Processing DC2 data with the AP Pipelines

A walkthrough for running the Alert Production (AP) pipeline on an example set of image data. The data used in this guide is simulated data, the same kind used for Rubin’s Data Preview 0 (DP0).


This guide assumes the user has access to a shared Butler repository containing data from the Dark Energy Science Collaboration (DESC)’s Data Challenge 2 (DC2) via the US Data Facility (USDF). This guide further assumes the user has a recently-built version of lsst.distrib from the LSST Science Pipelines (circa w_2022_30 or later).

What does existing DC2 data look like?

  • The instrument is called LSSTCam-imSim

  • The obs-package is obs_lsst, i.e., lsst.obs.lsst (note imsim subdirectories within)

  • The skymap is called DC2_cells_v1

  • Patches go from 0 to 48

  • Detectors go from 0 to 188

  • Available bands are ugrizy

  • Data exist for some tracts in the ~2553–5074 range, and commonly reprocessed tracts include 3828, 3829, and 4431

  • One set of reference catalogs are called cal_ref_cat_2_2, and have some filtermap definitions that must be specified

The Shared DC2 Butler Repository at the USDF

  • The Butler repository is located at /sdf/group/rubin/repo/dc2, which the Butler also recognizes via the alias /repo/dc2

  • All raw data are available in the collection 2.2i/raw/all

  • All raw data with ancillary processing inputs (e.g., calibs, skymaps, refcats) are available in the collection 2.2i/defaults; this collection includes 2.2i/raw/all, and several other collections, inside it

  • Tracts 3828 and 3829 only are in the collection 2.2i/defaults/test-med-1

  • A smaller CI dataset, just patch 24 in tract 3828, is in 2.2i/defaults/ci_imsim and corresponds to the GitHub repo testdata_ci_imsim

  • Tract 4431 has a 10-year simulated depth, and was processed in the collection u/kherner/2.2i/runs/tract4431-w40

  • Visits that fully overlap four adjacent patches (9, 10, 16, and 17) in tract 4431 are in the collection u/mrawls/DM-34827/defaults/4patch_4431 (this guide will use this collection!)

Using the Butler to explore collections and datasets

To explore these and other collections, try, e.g.,

butler query-collections /repo/dc2 "2.2i/defaults"
butler query-collections /repo/dc2 "u/mrawls/DM-34827*"

These commands should print a list of collections that meet the search criteria.

To see some available datasets for processing, try, e.g.,

butler query-data-ids /repo/dc2 tract patch visit --collections='u/mrawls/DM-34827/defaults/4patch_4431' --where "skymap='DC2_cells_v1' AND band='r' AND instrument='LSSTCam-imSim'" --datasets "raw"

This command should print a list of data IDs that meet the search criteria, along with their tract, patch, and visit number. Certain arguments are required after the --where, including skymap and instrument, while most others are optional, and may include band, tract, patch, etc.

Processing Data with the AP Pipelines

Now it’s time to process some data. The pipeline ApPipe.yaml will be used to run difference imaging using a set of template files. In this guide, good seeing templates are assumed to have already been constructed using the BestSeeingQuantileSelectVisitsTask and the CompareWarpAssembleCoaddTask.

The ApPipe.yaml pipeline starts with single frame processing on raw images, followed by AlardLuptonSubtractTask, DetectAndMeasureTask, TransformDiaSourceCatalogTask, and DiaPipelineTask. The final results include difference images, some output catalogs, and an Alert Production Database (APDB).

Importing good seeing templates

As mentioned above, a series of good seeing templates are assumed to have been generated already. For convenience, a templates import script is available in the ap_verify_ci_dc2 repository which assists with this process:

An example usage of this script is: \
-b /repo/dc2 \
-w "skymap='DC2_cells_v1' and tract=4431 and patch IN (9,10,16,17) and band='r'"



The collection containing the templates to import.

We are now ready to run the AP Pipeline (namely difference imaging and source association).

