
lsst.utils.iteration.sequence_to_string(values: list[int | str]) str

Convert a list of integers or strings into a compact string representation by merging consecutive values or sequences.

This function takes a list of integers or strings, sorts them, identifies sequences where consecutive numbers differ by a consistent stride, or strings with common prefixes, and returns a string that compactly represents these sequences. Consecutive numbers are merged into ranges, and strings with common prefixes are handled to produce a concise representation.

>>> getNameOfSet([1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9])
>>> getNameOfSet(["node1", "node2", "node3"])
>>> getNameOfSet([10, 20, 30, 40])
valueslist[int, str]:

A list of items to be compacted. Must all be of the same type.


A compact string representation of the input list.


  • The function handles both integers and strings.

  • For strings with common prefixes, only the differing suffixes are


  • The stride is determined as the minimum difference between

    consecutive numbers.

  • Strings without common prefixes are listed individually.