibandFitTask (initInputs, **kwargs) |
Fit deblended exposures in multiple bands simultaneously. |
lsst.pipe.tasks.functors Module¶
Functor ([filt, dataset, noDup]) |
Define and execute a calculation on a ParquetTable |
CompositeFunctor (funcs, **kwargs) |
Perform multiple calculations at once on a catalog |
CustomFunctor (expr, **kwargs) |
Arbitrary computation on a catalog |
Column (col, **kwargs) |
Get column with specified name |
Index ([filt, dataset, noDup]) |
Return the value of the index for each object |
IDColumn (col, **kwargs) |
FootprintNPix (col, **kwargs) |
CoordColumn (col, **kwargs) |
Base class for coordinate column, in degrees |
RAColumn (**kwargs) |
Right Ascension, in degrees |
DecColumn (**kwargs) |
Declination, in degrees |
HtmIndex20 (ra, decl, **kwargs) |
Compute the level 20 HtmIndex for the catalog. |
Mag (col[, calib]) |
Compute calibrated magnitude |
MagErr (*args, **kwargs) |
Compute calibrated magnitude uncertainty |
NanoMaggie (col[, calib]) |
MagDiff (col1, col2, **kwargs) |
Color (col, filt2, filt1, **kwargs) |
Compute the color between two filters |
Labeller ([filt, dataset, noDup]) |
Main function of this subclass is to override the dropna=True |
StarGalaxyLabeller ([filt, dataset, noDup]) |
NumStarLabeller ([filt, dataset, noDup]) |
DeconvolvedMoments ([filt, dataset, noDup]) |
SdssTraceSize ([filt, dataset, noDup]) |
Functor to calculate SDSS trace radius size for sources |
PsfSdssTraceSizeDiff ([filt, dataset, noDup]) |
Functor to calculate SDSS trace radius size difference (%) between object and psf model |
HsmTraceSize ([filt, dataset, noDup]) |
Functor to calculate HSM trace radius size for sources |
PsfHsmTraceSizeDiff ([filt, dataset, noDup]) |
Functor to calculate HSM trace radius size difference (%) between object and psf model |
HsmFwhm ([filt, dataset, noDup]) |
E1 (colXX, colXY, colYY, **kwargs) |
E2 (colXX, colXY, colYY, **kwargs) |
RadiusFromQuadrupole (colXX, colXY, colYY, …) |
LocalWcs (colCD_1_1, colCD_1_2, colCD_2_1, …) |
Computations using the stored localWcs. |
ComputePixelScale (colCD_1_1, colCD_1_2, …) |
Compute the local pixel scale from the stored CDMatrix. |
ConvertPixelToArcseconds (col, colCD_1_1, …) |
Convert a value in units pixels squared to units arcseconds squared. |
ConvertPixelSqToArcsecondsSq (col, colCD_1_1, …) |
Convert a value in units pixels to units arcseconds. |
ReferenceBand ([filt, dataset, noDup]) |
Photometry (colFlux[, colFluxErr, calib]) |
NanoJansky (colFlux[, colFluxErr, calib]) |
NanoJanskyErr (colFlux[, colFluxErr, calib]) |
Magnitude (colFlux[, colFluxErr, calib]) |
MagnitudeErr (colFlux[, colFluxErr, calib]) |
LocalPhotometry (instFluxCol, instFluxErrCol, …) |
Base class for calibrating the specified instrument flux column using the local photometric calibration. |
LocalNanojansky (instFluxCol, instFluxErrCol, …) |
Compute calibrated fluxes using the local calibration value. |
LocalNanojanskyErr (instFluxCol, …) |
Compute calibrated flux errors using the local calibration value. |
LocalMagnitude (instFluxCol, instFluxErrCol, …) |
Compute calibrated AB magnitudes using the local calibration value. |
LocalMagnitudeErr (instFluxCol, …) |
Compute calibrated AB magnitude errors using the local calibration value. |
LocalDipoleMeanFlux (instFluxPosCol, …) |
Compute absolute mean of dipole fluxes. |
LocalDipoleMeanFluxErr (instFluxPosCol, …) |
Compute the error on the absolute mean of dipole fluxes. |
LocalDipoleDiffFlux (instFluxPosCol, …) |
Compute the absolute difference of dipole fluxes. |
LocalDipoleDiffFluxErr (instFluxPosCol, …) |
Compute the error on the absolute difference of dipole fluxes. |
Ratio (numerator, denominator, **kwargs) |
Base class for returning the ratio of 2 columns. |
