
class lsst.pipe.base.execution_reports.TaskExecutionReport(failed: dict[uuid.UUID, lsst.daf.butler._dataset_ref.DatasetRef] = <factory>, n_succeeded: int = 0, blocked: dict[uuid.UUID, lsst.daf.butler.dimensions._coordinate.DataCoordinate] = <factory>, output_datasets: dict[str, lsst.pipe.base.execution_reports.DatasetTypeExecutionReport] = <factory>)

Bases: object

A report on the status and content of a task in an executed quantum graph.

Use task metadata to identify and inspect failures and report on output datasets.

See also


Quantum graph report.


DatasetType report.

Attributes Summary


A count of successful quanta.

Methods Summary

inspect_quantum(quantum_node, status_graph, ...)

Inspect a quantum of a quantum graph and ascertain the status of each associated data product.

to_summary_dict(butler[, do_store_logs])

Summarize the results of the TaskExecutionReport in a dictionary.

Attributes Documentation

n_succeeded: int = 0

A count of successful quanta.

This may include quanta that did not produce any datasets; ie, raised NoWorkFound.

Methods Documentation

inspect_quantum(quantum_node: QuantumNode, status_graph: DiGraph, refs: Mapping[str, Mapping[UUID, DatasetRef]], metadata_name: str, log_name: str) None

Inspect a quantum of a quantum graph and ascertain the status of each associated data product.


The specific node of the quantum graph to be inspected.


The quantum graph produced by QuantumGraphExecutionReport.make_reports which steps through the quantum graph of a run and logs the status of each quantum.

refsMapping [ str, Mapping [ uuid.UUID, DatasetRef ] ]

The DatasetRefs of each of the DatasetTypes produced by the task. Includes initialization, intermediate and output data products.


The metadata dataset name for the node.


The name of the log files for the node.

to_summary_dict(butler: Butler, do_store_logs: bool = True) dict[str, Any]

Summarize the results of the TaskExecutionReport in a dictionary.


The Butler used for this report.


Store the logs in the summary dictionary.


A dictionary containing:

  • outputs: A dictionary summarizing the DatasetTypeExecutionReport for each DatasetType associated with the task

  • failed_quanta: A dictionary of quanta which failed and their dataIDs by quantum graph node id

  • n_quanta_blocked: The number of quanta which failed due to upstream failures.

  • n_succeded: The number of quanta which succeeded.