

lsst.dax.apdb is developed at You can find Jira issues for this module under the dax_apdb component.

Python API reference

lsst.dax.apdb Package


make_apdb(config) Create Apdb instance based on Apdb configuration.


Apdb Abstract interface for APDB.
ApdbCassandra(config) Implementation of APDB database on to of Apache Cassandra.
ApdbCassandraSchema(session, keyspace, …) Class for management of APDB schema.
ApdbConfig Part of Apdb configuration common to all implementations.
ApdbInsertId(id) Class used to identify single insert operation.
ApdbSchema(schema_file, schema_name) Class for management of APDB schema.
ApdbSql(config) Implementation of APDB interface based on SQL database.
ApdbSqlConfig APDB configuration class for SQL implementation (ApdbSql).
ApdbSqlSchema(engine, dia_object_index, …) Class for management of APDB schema.
ApdbTableData Abstract class for representing table data.
ApdbTables Names of the tables in APDB schema.
ExtraTables Names of the tables used for tracking insert IDs.