
class lsst.daf.butler.ddl.Base64Region(nbytes: int | None = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: Base64Bytes

A SQLAlchemy custom type for Python lsst.sphgeom.Region.

Maps Python sphgeom.Region to a base64-encoded sqlalchemy.String.

Attributes Summary


Indicate if statements using this ExternalType are "safe to cache".


Return the Python type object expected to be returned by instances of this type, if known.

Methods Summary

process_bind_param(value, dialect)

Receive a bound parameter value to be converted.

process_result_value(value, dialect)

Receive a result-row column value to be converted.


Return a SQLAlchemy aggregate expression that computes the union of a set of unions.

Attributes Documentation

cache_ok: bool | None = True

Indicate if statements using this ExternalType are “safe to cache”.

The default value None will emit a warning and then not allow caching of a statement which includes this type. Set to False to disable statements using this type from being cached at all without a warning. When set to True, the object’s class and selected elements from its state will be used as part of the cache key. For example, using a TypeDecorator:

class MyType(TypeDecorator):
    impl = String

    cache_ok = True

    def __init__(self, choices):
        self.choices = tuple(choices)
        self.internal_only = True

The cache key for the above type would be equivalent to:

>>> MyType(["a", "b", "c"])._static_cache_key
(<class '__main__.MyType'>, ('choices', ('a', 'b', 'c')))

The caching scheme will extract attributes from the type that correspond to the names of parameters in the __init__() method. Above, the “choices” attribute becomes part of the cache key but “internal_only” does not, because there is no parameter named “internal_only”.

The requirements for cacheable elements is that they are hashable and also that they indicate the same SQL rendered for expressions using this type every time for a given cache value.

To accommodate for datatypes that refer to unhashable structures such as dictionaries, sets and lists, these objects can be made “cacheable” by assigning hashable structures to the attributes whose names correspond with the names of the arguments. For example, a datatype which accepts a dictionary of lookup values may publish this as a sorted series of tuples. Given a previously un-cacheable type as:

class LookupType(UserDefinedType):
    """a custom type that accepts a dictionary as a parameter.

    this is the non-cacheable version, as "self.lookup" is not


    def __init__(self, lookup):
        self.lookup = lookup

    def get_col_spec(self, **kw):
        return "VARCHAR(255)"

    def bind_processor(self, dialect): ...  # works with "self.lookup" ...

Where “lookup” is a dictionary. The type will not be able to generate a cache key:

>>> type_ = LookupType({"a": 10, "b": 20})
>>> type_._static_cache_key
<stdin>:1: SAWarning: UserDefinedType LookupType({'a': 10, 'b': 20}) will not
produce a cache key because the ``cache_ok`` flag is not set to True.
Set this flag to True if this type object's state is safe to use
in a cache key, or False to disable this warning.

If we did set up such a cache key, it wouldn’t be usable. We would get a tuple structure that contains a dictionary inside of it, which cannot itself be used as a key in a “cache dictionary” such as SQLAlchemy’s statement cache, since Python dictionaries aren’t hashable:

>>> # set cache_ok = True
>>> type_.cache_ok = True

>>> # this is the cache key it would generate
>>> key = type_._static_cache_key
>>> key
(<class '__main__.LookupType'>, ('lookup', {'a': 10, 'b': 20}))

>>> # however this key is not hashable, will fail when used with
>>> # SQLAlchemy statement cache
>>> some_cache = {key: "some sql value"}
Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1,
in <module> TypeError: unhashable type: 'dict'

The type may be made cacheable by assigning a sorted tuple of tuples to the “.lookup” attribute:

class LookupType(UserDefinedType):
    """a custom type that accepts a dictionary as a parameter.

    The dictionary is stored both as itself in a private variable,
    and published in a public variable as a sorted tuple of tuples,
    which is hashable and will also return the same value for any
    two equivalent dictionaries.  Note it assumes the keys and
    values of the dictionary are themselves hashable.


    cache_ok = True

    def __init__(self, lookup):
        self._lookup = lookup

        # assume keys/values of "lookup" are hashable; otherwise
        # they would also need to be converted in some way here
        self.lookup = tuple((key, lookup[key]) for key in sorted(lookup))

    def get_col_spec(self, **kw):
        return "VARCHAR(255)"

    def bind_processor(self, dialect): ...  # works with "self._lookup" ...

Where above, the cache key for LookupType({"a": 10, "b": 20}) will be:

>>> LookupType({"a": 10, "b": 20})._static_cache_key
(<class '__main__.LookupType'>, ('lookup', (('a', 10), ('b', 20))))

New in version 1.4.14: - added the cache_ok flag to allow some configurability of caching for TypeDecorator classes.

New in version 1.4.28: - added the ExternalType mixin which generalizes the cache_ok flag to both the TypeDecorator and UserDefinedType classes.

See also



Methods Documentation

process_bind_param(value: Region | None, dialect: Dialect) str | None

Receive a bound parameter value to be converted.

Custom subclasses of _types.TypeDecorator should override this method to provide custom behaviors for incoming data values. This method is called at statement execution time and is passed the literal Python data value which is to be associated with a bound parameter in the statement.

The operation could be anything desired to perform custom behavior, such as transforming or serializing data. This could also be used as a hook for validating logic.

  • value – Data to operate upon, of any type expected by this method in the subclass. Can be None.

  • dialect – the Dialect in use.

See also



process_result_value(value: str | None, dialect: Dialect) Region | None

Receive a result-row column value to be converted.

Custom subclasses of _types.TypeDecorator should override this method to provide custom behaviors for data values being received in result rows coming from the database. This method is called at result fetching time and is passed the literal Python data value that’s extracted from a database result row.

The operation could be anything desired to perform custom behavior, such as transforming or deserializing data.

  • value – Data to operate upon, of any type expected by this method in the subclass. Can be None.

  • dialect – the Dialect in use.

See also



classmethod union_aggregate(column: ColumnElement[Base64Region]) ColumnElement[Base64Region]

Return a SQLAlchemy aggregate expression that computes the union of a set of unions.


SQLAlchemy column expression representing the regions to be combined.


SQLAlchemy column expression representing the union.