
class lsst.meas.algorithms.CoaddBoundedField

Bases: BoundedField

Methods Summary

addToImage(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

divideImage(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

evaluate(x[, y])

Evaluate the CoaddBoundedField.

fillImage(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.









multiplyImage(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

readFits(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

writeFits(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

Methods Documentation

addToImage(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. addToImage(self: lsst.afw.math.BoundedField, image: lsst.afw.image._image.ImageD, scaleBy: float = 1.0, overlapOnly: bool = False, xStep: int = 1, yStep: int = 1) -> None

  2. addToImage(self: lsst.afw.math.BoundedField, image: lsst.afw.image._image.ImageF, scaleBy: float = 1.0, overlapOnly: bool = False, xStep: int = 1, yStep: int = 1) -> None

divideImage(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. divideImage(self: lsst.afw.math.BoundedField, image: lsst.afw.image._image.ImageD, overlapOnly: bool = False, xStep: int = 1, yStep: int = 1) -> None

  2. divideImage(self: lsst.afw.math.BoundedField, image: lsst.afw.image._image.ImageF, overlapOnly: bool = False, xStep: int = 1, yStep: int = 1) -> None

evaluate(x, y=None)

Evaluate the CoaddBoundedField.

This accepts either a Point2D or an array of x and y positions.

When arrays are passed, this uses a vectorized version of CoaddBoundedField::evaluate(). If the coadd bounded field has throwOnMissing then this will return NaN for missing values; otherwise it will return 0.0.

xlsst.geom.Point2D or np.ndarray

Array of x values.

ynp.ndarray, optional

Array of y values.

valuesfloat or np.ndarray

Evaluated value or array of values.

fillImage(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. fillImage(self: lsst.afw.math.BoundedField, image: lsst.afw.image._image.ImageD, overlapOnly: bool = False, xStep: int = 1, yStep: int = 1) -> None

  2. fillImage(self: lsst.afw.math.BoundedField, image: lsst.afw.image._image.ImageF, overlapOnly: bool = False, xStep: int = 1, yStep: int = 1) -> None

getBBox(self: lsst.afw.math.BoundedField) lsst.geom.Box2I
getCoaddWcs(self: lsst.meas.algorithms.CoaddBoundedField) lsst.afw.geom.SkyWcs
getDefault(self: lsst.meas.algorithms.CoaddBoundedField) float
getElements(self: lsst.meas.algorithms.CoaddBoundedField) List[lsst.meas.algorithms.CoaddBoundedFieldElement]
getThrowOnMissing(self: lsst.meas.algorithms.CoaddBoundedField) bool
integrate(self: lsst.afw.math.BoundedField) float
isPersistable(self: lsst.meas.algorithms.CoaddBoundedField) bool
mean(self: lsst.afw.math.BoundedField) float
multiplyImage(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. multiplyImage(self: lsst.afw.math.BoundedField, image: lsst.afw.image._image.ImageD, overlapOnly: bool = False, xStep: int = 1, yStep: int = 1) -> None

  2. multiplyImage(self: lsst.afw.math.BoundedField, image: lsst.afw.image._image.ImageF, overlapOnly: bool = False, xStep: int = 1, yStep: int = 1) -> None

static readFits(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. readFits(fileName: str, hdu: int = -2147483648) -> lsst.meas.algorithms.CoaddBoundedField

  2. readFits(manager: lsst.afw.fits._fits.MemFileManager, hdu: int = -2147483648) -> lsst.meas.algorithms.CoaddBoundedField

writeFits(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. writeFits(self: lsst.meas.algorithms.CoaddBoundedField, fileName: str, mode: str = ‘w’) -> None

  2. writeFits(self: lsst.meas.algorithms.CoaddBoundedField, manager: lsst.afw.fits._fits.MemFileManager, mode: str = ‘w’) -> None