Task index¶
Pipeline tasks¶
- AlardLuptonPreconvolveSubtractTask
Subtract a template from a science image, convolving the science image before computing the kernel, and also convolving the template before subtraction.
- AlardLuptonSubtractTask
Compute the image difference of a science and template image using the Alard & Lupton (1998) algorithm.
- ApdbMetricTask
A base class for tasks that compute metrics from an alert production database.
- BrighterFatterKernelSolveTask
Measure appropriate Brighter-Fatter Kernel from the PTC dataset.
- CalibCombineByFilterTask
Task to combine calib exposures.
- CalibCombineTask
Task to combine calib exposures.
- CalibrateImageTask
Compute the PSF, aperture corrections, astrometric and photometric calibrations, and summary statistics for a single science exposure, and produce a catalog of brighter stars that were used to calibrate it.
- CalibrateTask
Calibrate an exposure: measure sources and perform astrometric and photometric calibration.
- CatalogMeasurementBaseTask
Base class for science performance metrics measured from source/object catalogs.
- CatalogSummaryBaseTask
A base class for tasks that compute one metric from input datasets.
- CharacterizeImageTask
Measure bright sources and use this to estimate background and PSF of an exposure.
- CoaddInjectTask
Coadd-level class for injecting sources into images.
- ConsolidateHealSparsePropertyMapTask
Task to consolidate HealSparse property maps.
- ConsolidateSourceTableTask
Concatenate sourceTable list into a per-visit sourceTable_visit
- ConsolidateVisitSummaryTask
Task to consolidate per-detector visit metadata.
- CpDarkTask
Combine pre-processed dark frames into a proposed master calibration.
- CpFlatMeasureTask
Apply extra masking and measure image statistics.
- CpFlatNormalizationTask
Rescale merged flat frames to remove unequal screen illumination.
- CpFringeTask
Combine pre-processed fringe frames into a proposed master calibration.
- CpSkyCombineTask
Merge per-exposure measurements into a detector level calibration.
- CpSkyImageTask
Mask the detections on the postISRCCD.
- CpSkyScaleMeasureTask
Measure per-exposure scale factors and merge focal plane backgrounds.
- CpSkySubtractBackgroundTask
Subtract per-exposure background from individual detector masked images.
- CpuTimingMetricTask
A Task that computes a CPU time using metadata produced by the lsst.utils.timer.timeMethod decorator.
- CrosstalkExtractTask
Task to measure pixel ratios to find crosstalk.
- CrosstalkSolveTask
Task to solve crosstalk from pixel ratios.
- DetectAndMeasureScoreTask
Detect DIA sources using a score image, and measure the detections on the difference image.
- DetectAndMeasureTask
Detect and measure sources on a difference image.
- DetectCoaddSourcesTask
Detect sources on a single filter coadd.
- DiaPipelineTask
Task for loading, associating and storing Difference Image Analysis (DIA) Objects and Sources.
- ExposureInjectTask
Exposure-level class for injecting sources into images.
- FgcmBuildFromIsolatedStarsTask
Build star catalog for FGCM global calibration, using the isolated star catalogs.
- FgcmBuildStarsTableTask
Build stars for the FGCM global calibration, using sourceTable_visit catalogs.
- FgcmCalibrateTractTableTask
Calibrate a single tract using fgcmcal, using sourceTable_visit (parquet) input catalogs.
- FgcmFitCycleTask
Run Single fit cycle for FGCM global calibration
- FgcmMakeLutTask
Make Look-Up Table for FGCM.
- FgcmOutputProductsTask
Output products from FGCM global calibration.
- FinalizeCharacterizationTask
Run final characterization on exposures.
- ForcedPhotCcdTask
A pipeline task for performing forced measurement on CCD images.
- ForcedPhotCoaddTask
A pipeline task for performing forced measurement on coadd images.
- FractionDiaSourcesToSciSourcesMetricTask
Task that computes the ratio of difference image sources to science sources in an image, visit, etc.
- FractionUpdatedDiaObjectsMetricTask
Task that computes the fraction of previously created DIAObjects that have a new association in this image, visit, etc..
- GbdesAstrometricFitTask
Calibrate the WCS across multiple visits of the same field using the GBDES package.
- GetTemplateTask
Base class for all pipeline tasks.
- HealSparsePropertyMapTask
Task to compute Healsparse property maps.
- HighResolutionHipsTask
Task for making high resolution HiPS images.
- IsolatedStarAssociationTask
Associate sources into isolated star catalogs.