Ebv (**kwargs) |
Compute E(B-V) from dustmaps.sfd |
lsst.pipe.tasks.healSparseMapping Module¶
HealSparseInputMapTask (**kwargs) |
Task for making a HealSparse input map. |
HealSparseInputMapConfig |
Configuration parameters for HealSparseInputMapTask |
HealSparseMapFormatter (fileDescriptor, …) |
Interface for reading and writing healsparse.HealSparseMap files. |
HealSparsePropertyMapConnections (*[, config]) |
HealSparsePropertyMapConfig |
Configuration parameters for HealSparsePropertyMapTask |
HealSparsePropertyMapTask (**kwargs) |
Task to compute Healsparse property maps. |
ConsolidateHealSparsePropertyMapConnections (*) |
ConsolidateHealSparsePropertyMapConfig |
Configuration parameters for ConsolidateHealSparsePropertyMapTask |
ConsolidateHealSparsePropertyMapTask (**kwargs) |
Task to consolidate HealSparse property maps. |
lsst.pipe.tasks.healSparseMappingProperties Module¶
register_property_map (name) |
A decorator to register a property map class in its base class’s registry. |
compute_approx_psf_size_and_shape (ccd_row, …) |
Compute the approximate psf size and shape. |
BasePropertyMapConfig |
PropertyMapRegistry ([configBaseType]) |
Class for property map registry. |
PropertyMapMap |
Map of property maps to be run for a given task. |
BasePropertyMap (config, name) |
Base class for property maps. |
ExposureTimePropertyMap (config, name) |
Exposure time property map. |
PsfSizePropertyMap (config, name) |
PSF size property map. |
PsfE1PropertyMap (config, name) |
PSF shape e1 property map. |
PsfE2PropertyMap (config, name) |
PSF shape e2 property map. |
NExposurePropertyMap (config, name) |
Number of exposures property map. |
PsfMaglimPropertyMapConfig |
Configuration for the PsfMaglim property map. |
PsfMaglimPropertyMap (config, name) |
PSF magnitude limit property map. |
SkyBackgroundPropertyMap (config, name) |
Sky background property map. |
SkyNoisePropertyMap (config, name) |
Sky noise property map. |
DcrDraPropertyMap (config, name) |
Effect of DCR on delta-RA property map. |
DcrDdecPropertyMap (config, name) |
Effect of DCR on delta-Dec property map. |
DcrE1PropertyMap (config, name) |
Effect of DCR on psf shape e1 property map. |
DcrE2PropertyMap (config, name) |
Effect of DCR on psf shape e2 property map. |
EpochPropertyMap (config, name) |
Observation epoch (mjd) property map. |
lsst.pipe.tasks.hips Module¶
Tasks for making and manipulating HIPS images.
HighResolutionHipsTask (**kwargs) |
Task for making high resolution HiPS images. |
HighResolutionHipsConfig |
Configuration parameters for HighResolutionHipsTask. |
HighResolutionHipsConnections (*[, config]) |
GenerateHipsTask (*, config, log, …) |
Task for making a HiPS tree with FITS and grayscale PNGs. |
GenerateHipsConfig |
Configuration parameters for GenerateHipsTask. |
GenerateColorHipsTask (*, config, log, …) |
Task for making a HiPS tree with color pngs. |
GenerateColorHipsConfig |
Configuration parameters for GenerateColorHipsTask. |
lsst.pipe.tasks.insertFakes Module¶
Insert fakes into deepCoadds
InsertFakesConfig |
Config for inserting fake sources |
InsertFakesTask (*, config, log, …) |
Insert fake objects into images. |
lsst.pipe.tasks.interpImage Module¶
InterpImageConfig |
Config for InterpImageTask |
InterpImageTask (config, name, parentTask, …) |
Interpolate over bad image pixels |
lsst.pipe.tasks.isolatedStarAssociation Module¶
IsolatedStarAssociationConnections (*, config) |
IsolatedStarAssociationConfig |
Configuration for IsolatedStarAssociationTask. |
IsolatedStarAssociationTask (**kwargs) |
Associate sources into isolated star catalogs. |
lsst.pipe.tasks.loadReferenceCatalog Module¶
Load a full reference catalog in numpy/table/dataframe format.
