
lsst.ip.isr.maskITLEdgeBleed(ccdExposure, badAmpDict, itlEdgeBleedSatMinArea=10000, itlEdgeBleedSatMaxArea=100000, itlEdgeBleedThreshold=5000.0, itlEdgeBleedModelConstant=0.03, saturatedMaskName='SAT')

Mask edge bleeds in ITL detectors.


Exposure to apply masking to.

badAmpDictdict [str, bool]

Dictionary of amplifiers, keyed by name, value is True if amplifier is fully masked.

itlEdgeBleedSatMinAreaint, optional

Minimal saturated footprint area where the presence of edge bleeds will be checked.

itlEdgeBleedThresholdfloat, optional

Threshold above median sky background for edge bleed detection (electron units).

itlEdgeBleedModelConstantfloat, optional

Constant in the decaying exponential in the edge bleed masking.

saturatedMaskNamestr, optional

Mask name for saturation.