- LinearitySolveTask
Fit the linearity from the PTC dataset.
- MakeDirectWarpTask
Warp single-detector images onto a common projection.
- MakePsfMatchedWarpTask
Base class for all pipeline tasks.
- MakeWarpTask
Warp and optionally PSF-Match calexps onto an a common projection.
- MatchedBaseTask
Base class for all pipeline tasks.
- MatchedTractBaseTask
Base class for all pipeline tasks.
- MeasureDefectsTask
Measure the defects from one exposure.
- MeasureMergedCoaddSourcesTask
Deblend sources from main catalog in each coadd seperately and measure.
- MemoryMetricTask
A Task that computes the maximum resident set size using metadata produced by the lsst.utils.timer.timeMethod decorator.
- MergeDefectsTask
Merge the defects from multiple exposures.
- MergeDetectionsTask
Merge sources detected in coadds of exposures obtained with different filters.
- MergeMeasurementsTask
Merge measurements from multiple bands.
- MetadataMetricTask
A base class for tasks that compute metrics from single metadata objects.
- MetricTask
A base class for tasks that compute one metric from input datasets.
- NumberDeblendChildSourcesMetricTask
Task that computes the number of science sources created through deblending.
- NumberDeblendedSourcesMetricTask
Task that computes the number of science sources that have been deblended.
- NumberNewDiaObjectsMetricTask
Task that computes the number of DIASources that create new DIAObjects in an image, visit, etc..
- NumberSciSourcesMetricTask
Task that computes the number of cataloged non-primary science sources.
- NumberUnassociatedDiaObjectsMetricTask
Task that computes the number of previously-known DIAObjects that do not have detected DIASources in an image, visit, etc..
- PatchMatchedMeasurementTask
Base class for science performance metrics measured from source/object catalogs.
- PatchMatchedMultiBandMeasurementTask
Base class for science performance metrics measured from source/object catalogs.
- PatchMatchedMultiBandPreparationTask
Base class for all pipeline tasks.
- PatchMatchedPreparationTask
Base class for all pipeline tasks.
- PatchMatchedSummaryTask
A base class for tasks that compute one metric from input datasets.
- PatchMeasurementTask
Base class for science performance metrics measured from source/object catalogs.
- PatchSummaryTask
A base class for tasks that compute one metric from input datasets.
- PhotonTransferCurveExtractTask
Task to measure covariances from flat fields.
- PhotonTransferCurveSolveTask
Task to fit the PTC from flat covariances.
- ReprocessVisitImageTask
Use the visit-level calibrations to perform detection and measurement on the single frame exposures and produce a "final" exposure and catalog.
- TimingMetricTask
A Task that computes a wall-clock time using metadata produced by the lsst.utils.timer.timeMethod decorator.
- TotalUnassociatedDiaObjectsMetricTask
Task that computes the number of DIAObjects with only one associated DIASource.
- TractMatchedMeasurementTask
Base class for science performance metrics measured from source/object catalogs.
- TractMatchedPreparationTask
Base class for all pipeline tasks.
- TractMatchedSummaryTask
A base class for tasks that compute one metric from input datasets.
- TractMeasurementTask
Base class for science performance metrics measured from source/object catalogs.
- TractMultiBandMeasurementTask
Base class for science performance metrics measured from source/object catalogs.
- TransformSourceTableTask
Transform/standardize a source catalog
- UpdateVisitSummaryTask
A pipeline task that creates a new visit-summary table after all lsst.afw.image.Exposure components have been finalized.
- VisitInjectTask
Visit-level class for injecting sources into images.
- VisitMeasurementTask
Base class for science performance metrics measured from source/object catalogs.
- VisitSummaryTask
A base class for tasks that compute one metric from input datasets.
- WriteSourceTableTask
Write source table to DataFrame Parquet format.
Command-line tasks¶
No topics.
- AB1Task
Base class for data processing tasks.
- ADxTask
Base class for data processing tasks.
- AFxTask
Base class for data processing tasks.
- AMxTask
Base class for data processing tasks.
- ApplyApCorrTask
Apply aperture corrections.
- AssembleCcdTask
Assemble a set of amplifier images into a full detector size set of pixels.
- AstrometrySourceSelectorTask
Select sources that are useful for astrometry.
- AstrometryTask
Match an input source catalog with objects from a reference catalog and solve for the WCS.
- BaseMeasurementTask
Ultimate base class for all measurement tasks.
