
class lsst.pipe.tasks.selectImages.BaseExposureInfo(dataId, coordList)

Bases: lsst.pipe.base.Struct

Data about a selected exposure.

dataId : dict

Data ID keys of exposure.

coordList : list [lsst.afw.geom.SpherePoint]

ICRS coordinates of the corners of the exposure plus any others items that are desired.

Methods Summary

copy() Make a one-level-deep copy (values are not copied).
getDict() Get a dictionary of fields in this struct.
mergeItems(struct, *nameList) Copy specified fields from another struct, provided they don’t already exist.

Methods Documentation

copy() → lsst.pipe.base.struct.Struct

Make a one-level-deep copy (values are not copied).

copy : Struct

One-level-deep copy of this Struct.

getDict() → Dict[str, Any]

Get a dictionary of fields in this struct.

structDict : dict

Dictionary with field names as keys and field values as values. The values are shallow copies.

mergeItems(struct: lsst.pipe.base.struct.Struct, *nameList) → None

Copy specified fields from another struct, provided they don’t already exist.

struct : Struct

Struct from which to copy.

*nameList : str

All remaining arguments are names of items to copy.


Raised if any item in nameList already exists in self (but any items before the conflicting item in nameList will have been copied).


For example:

foo.copyItems(other, "itemName1", "itemName2")

copies other.itemName1 and other.itemName2 into self.