
class lsst.dax.apdb.ExtraTables

Bases: enum.Enum

Names of the tables used for tracking insert IDs.

Attributes Summary

DiaForcedSourceInsertId Name of the table for DIAForcedSource insert ID records.
DiaInsertId Name of the table for insert ID records.
DiaObjectInsertId Name of the table for DIAObject insert ID records.
DiaSourceInsertId Name of the table for DIASource insert ID records.

Attributes Documentation

DiaForcedSourceInsertId = 'DiaFSourceInsertId'

Name of the table for DIAForcedSource insert ID records.

DiaInsertId = 'DiaInsertId'

Name of the table for insert ID records.

DiaObjectInsertId = 'DiaObjectInsertId'

Name of the table for DIAObject insert ID records.

DiaSourceInsertId = 'DiaSourceInsertId'

Name of the table for DIASource insert ID records.