
lsst.source.injection.consolidate_injected_deepCoadd_catalogs(catalog_dict: dict, skymap: BaseSkyMap, tract: int, pixel_match_radius: float = 0.1, get_catalogs_from_butler: bool = True, col_ra: str = 'ra', col_dec: str = 'dec', col_mag: str = 'mag', isPatchInnerKey='injected_isPatchInner', isTractInnerKey='injected_isTractInner', isPrimaryKey='injected_isPrimary', injectionKey='injection_flag') Table

Consolidate all tables in catalog_dict into one table.

catalog_dict: `dict`

A dictionary with photometric bands for keys and astropy tables for items.

skymap: `lsst.skymap.BaseSkyMap`

A base skymap.

tract: `int`

The tract where sources have been injected.

pixel_match_radius: `float`

Match radius in pixels to use for self-matching catalogs across different bands.

get_catalogs_from_butler: `bool`

Optional parameter to specify whether or not the input catalogs are loaded with a Butler.

col_ra: `str`

Column name for right ascension (in degrees).

col_dec: `str`

Column name for declination (in degrees).

col_mag: `str`

Column name for magnitude.

isPatchInnerKey: `str`

Column name for the isPatchInner flag.

isTractInnerKey: `str`

Column name for the isTractInner flag.

isPrimaryKey: `str`

Column name for the isPrimary flag.

injectionKey: `str`

Column name for the injection flag.

multiband_catalog: astropy.table.Table

A single table containing all information of the separate tables in catalog_dict