
lsst.utils.timer.time_this(log: Optional[LsstLoggers] = None, msg: Optional[str] = None, level: int = 10, prefix: Optional[str] = 'timer', args: Iterable[Any] = (), mem_usage: bool = False, mem_child: bool = False, mem_unit: u.Quantity = Unit("byte"), mem_fmt: str = '.0f') → Iterator[None]

Time the enclosed block and issue a log message.

log : logging.Logger, optional

Logger to use to report the timer message. The root logger will be used if none is given.

msg : str, optional

Context to include in log message.

level : int, optional

Python logging level to use to issue the log message. If the code block raises an exception the log message will automatically switch to level ERROR.

prefix : str, optional

Prefix to use to prepend to the supplied logger to create a new logger to use instead. No prefix is used if the value is set to None. Defaults to “timer”.

args : iterable of any

Additional parameters passed to the log command that should be written to msg.

mem_usage : bool, optional

Flag indicating whether to include the memory usage in the report. Defaults, to False.

mem_child : bool, optional

Flag indication whether to include memory usage of the child processes.

mem_unit : astropy.units.Unit, optional

Unit to use when reporting the memory usage. Defaults to bytes.

mem_fmt : str, optional

Format specifier to use when displaying values related to memory usage. Defaults to ‘.0f’.