- BasePsfDeterminerTask
Base class for PSF determiners
- BaseStarSelectorTask
Base class for star selectors
- CalibStatsTask
Measure statistics on the background
- CatalogCalculationTask
Run plugins which operate on a catalog of sources.
- CoaddInputRecorderTask
Subtask that handles filling a CoaddInputs object for a coadd exposure, tracking the CCDs and visits that went into a coadd.
- ComputeExposureSummaryStatsTask
Task to compute exposure summary statistics.
- ConvertReferenceCatalogTask
Class for producing HTM-indexed reference catalogs from external catalog data.
- DecorrelateALKernelSpatialTask
Decorrelate the effect of convolution by Alard-Lupton matching kernel in image difference
- DecorrelateALKernelTask
Decorrelate the effect of convolution by Alard-Lupton matching kernel in image difference
- DipoleMeasurementTask
Measurement of Sources, specifically ones from difference images, for characterization as dipoles
- DirectMatchTask
Simple, brute force matching of a source catalog to a reference catalog.
- DynamicDetectionTask
Detection of sources on an image with a dynamic threshold
- ExampleSigmaClippedStatsTask
Example task to compute sigma-clipped mean and standard deviation of an image.
- ExampleSimpleStatsTask
Example task to compute mean and standard deviation of an image.
- FitSipDistortionTask
Fit a TAN-SIP WCS given a list of reference object/source matches.
- FitTanSipWcsTask
Fit a TAN-SIP WCS given a list of reference object/source matches.
- FlaggedSourceSelectorTask
A trivial SourceSelector that simply uses an existing flag field to filter a SourceCatalog.
- ForcedMeasurementTask
Measure sources on an image, constrained by a reference catalog.
- HealSparseInputMapTask
Task for making a HealSparse input map.
- HistMedianTask
Base class for data processing tasks.
- InstallGaussianPsfTask
Install a Gaussian PSF model in an exposure.
- InterpImageTask
Interpolate over bad image pixels
- LoadReferenceCatalogTask
Load multi-band reference objects from a reference catalog.
- MakeDiscreteSkyMapTask
Make a DiscreteSkyMap in a repository, using the bounding box of a set of calexps.
- MakeKernelTask
Construct a kernel for PSF matching two exposures.
- MakePsfCandidatesTask
Create PSF candidates given an input catalog.
- MaskStreaksTask
Find streaks or other straight lines in image data.
- MatchBackgroundsTask
Base class for data processing tasks.
- MatchOptimisticBTask
Match sources to reference objects using the Optimistic Pattern Matcher B algorithm of Tabur 2007.
- MatchPessimisticBTask
Match sources to reference objects.
- MatcherSourceSelectorTask
Select sources that are useful for matching.
- MeasureApCorrTask
Task to measure aperture correction.
- MeasurePsfTask
A task that selects stars from a catalog of sources and uses those to measure the PSF.
- ModelPsfMatchTask
Match two model Psfs, and application of the Psf-matching kernel to an input Exposure.
- NormalizedCalibrationFluxTask
Task to measure the normalized calibration flux.
- NumSourcesTask
Simple default task to count the number of sources/objects in catalog.
- NumpySummaryTask
Base class for data processing tasks.
- ObjectSizeStarSelectorTask
A star selector that looks for a cluster of small objects in a size-magnitude plot.
- PA1Task
A Task that computes the PA1 photometric repeatability metric from an input set of multiple visits of the same field.
- PF1Task
A Task that computes PF1, the percentage of photometric repeatability measurements that deviate by more than PA2 mmag from the mean.
- PcaPsfDeterminerTask
A measurePsfTask psf estimator.
- PhotoCalTask
Calculate an Exposure's zero-point given a set of flux measurements of stars matched to an input catalogue.
- PiffPsfDeterminerTask
A measurePsfTask PSF estimator using Piff as the implementation.
- PlotImageSubtractionCutoutsTask
Generate template/science/difference image cutouts of DiaSources and an optional manifest for upload to a Zooniverse project.
- PropagateSourceFlagsTask
Task to propagate source flags to coadd objects.
- PsfWcsSelectImagesTask
Select images using their Wcs and cuts on the PSF properties.
- ReadFitsCatalogTask
Read an object catalog from a FITS table
- ReadTextCatalogTask
Read an object catalog from a text file
- RefMatchTask
Match an input source catalog with objects from a reference catalog.
- ReferenceSourceSelectorTask
Reference source selector
- RegisterTask
Task to register (align) multiple images.
- RepairTask
Repair an exposures defects and cosmic rays via interpolation.
