
class lsst.pipe.tasks.healSparseMappingProperties.ExposureTimePropertyMap(config, name)

Bases: lsst.pipe.tasks.healSparseMappingProperties.BasePropertyMap

Exposure time property map.

Attributes Summary


Methods Summary

accumulate_values(indices, ra, dec, weights, …) Accumulate values from a row of a visitSummary table.
finalize_mean_values(total_weights, total_inputs) Finalize the accumulation of the mean and weighted mean.
initialize_tract_maps(nside_coverage, nside) Initialize the tract maps.
initialize_values(n_pixels) Initialize the value arrays for accumulation.
set_map_values(pixels) Assign accumulated values to the maps.

Attributes Documentation

registry = <lsst.pipe.tasks.healSparseMappingProperties.PropertyMapRegistry object>
requires_psf = False

Methods Documentation

accumulate_values(indices, ra, dec, weights, scalings, row, psf_array=None)

Accumulate values from a row of a visitSummary table.

indices : np.ndarray

Indices of values that should be accumulated.

ra : np.ndarray

Array of right ascension for indices

dec : np.ndarray

Array of declination for indices

weights : float or np.ndarray

Weight(s) for indices to be accumulated.

scalings : float or np.ndarray

Scaling values to coadd zeropoint.

row : lsst.afw.table.ExposureRecord

Row of a visitSummary ExposureCatalog.

psf_array : np.ndarray, optional

Array of approximate psf values matched to ra/dec.

ValueError : Raised if requires_psf is True and psf_array is None.
finalize_mean_values(total_weights, total_inputs)

Finalize the accumulation of the mean and weighted mean.

total_weights : np.ndarray

Total accumulated weights, for each value index.

total_inputs : np.ndarray

Total number of inputs, for each value index.

initialize_tract_maps(nside_coverage, nside)

Initialize the tract maps.

nside_coverage : int

Healpix nside of the healsparse coverage map.

nside : int

Healpix nside of the property map.


Initialize the value arrays for accumulation.

n_pixels : int

Number of pixels in the map.


Assign accumulated values to the maps.

pixels : np.ndarray

Array of healpix pixels (nest scheme) to set in the map.