This task will load multi-band reference objects, apply a reference selector, and apply color terms.
LoadReferenceCatalogConfig |
Config for LoadReferenceCatalogTask |
LoadReferenceCatalogTask (*, dataIds, …) |
Load multi-band reference objects from a reference catalog. |
lsst.pipe.tasks.makeCoaddTempExp Module¶
MakeWarpTask (**kwargs) |
Deprecated since version v25.0. |
MakeWarpConfig |
Deprecated since version v25.0. |
lsst.pipe.tasks.makeDiscreteSkyMap Module¶
MakeDiscreteSkyMapConfig |
Config for MakeDiscreteSkyMapTask. |
MakeDiscreteSkyMapTask (config, name, …) |
Make a DiscreteSkyMap in a repository, using the bounding box of a set of calexps. |
lsst.pipe.tasks.makeWarp Module¶
MakeWarpTask (**kwargs) |
Warp and optionally PSF-Match calexps onto an a common projection. |
MakeWarpConfig |
Config for MakeWarpTask. |
lsst.pipe.tasks.maskStreaks Module¶
setDetectionMask (maskedImage[, …]) |
Make detection mask and set the mask plane. |
MaskStreaksConfig |
Configuration parameters for MaskStreaksTask . |
MaskStreaksTask (config, name, parentTask, …) |
Find streaks or other straight lines in image data. |
lsst.pipe.tasks.matchBackgrounds Module¶
MatchBackgroundsConfig |
MatchBackgroundsTask (*args, **kwargs) |
lsst.pipe.tasks.matchFakes Module¶
MatchFakesTask (*, config, log, …) |
Match a pre-existing catalog of fakes to a catalog of detections on a difference image. |
MatchFakesConfig |
Config for MatchFakesTask. |
MatchVariableFakesConfig |
Config for MatchFakesTask. |
MatchVariableFakesTask (*, config, log, …) |
Match injected fakes to their detected sources in the catalog and compute their expected brightness in a difference image assuming perfect subtraction. |
lsst.pipe.tasks.match_tract_catalog Module¶
MatchTractCatalogSubConfig |
Config class for the MatchTractCatalogSubTask to define methods returning values that depend on multiple config settings. |
MatchTractCatalogSubTask (**kwargs) |
An abstract interface for subtasks of MatchTractCatalogTask to match two tract object catalogs. |
MatchTractCatalogConfig |
Configure a MatchTractCatalogTask, including a configurable matching subtask. |
MatchTractCatalogTask (initInputs, **kwargs) |
Match sources in a reference tract catalog with those in a target catalog. |
lsst.pipe.tasks.match_tract_catalog_probabilistic Module¶
MatchTractCatalogProbabilisticConfig |
Config class for the MatchTractCatalogSubTask to define methods returning values that depend on multiple config settings. |
MatchTractCatalogProbabilisticTask (**kwargs) |
An abstract interface for subtasks of MatchTractCatalogTask to match two tract object catalogs. |
lsst.pipe.tasks.measurePsf Module¶
MeasurePsfConfig |
MeasurePsfTask ([schema]) |
A task that selects stars from a catalog of sources and uses those to measure the PSF. |
lsst.pipe.tasks.mergeDetections Module¶
MergeDetectionsConfig |
Configuration parameters for the MergeDetectionsTask. |
MergeDetectionsTask ([butler, schema, initInputs]) |
Merge sources detected in coadds of exposures obtained with different filters. |
lsst.pipe.tasks.mergeMeasurements Module¶
MergeMeasurementsConfig |
Configuration parameters for the MergeMeasurementsTask. |
MergeMeasurementsTask ([butler, schema, …]) |
Merge measurements from multiple bands. |
lsst.pipe.tasks.metrics Module¶
NumberDeblendedSourcesMetricTask (**kwargs) |
Task that computes the number of science sources that have been deblended. |
NumberDeblendedSourcesMetricConfig |
NumberDeblendChildSourcesMetricTask (**kwargs) |
Task that computes the number of science sources created through deblending. |
NumberDeblendChildSourcesMetricConfig |
lsst.pipe.tasks.multiBand Module¶
DetectCoaddSourcesConfig |
Configuration parameters for the DetectCoaddSourcesTask |
DetectCoaddSourcesTask ([schema]) |
Detect sources on a single filter coadd. |
lsst.pipe.tasks.multiBandUtils Module¶
CullPeaksConfig |
Configuration for culling garbage peaks after merging footprints. |
lsst.pipe.tasks.objectMasks Module¶
ObjectMaskCatalog () |
Class to support bright object masks |
RegionFileFormatter (fileDescriptor, dataId, …) |
