
class lsst.ip.isr.LinearizeLookupTable

Bases: lsst.ip.isr.LinearizeBase

Correct non-linearity with a persisted lookup table.

The lookup table consists of entries such that given “coefficients” c0, c1:

for each i,j of image:
rowInd = int(c0) colInd = int(c1 + uncorrImage[i,j]) corrImage[i,j] = uncorrImage[i,j] + table[rowInd, colInd]
  • c0: row index; used to identify which row of the table to use
    (typically one per amplifier, though one can have multiple amplifiers use the same table)
  • c1: column index offset; added to the uncorrected image value
    before truncation; this supports tables that can handle negative image values; also, if the c1 ends with .5 then the nearest index is used instead of truncating to the next smaller index

Attributes Summary


Methods Summary

__call__(image, **kwargs) Correct for non-linearity.

Attributes Documentation

LinearityType = 'LookupTable'

Methods Documentation

__call__(image, **kwargs)

Correct for non-linearity.

image : lsst.afw.image.Image

Image to be corrected

kwargs : dict

Dictionary of parameter keywords:


Columnation vector (list or numpy.array).


Lookup table data (numpy.array).


Logger to handle messages (logging.Logger).

output : tuple [bool, int]

If true, a correction was applied successfully. The integer indicates the number of pixels that were uncorrectable by being out of range.


Raised if the requested row index is out of the table bounds.