Visualizing a pipeline

To visualize a pipeline, you may wish to use pipetask build, e.g.,

pipetask build \
-p $AP_PIPE_DIR/pipelines/LSSTCam-imSim/ApPipe.yaml \

dot -Tpng > ApPipe.png

Alternately, navigate to this website that serves visualizations of all the AP and DRP pipelines. Click through to ap_pipe, then LSSTCam-imSim, and finally ApPipe to find a PDF visualizing all the pipeline inputs, outputs, and intermediate data products. This PDF is auto-generated each week using the same pipetask build command as shown above.

Performing difference imaging and making an APDB

This next step uses a second pipeline, which begins once again with single frame processing. If you choose to reuse some or all of the same input raw exposures, all previously-run steps will automatically be skipped and pre-existing outputs used. Afterwards, it performs difference imaging and saves the results in an Alert Production Database (APDB).

The pipeline we will use also lives in the ap_pipe package, and is the camera-specific ApPipe.yaml pipeline. To see it, either navigate to the pipeline on GitHub or display the pipeline on via the command line, e.g.,

cat $AP_PIPE_DIR/pipelines/LSSTCam-imSim/ApPipe.yaml

This difference imaging pipeline requires coadds as inputs for use as templates, and treats all input raws as “science” images.

Unlike before, however, we need to create an empty APDB for the final step of the pipeline to connect and write to. The simplest option, which works fine for relatively small processing runs, is to create an empty sqlite database in your working directory. Larger runs will require using, e.g., PostgreSQL, which is beyond the scope of this guide. To create an empty sqlite APDB:

apdb-cli create-sql sqlite:////path/to/my/database/apdb.sqlite3

The APDB must exist and be empty before you run the AP Pipeline. It is highly recommended to make a new APDB each time the AP Pipeline is rerun for any reason.

The configs you set when making the APDB must match those you give the AP Pipeline at runtime.

As before, to visualize the AP Pipeline, you may navigate to the website with visualizations of all the AP and DRP pipelines. Click through to ap_pipe, then LSSTCam-imSim, and finally ApPipe to find a PDF visualizing all the pipeline inputs, outputs, and intermediate data products. This PDF is auto-generated each week using an analogous pipetask build command as shown above for ApPipe.yaml.

You are now ready to run the AP Pipeline! You will need to substitute appropriate values for your input collections, your desired new output collection, and your APDB URL in order to run

pipetask run -j 4 -b /repo/dc2 -d "skymap='DC2_cells_v1' AND band='r'" -i u/USERNAME/OUTPUT-COLLECTION-1,u/mrawls/DM-34827/defaults/4patch_4431 -o u/USERNAME/OUTPUT-COLLECTION-2 -p $AP_PIPE_DIR/pipelines/LSSTCam-imSim/ApPipe.yaml -c

What are the output data products?

When the AP Pipeline completes, you will have difference images, difference image source tables, and an APDB with populated tables (DiaSource, DiaObject, etc.) for r band visits that fully overlap four patches of tract 4431.

A few analysis and plotting tools exist to explore the APDB and other AP Pipeline outputs. These live in analysis_ap. One output from the AP Pipeline are DIA (Difference Image Analysis) Source Tables, which the Butler can retrieve via goodSeeingDiff_diaSrcTable.

To see what DIA Source Tables exist, query, e.g.,

butler query-data-ids /repo/dc2 visit detector --collections="u/USERNAME/OUTPUT-COLLECTION-2" --where "skymap='DC2_cells_v1' AND band='r' AND instrument='LSSTCam-imSim'" --datasets "goodSeeingDiff_diaSrcTable"

The APDB also contains several tables with information about DIA Sources, DIA Objects, and Solar System Objects. Objects represent real astrophysical things, and are created by spatially associating per-visit Sources. The DIA prefix indicates we are talking about Sources and Objects in difference images. More information about the APDB schema is available in sdm_schemas.