Plugin for reading DS9 region file catalogs with Gen3 Butler. |
lsst.pipe.tasks.parquetTable Module¶
ParquetTable ([filename, dataFrame]) |
Thin wrapper to pyarrow’s ParquetFile object |
MultilevelParquetTable (*args, **kwargs) |
Wrapper to access dataframe with multi-level column index from Parquet |
lsst.pipe.tasks.photoCal Module¶
PhotoCalTask (refObjLoader[, schema]) |
Calculate an Exposure’s zero-point given a set of flux measurements of stars matched to an input catalogue. |
PhotoCalConfig |
Config for PhotoCal. |
lsst.pipe.tasks.postprocess Module¶
WriteObjectTableConfig |
WriteObjectTableTask (*, config, log, …) |
Write filter-merged source tables to parquet |
WriteSourceTableConfig |
WriteSourceTableTask (*, config, log, …) |
Write source table to parquet. |
WriteRecalibratedSourceTableConfig |
WriteRecalibratedSourceTableTask (*, config, …) |
Write source table to parquet |
PostprocessAnalysis (parq, functors[, filt, …]) |
Calculate columns from ParquetTable. |
TransformCatalogBaseConfig |
TransformCatalogBaseTask (*args, **kwargs) |
Base class for transforming/standardizing a catalog |
TransformObjectCatalogConfig |
TransformObjectCatalogTask (*args, **kwargs) |
Produce a flattened Object Table to match the format specified in sdm_schemas. |
ConsolidateObjectTableConfig |
ConsolidateObjectTableTask (*, config, log, …) |
Write patch-merged source tables to a tract-level parquet file. |
TransformSourceTableConfig |
TransformSourceTableTask (*args, **kwargs) |
Transform/standardize a source catalog |
ConsolidateVisitSummaryConfig |
Config for ConsolidateVisitSummaryTask |
ConsolidateVisitSummaryTask (**kwargs) |
Task to consolidate per-detector visit metadata. |
ConsolidateSourceTableConfig |
ConsolidateSourceTableTask (*, config, log, …) |
Concatenate sourceTable list into a per-visit sourceTable_visit |
MakeCcdVisitTableConfig |
MakeCcdVisitTableTask (*, config, log, …) |
Produce a ccdVisitTable from the visit summary exposure catalogs. |
MakeVisitTableConfig |
MakeVisitTableTask (*, config, log, …) |
Produce a visitTable from the visit summary exposure catalogs. |
WriteForcedSourceTableConfig |
WriteForcedSourceTableTask (*, config, log, …) |
Merge and convert per-detector forced source catalogs to parquet. |
TransformForcedSourceTableConfig |
TransformForcedSourceTableTask (*args, **kwargs) |
Transform/standardize a ForcedSource catalog |
ConsolidateTractConfig |
ConsolidateTractTask (*, config, log, …) |
Concatenate any per-patch, dataframe list into a single per-tract DataFrame. |
lsst.pipe.tasks.processBrightStars Module¶
Extract small cutouts around bright stars, normalize and warp them to the same arbitrary pixel grid.
ProcessBrightStarsTask ([butler, initInputs]) |
The description of the parameters for this Task are detailed in PipelineTask . |
lsst.pipe.tasks.processCcdWithFakes Module¶
Insert fake sources into calexps
ProcessCcdWithFakesConfig |
Config for inserting fake sources |
ProcessCcdWithFakesTask ([schema, butler]) |
Insert fake objects into calexps. |
ProcessCcdWithVariableFakesConfig |
ProcessCcdWithVariableFakesTask ([schema, butler]) |
As ProcessCcdWithFakes except add variablity to the fakes catalog magnitude in the observed band for this ccdVisit. |
lsst.pipe.tasks.propagateSourceFlags Module¶
PropagateSourceFlagsConfig |
Configuration for propagating source flags to coadd objects. |
PropagateSourceFlagsTask (schema, **kwargs) |
Task to propagate source flags to coadd objects. |
lsst.pipe.tasks.propagateVisitFlags Module¶
PropagateVisitFlagsConfig |
Configuration for propagating flags to coadd. |
PropagateVisitFlagsTask (schema, **kwargs) |
Task to propagate flags from single-frame measurements to coadd measurements. |
lsst.pipe.tasks.quickFrameMeasurement Module¶
QuickFrameMeasurementTaskConfig |
Config class for the QuickFrameMeasurementTask. |
QuickFrameMeasurementTask (config, *[, display]) |
WARNING: An experimental new task with changable API! Do not rely on yet! |
lsst.pipe.tasks.read_curated_calibs Module¶
lsst.pipe.tasks.registerImage Module¶
This module contains a Task to register (align) multiple images.
