The lsst.ip.isr
module provides instrument signature removal (ISR) related tasks.
ISR includes steps such as combining multiple amplifiers into one full CCD image, corrections for overscans, crosstalk, bias and dark frames, and the creation of variance and mask planes.
is developed at
You can find Jira issues for this module under the ip_isr component.
Python API reference¶
lsst.ip.isr Package¶
applyGains (exposure[, normalizeGains, ptcGains]) |
Scale an exposure by the amplifier gains. |
applyLookupTable (*args, **kwargs) |
Overloaded function. |
attachTransmissionCurve (exposure[, …]) |
Attach a TransmissionCurve to an Exposure, given separate curves for different components. |
biasCorrection (maskedImage, biasMaskedImage) |
Apply bias correction in place. |
brighterFatterCorrection (exposure, kernel, …) |
Apply brighter fatter correction in place for the image. |
checkFilter (exposure, filterList, log) |
Check to see if an exposure is in a filter specified by a list. |
countMaskedPixels (maskedIm, maskPlane) |
Count the number of pixels in a given mask plane. |
createPsf (fwhm) |
Make a double Gaussian PSF. |
darkCorrection (maskedImage, darkMaskedImage, …) |
Apply dark correction in place. |
fitOverscanImage (*args, **kwargs) |
Overloaded function. |
flatCorrection (maskedImage, flatMaskedImage, …) |
Apply flat correction in place. |
gainContext (exp, image, apply[, gains]) |
Context manager that applies and removes gain. |
getPhysicalFilter (filterLabel, log) |
Get the physical filter label associated with the given filterLabel. |
growMasks (mask[, radius, maskNameList, …]) |
Grow a mask by an amount and add to the requested plane. |
illuminationCorrection (maskedImage, …[, …]) |
Apply illumination correction in place. |
interpolateDefectList (maskedImage, …[, …]) |
Interpolate over defects specified in a defect list. |
interpolateFromMask (maskedImage, fwhm[, …]) |
Interpolate over defects identified by a particular set of mask planes. |
makeThresholdMask (maskedImage, threshold[, …]) |
Mask pixels based on threshold detection. |
makeThumbnail (exposure[, isrQaConfig]) |
Create a snapshot thumbnail from input exposure. |
maskNans (*args, **kwargs) |
Overloaded function. |
saturationCorrection (maskedImage, …[, …]) |
Mark saturated pixels and optionally interpolate over them |
setBadRegions (exposure[, badStatistic]) |
Set all BAD areas of the chip to the average of the rest of the exposure |
transposeMaskedImage (maskedImage) |
Make a transposed copy of a masked image. |
trimToMatchCalibBBox (rawMaskedImage, …) |
Compute number of edge trim pixels to match the calibration data. |
updateVariance (maskedImage, gain, readNoise) |
Set the variance plane based on the image plane. |
widenSaturationTrails (mask) |
Grow the saturation trails by an amount dependent on the width of the trail. |
AssembleCcdTask (**kwargs) |
! |
BfKernelMock (**kwargs) |
Simulated brighter-fatter kernel. |
BiasMock (**kwargs) |
Simulated master bias calibration. |
BrighterFatterKernel ([camera, level]) |
Calibration of brighter-fatter kernels for an instrument. |
CalibratedRawMock (**kwargs) |
Generate a trimmed raw exposure. |
CountMaskedPixelsD |
CountMaskedPixelsF |
CountMaskedPixelsI |
CrosstalkCalib ([detector, nAmp]) |
Calibration of amp-to-amp crosstalk coefficients. |
CrosstalkCoeffMock (**kwargs) |
Simulated crosstalk coefficient matrix. |
CrosstalkConfig |
Configuration for intra-detector crosstalk removal. |
CrosstalkTask (config, name, parentTask, log, …) |
Apply intra-detector crosstalk correction. |
DarkMock (**kwargs) |
Simulated master dark calibration. |
DefectMock (**kwargs) |
Simulated defect list. |
Defects ([defectList, metadata, …]) |
