
The lsst.utils module provides common code for tests, interfacing between C++ and Python, and debugging.


lsst.utils is developed at You can find Jira issues for this module under the utils component.

Python API reference

lsst.utils Package


continueClass(cls) Re-open the decorated class, adding any new definitions into the original.
demangleType(type_name) Demangle a C++ type string.
deprecate_pybind11(obj, reason, version, …) Deprecate a pybind11-wrapped C++ interface function, method or class.
doImport(importable) Import a python object given an importable string and return it.
doImportType(importable) Import a python type given an importable string and return it.
getPackageDir(package_name) Find the file system location of the EUPS package.
get_caller_name(skip) Get the name of the caller method.
inClass(cls[, name]) Add the decorated function to the given class as a method.
inheritDoc(klass) Extend existing documentation for a method that exists in another class and extend it with any additional documentation defined.
isEnabled() Check that backtrace is enabled.
suppress_deprecations(category) Suppress warnings generated by deprecated.sphinx.deprecated.


TemplateMeta A metaclass for abstract base classes that tie together wrapped C++ template types.

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of lsst.utils.wrappers.TemplateMeta

lsst.utils.tests Module


init() Initialize the memory tester and file descriptor leak tester.
getTempFilePath(ext, expectOutput) Return a path suitable for a temporary file and try to delete the file on success
assertFloatsAlmostEqual(testCase, lhs, …) Highly-configurable floating point comparisons for scalars and arrays.
assertFloatsNotEqual(testCase, lhs, …) Fail a test if the given floating point values are equal to within the given tolerances.
assertFloatsEqual(testCase, lhs, …) Assert that lhs == rhs (both numeric types, whether scalar or array).
debugger(*exceptions) Enter the debugger when there’s an uncaught exception
classParameters(**settings) Class decorator for generating unit tests
methodParameters(**settings) Iterate over supplied settings to create subtests automatically.
temporaryDirectory() Context manager that creates and destroys a temporary directory.


MemoryTestCase([methodName]) Check for resource leaks.
ExecutablesTestCase([methodName]) Test that executables can be run and return good status.
TestCase([methodName]) Subclass of unittest.TestCase that adds some custom assertions for convenience.

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of lsst.utils.tests.MemoryTestCase, lsst.utils.tests.ExecutablesTestCase, lsst.utils.tests.TestCase

lsst.utils.logging Module


getLogger(name, None] = None, logger, …) Get a logger compatible with LSST usage.
getTraceLogger(logger, logging.Logger, …) Get a logger with the appropriate TRACE name.
trace_set_at(name, number) Adjust logging level to display messages with the trace number being less than or equal to the provided value.


LsstLogAdapter(logger[, extra]) A special logging adapter to provide log features for LSST code.
PeriodicLogger(logger, …) Issue log messages if a time threshold has elapsed.

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of lsst.utils.logging.LsstLogAdapter, lsst.utils.logging.PeriodicLogger

lsst.utils.iteration Module


chunk_iterable(data, chunk_size) Return smaller chunks of an iterable.
ensure_iterable(a) Ensure that the input is iterable.
isplit(string, sep) Split a string or bytes by separator returning a generator.

lsst.utils.classes Module


cached_getter(func, _R]) Decorate a method to cache the result.
immutable(cls) Decorate a class to simulate a simple form of immutability.


Singleton Metaclass to convert a class to a Singleton.

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of lsst.utils.classes.Singleton

lsst.utils.introspection Module


get_class_of(typeOrName, str]) Given the type name or a type, return the python type.
get_full_type_name(cls) Return full type name of the supplied entity.
get_instance_of(typeOrName, str], *args, …) Given the type name or a type, instantiate an object of that type.
get_caller_name(stacklevel) Get the name of the caller method.

lsst.utils.timer Module


profile(filename, log) Profile the enclosed code block and save the result to a file.
logInfo(obj, prefix, logLevel, metadata, …) Log timer information to obj.metadata and obj.log.
timeMethod(_func, None] = None, *, metadata, …) Measure duration of a method.
time_this(log, msg, level, prefix, args, …) Time the enclosed block and issue a log message.

lsst.utils.packages Module


getVersionFromPythonModule(module) Determine the version of a python module.
getPythonPackages() Get imported python packages and their versions.
getEnvironmentPackages Get products and their versions from the environment.
getCondaPackages Get products and their versions from the conda environment.


Packages A table of packages and their versions.

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of lsst.utils.packages.Packages

lsst.utils.usage Module


get_current_mem_usage() Report current memory usage.
get_peak_mem_usage() Report peak memory usage.

lsst.utils.threads Module


set_thread_envvars(num_threads, override) Set common threading environment variables to the given value.
disable_implicit_threading() Do whatever is necessary to try to prevent implicit threading.

lsst.utils.ellipsis Module

A type-annotation workaround for ... not having an exposed type in Python.

This module provides Ellipsis and EllipsisType symbols that are conditionally defined to point to the built-in “...” singleton and its type (respectively) at runtime, and an enum class and instance if typing.TYPE_CHECKING is True (an approach first suggested here). Type checkers should recognize enum literals as singletons, making this pair behave as expected under is comparisons and type-narrowing expressions, such as:

v: EllipsisType | int
if v is not Ellipsis:
    v += 2  # type checker should now see v as a pure int

This works best when there is a clear boundary between code that needs to be type-checked and can use Ellipsis instead of a literal “...”, and calling code that is either not type-checked or uses typing.Any to accept literal “...” values.