BrighterFatterKernelSolveConfig |
BrighterFatterKernelSolveTask (*, config, …) |
Measure appropriate Brighter-Fatter Kernel from the PTC dataset. |
CalibCombineByFilterConfig |
CalibCombineByFilterConnections (*[, config]) |
CalibCombineByFilterTask (**kwargs) |
Task to combine calib exposures. |
CalibCombineConfig |
Configuration for combining calib exposures. |
CalibCombineConnections (*[, config]) |
CalibCombineTask (**kwargs) |
Task to combine calib exposures. |
CalibStatsConfig |
Parameters controlling the measurement of background statistics. |
CalibStatsTask (config, name, parentTask, …) |
Measure statistics on the background |
CpCtiSolveConfig |
Configuration for the CTI combination. |
CpCtiSolveConnections (*, config) |
CpCtiSolveTask (**kwargs) |
Combine CTI measurements to a final calibration. |
CpSkyCombineConfig |
CpSkyCombineTask (**kwargs) |
Merge per-exposure measurements into a detector level calibration. |
CpSkyImageConfig |
CpSkyImageTask (**kwargs) |
Mask the detections on the postISRCCD. |
CpSkyScaleMeasureConfig |
CpSkyScaleMeasureTask (*, config, log, …) |
Measure per-exposure scale factors and merge focal plane backgrounds. |
CpSkySubtractBackgroundConfig |
CpSkySubtractBackgroundTask (**kwargs) |
Subtract per-exposure background from individual detector masked images. |
CrosstalkExtractConfig |
Configuration for the measurement of pixel ratios. |
CrosstalkExtractTask (*, config, log, …) |
Task to measure pixel ratios to find crosstalk. |
CrosstalkSolveConfig |
Configuration for the solving of crosstalk from pixel ratios. |
CrosstalkSolveTask (*, config, log, …) |
Task to solve crosstalk from pixel ratios. |
FindDefectsTask (**kwargs) |
Task for finding defects in sensors. |
FindDefectsTaskConfig |
FloatingOutputAmplifier (gain, scale, decay_time) |
Object representing the readout amplifier of a single channel. |
LinearitySolveConfig |
Configuration for solving the linearity from PTC dataset. |
LinearitySolveTask (*, config, log, …) |
Fit the linearity from the PTC dataset. |
MeasureCrosstalkConfig |
MeasureCrosstalkTask (**kwargs) |
Measure intra-detector crosstalk. |
MeasureDefectsTask (*, config, log, …) |
Measure the defects from one exposure. |
MeasureDefectsTaskConfig |
Configuration for measuring defects from a list of exposures |
MeasureLinearityTask (**kwargs) |
Stand alone Gen2 linearity measurement. |
MergeDefectsTask (*, config, log, …) |
Merge the defects from multiple exposures. |
MergeDefectsTaskConfig |
Configuration for merging single exposure defects. |
OverscanModel |
Base class for handling model/data fit comparisons. |
PhotodiodeCorrectionConfig |
Configuration for calculating the photodiode corrections. |
PhotodiodeCorrectionTask (*, config, log, …) |
Calculate the photodiode corrections. |
PhotonTransferCurveExtractConfig |
Configuration for the measurement of covariances from flats. |
PhotonTransferCurveExtractTask (*, config, …) |
Task to measure covariances from flat fields. |
PhotonTransferCurveSolveConfig |
Configuration for fitting measured covariances. |
PhotonTransferCurveSolveTask (*, config, log, …) |
Task to fit the PTC from flat covariances. |
PlotPhotonTransferCurveTask (datasetFilename) |
A class to plot the dataset from MeasurePhotonTransferCurveTask. |
SegmentSimulator (imarr, prescan_width, …) |
Controls the creation of simulated segment images. |
SimpleModel |
Simple analytic overscan model. |
SimulatedModel |
Simulated overscan model. |