Calibration handler for collections of lsst.meas.algorithms.Defect . |
DeferredChargeCalib (**kwargs) |
Calibration containing deferred charge/CTI parameters. |
DeferredChargeConfig |
Settings for deferred charge correction. |
DeferredChargeTask (config, name, parentTask, …) |
Task to correct an exposure for charge transfer inefficiency. |
FlatMock (**kwargs) |
Simulated master flat calibration. |
FringeConfig |
Fringe subtraction options |
FringeMock (**kwargs) |
Simulated master fringe calibration. |
FringeStatisticsConfig |
Options for measuring fringes on an exposure |
FringeTask (config, name, parentTask, log, …) |
Task to remove fringes from a science exposure |
IntermediateAtmosphereTransmissionCurve ([…]) |
IntermediateFilterTransmissionCurve ([filename]) |
IntermediateOpticsTransmissionCurve ([filename]) |
IntermediateSensorTransmissionCurve ([filename]) |
IntermediateSystemTransmissionCurve ([filename]) |
IntermediateTransmissionCurve ([filename]) |
Definition for the TransmissionCurve format used as inputs. |
IsrCalib ([camera, detector, log]) |
Generic calibration type. |
IsrMock (**kwargs) |
Class to generate consistent mock images for ISR testing. |
IsrMockConfig |
Configuration parameters for isrMock. |
IsrProvenance ([calibType]) |
Class for the provenance of data used to construct calibration. |
IsrQaConfig |
IsrQaFlatnessConfig |
IsrStatisticsTask ([statControl]) |
Task to measure arbitrary statistics on ISR processed exposures. |
IsrStatisticsTaskConfig |
Image statistics options. |
IsrTask (**kwargs) |
Apply common instrument signature correction algorithms to a raw frame. |
IsrTaskConfig |
Configuration parameters for IsrTask. |
LinearizeBase |
Abstract base class functor for correcting non-linearity. |
LinearizeLookupTable |
Correct non-linearity with a persisted lookup table. |
LinearizeNone |
Do not correct non-linearity. |
LinearizePolynomial |
Correct non-linearity with a polynomial mode. |
LinearizeProportional |
Do not correct non-linearity. |
LinearizeSpline |
Correct non-linearity with a spline model. |
LinearizeSquared |
Correct non-linearity with a squared model. |
Linearizer ([table]) |
Parameter set for linearization. |
MaskingConfig |
MaskingTask (config, name, parentTask, log, …) |
Perform extra masking for detector issues such as ghosts and glints. |
MasterMock (**kwargs) |
Parent class for those that make master calibrations. |
MockDataContainer (**kwargs) |
Container for holding ISR mock objects. |
MockFringeContainer (**kwargs) |
Container for mock fringe data. |
NullCrosstalkTask (config, name, parentTask, …) |
OverscanCorrectionTask ([statControl]) |
Correction task for overscan. |
OverscanCorrectionTaskConfig |
Overscan correction options. |
PhotodiodeCalib ([timeSamples, currentSamples]) |
Independent current measurements from photodiode for linearity calculations. |
PhotodiodeCorrection ([table]) |
Parameter set for photodiode correction. |
PhotonTransferCurveDataset ([ampNames, …]) |
A simple class to hold the output data from the PTC task. |
RawDictMock (**kwargs) |
Generate a raw exposure dict suitable for ISR. |
RawMock (**kwargs) |
Generate a raw exposure suitable for ISR. |
SerialTrap (size, emission_time, pixel, …) |
Represents a serial register trap. |
StrayLightConfig |
StrayLightData ([camera, detector, log]) |
An abstract base class for rotator-dependent stray light information. |
StrayLightTask (config, name, parentTask, …) |
Remove stray light from instruments. |
TransmissionMock (**kwargs) |
Simulated transmission curve. |
TrimmedRawMock (**kwargs) |
Generate a trimmed raw exposure. |
UntrimmedFringeMock (**kwargs) |
Simulated untrimmed master fringe calibration. |