None of the following is a formally supported APDB user interface. It one way to load a table from the APDB into memory in python and make a quick plot to see where the associated DIA Objects fall on the sky. It also includes an example of how to load a goodSeeingDiff_diaSrcTable with the Butler for further analysis.

Future plans include support for visualizing some AP Pipeline outputs via and/or lsst.analysis.ap.

Give this a try in a Jupyter notebook:

%matplotlib notebook
import sqlite3
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import lsst.daf.butler as dafButler

# Define the data we are exploring, and instantiate a Butler
repo = '/repo/dc2'
butler = dafButler.Butler(repo, collections=collections, instrument=instrument, skymap=skymap)

# Load a diaSrcTable from the Butler for one (visit, detector)
diaSrcTable_example = butler.get('goodSeeingDiff_diaSrcTable', visit=960220, detector=33)

# Take a look at it

# Connect to the APDB and load all DiaObjects from the whole run
connection = sqlite3.connect('/path/to/my-working-directory/run1.db')
objTable = pd.read_sql_query('select "diaObjectId", "ra", "decl", \
                           "nDiaSources", "gPSFluxMean", "validityEnd" \
                           from '"DiaObject"' where "validityEnd" is NULL;', connection)

# Take a look at it

# Plot DIA Objects on the sky
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,6))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.scatter(objTable.ra, objTable.decl, s=objTable.nDiaSources*2, marker='o', alpha=0.4)
ax.set_xlabel('RA (deg)')
ax.set_ylabel('Dec (deg)')
ax.set_title('DIA Objects on the sky')

Processing Data with BPS

The example data processing steps above assume a relatively small data volume, so running from the command line and using an sqlite APDB is appropriate. However, if you want to process larger data volumes, you’ll need to use the Batch Processing System (BPS, lsst.ctrl.bps) and a PostgreSQL APDB.

Describing how to set up a PostgreSQL APDB from scratch is beyond the scope of this guide. One key difference between using an sqlite APDB versus a PostgreSQL APDB is that the former is a file on disk created from scratch when running apdb-cli create-sql. The latter requires a database to already exist, and apdb-cli create-sql turns the specified schema (via the namespace config option) in an existing PostgreSQL database into an empty APDB. As before, you will still need to run, e.g.,

apdb-cli create-sql sqlite:////path/to/my/database/apdb.sqlite3

Next, use the documentation for lsst.ctrl.bps to define a submission by creating a BPS configuration file to perform difference-imaging. Save the BPS configuration file as ApPipe-DC2-bps.yaml.


The lsst.ctrl.bps module is well-documented, but at the time of this writing, best practices for running BPS at the USDF are still in development. Refer to the USDF documentation pages for the latest recommendations. There is likely a set of default configurations users must import or place directly in their BPS configuration file that pertain to the underlying architecture for batch job submissions.

Ensure the pipelineYaml keyword points to the appropriate ApPipe pipeline in the BPS configuration file, and that you specify appropriate values for butlerConfig, inCollection, outCollection (or payloadName, which may be used to construct outCollection), and dataQuery. These values mirror those on the command line via pipetask run and the -b, -i, -o, and -d arguments, respectively.

For example, to generate difference imaging outputs using all available patches and bands in two entire tracts, you may wish to use a data query like instrument='LSSTCam-imSim' and tract in (3828, 3829) and skymap='DC2_cells_v1'.

When you are ready to submit your BPS run, follow the documentation to submit a run, e.g.,

bps submit ApPipe-DC2-bps.yaml

This BPS configuration file may need to have more than one input collection, for example, the output collection containing the templates and a collection with raw science images.

When working with a central PostgreSQL database (APDB) in a BPS configuration file that runs ApPipe.yaml, these arguments are instead required to be passed into apdb-cli:

apdb-cli create-sql --namespace DESIRED_POSTGRES_SCHEMA_NAME postgresql://