- ReserveIsolatedStarsTask
Reserve isolated stars with repeatable hash.
- ReserveSourcesTask
Reserve sources from analysis
- ScaleZeroPointTask
Compute scale factor to scale exposures to a desired photometric zero point.
- ScienceSourceSelectorTask
Science source selector
- SingleFrameMeasurementTask
A subtask for measuring the properties of sources on a single exposure.
- SkyObjectsTask
Generate a list of Footprints of sky sources/objects (regions on the sky that do not otherwise have detections).
- SnapCombineTask
Combine one or two snaps into a single visit image.
- SourceDeblendTask
Split blended sources into individual sources.
- SourceDetectionTask
Detect peaks and footprints of sources in an image.
- StarFracTask
Base class for data processing tasks.
- SubtractBackgroundTask
Subtract the background from an exposure
- WPerpTask
Base class for data processing tasks.
- WarpAndPsfMatchTask
A task to warp and PSF-match an exposure
- WcsSelectImagesTask
Select images using their Wcs.
No topics.
- AB1Config
Base class for configuration (config) objects.
- AMxConfig
Base class for configuration (config) objects.
- BaseMeasurementPluginConfig
Base config class for all measurement plugins.
- BasePluginConfig
Base class measurement plugin config classes.
- CatalogCalculationClassificationConfig
Configuration for catalog classification plugin.
- CatalogCalculationFootprintAreaConfig
Configuration for footprint area catalog calculation plugin.
- CatalogCalculationPluginConfig
Default configuration class for catalog calcuation plugins.
- CatalogMeasurementBaseConfig
Configuration for CatalogMeasurementBaseTask.
- CatalogSummaryBaseConfig
Configuration class for PipelineTask.
- Colorterm
Colorterm correction for one pair of filters
- ColortermDict
A mapping of physical filter label to Colorterm
- ColortermLibrary
A mapping of photometric reference catalog name or glob to ColortermDict
- CullPeaksConfig
Configuration for culling garbage peaks after merging footprints.
- DatabaseSelectImagesConfig
Base configuration for subclasses of BaseSelectImagesTask that use a database.
- FgcmCalibrateTractTableConfig
Config for FgcmCalibrateTractTable task
- FgcmFitCycleConfig
Config for FgcmFitCycle
- FgcmLoadReferenceCatalogConfig
Config for FgcmLoadReferenceCatalogTask
- FgcmMakeLutConfig
Config for FgcmMakeLutTask
- FgcmOutputProductsConfig
Config for FgcmOutputProductsTask
- ForcedPluginConfig
Base class for configs of forced measurement plugins.
- MatchedBaseConfig
Configuration class for PipelineTask.
- NoiseReplacerConfig
Noise replacement configuration.
- NumpySummaryConfig
Base class for configuration (config) objects.
- PA1Config
Config fields for the PA1 photometric repeatability metric.
- PatchMatchedMeasurementConfig
Configuration for CatalogMeasurementBaseTask.
- PatchMatchedMultiBandMeasurementConfig
Configuration for CatalogMeasurementBaseTask.
- PatchMatchedMultiBandPreparationConfig
Configuration class for PipelineTask.
- PatchMatchedPreparationConfig
Configuration class for PipelineTask.
- PatchMatchedSummaryConfig
Configuration class for PipelineTask.
- PatchMeasurementConfig
Configuration for CatalogMeasurementBaseTask.
- PatchSummaryConfig
Configuration class for PipelineTask.
- Sedboundaryterm
SED boundary term for a pair of bands.
- SedboundarytermDict
A mapping of Sedboundaryterm name to Sedterm.
- Sedterm
SED term for a single band.
- SedtermDict
A mapping of bands to Sedterms.
- SingleFramePluginConfig
Base class for single-frame plugin configuration classes.
- SourceSlotConfig
Assign named plugins to measurement slots.
- TractMatchedMeasurementConfig
Configuration for CatalogMeasurementBaseTask.
- TractMatchedPreparationConfig
Configuration class for PipelineTask.
- TractMatchedSummaryConfig
Configuration class for PipelineTask.
- TractMeasurementConfig
Configuration for CatalogMeasurementBaseTask.
- TractMultiBandMeasurementConfig
Configuration for CatalogMeasurementBaseTask.
- VisitMeasurementConfig
Configuration for CatalogMeasurementBaseTask.
- VisitSummaryConfig
Configuration class for PipelineTask.
- WPerpConfig
Base class for configuration (config) objects.