RegisterTask (config, name, parentTask, log, …) |
Task to register (align) multiple images. |
RegisterConfig |
Configuration for RegisterTask. | Module¶
RepairConfig |
RepairTask (**kwargs) |
Repair an exposures defects and cosmic rays via interpolation. |
lsst.pipe.tasks.reserveIsolatedStars Module¶
Task to make a flexible and repeatable selection of reserve stars.
ReserveIsolatedStarsConfig |
Configuration for ReserveIsolatedStarsTask. |
ReserveIsolatedStarsTask (config, name, …) |
Reserve isolated stars with repeatable hash. |
lsst.pipe.tasks.scaleZeroPoint Module¶
ImageScaler ([scale]) |
A class that scales an image. |
SpatialImageScaler (interpStyle, xList, …) |
Multiplicative image scaler using interpolation over a grid of points. |
ScaleZeroPointTask (*args, **kwargs) |
Compute scale factor to scale exposures to a desired photometric zero point. |
lsst.pipe.tasks.selectImages Module¶
BaseSelectImagesTask (config, name, …) |
Base task for selecting images suitable for coaddition. |
BaseExposureInfo (dataId, coordList) |
Data about a selected exposure. |
WcsSelectImagesTask (config, name, …) |
Select images using their Wcs. |
PsfWcsSelectImagesTask (config, name, …) |
Select images using their Wcs and cuts on the PSF properties. |
DatabaseSelectImagesConfig |
Base configuration for subclasses of BaseSelectImagesTask that use a database. |
BestSeeingSelectVisitsTask (*, config, log, …) |
Select up to a maximum number of the best-seeing visits. |
BestSeeingQuantileSelectVisitsTask (*, …) |
Select a quantile of the best-seeing visits. |
lsst.pipe.tasks.setPrimaryFlags Module¶
SetPrimaryFlagsConfig |
SetPrimaryFlagsTask (schema[, isSingleFrame]) |
Add isPrimaryKey to a given schema. |
lsst.pipe.tasks.simpleAssociation Module¶
Simple association algorithm for DRP. Adapted from
SimpleAssociationConfig |
Configuration parameters for the SimpleAssociationTask |
SimpleAssociationTask (config, name, …) |
Construct DiaObjects from a DataFrame of DIASources by spatially associating the sources. |
lsst.pipe.tasks.skyCorrection Module¶
SkyCorrectionTask (*args, **kwargs) |
Perform a full focal plane sky correction. |
SkyCorrectionConfig |
lsst.pipe.tasks.snapCombine Module¶
InitialPsfConfig |
Describes the initial PSF used for detection and measurement before we do PSF determination. |
SnapCombineConfig |
SnapCombineTask (*args, **kwargs) |
Combine two snaps into a single visit image. |
lsst.pipe.tasks.statistic Module¶
Statistic |
Compute a statistic from a list of values. |
Count |
Median |
Percentile (percentile) |
An arbitrary percentile. |
StandardDeviation |
The standard deviation (sigma). |
SigmaIQR |
The re-scaled inter-quartile range (sigma equivalent). |
SigmaMAD |
The re-scaled median absolute deviation (sigma equivalent). |
lsst.pipe.tasks.visualizeVisit Module¶
VisualizeBinExpConfig |
Configuration for focal plane visualization. |
VisualizeBinExpTask (*, config, log, …) |
Bin the detectors of an exposure. |
VisualizeMosaicExpConfig |
Configuration for focal plane visualization. |
VisualizeMosaicExpTask (*, config, log, …) |
Task to mosaic binned products. |
lsst.pipe.tasks.warpAndPsfMatch Module¶
WarpAndPsfMatchTask (*args, **kwargs) |
A task to warp and PSF-match an exposure |