Plot Types¶
This page lists the plot types provided by analysis_tools
The modules for these plots are all in python/lsst/analysis/tools/actions/plot
can all be found on GitHub. Package¶
A plotting tool which can take multiple keyed data inputs and can create one or more bar graphs. |
Make a color-color plot and overplot a prefited line to the fit region. |
Generic pseudo base class for plotting DiaSources (or DiaObjects) on the sky. |
Plots the focal plane distribution of a parameter in afw camera geometry units: amplifiers and detectors. |
Plots the focal plane distribution of a parameter. |
Plot a series of plot elements onto a regularly spaced grid. |
Make an N-panel plot with a configurable number of histograms displayed in each panel. |
Return the median +/- 2*nansigmamad values of an input vector to use as the minimum and maximum values of a colorbar range. |
Return the maximum and minimum values of an input vector to use as the minimum and maximum values of a colorbar range. |
Plot the coverage for a set of visits. |
Make multiple plots of rho statistics. |
Makes a scatter plot of the data with a marginal histogram for each axis. |
Plots the on sky distribution of a parameter. |
Make a plot (with errorbars) of one quantity (X) vs another (Y). |