
Construct template/image/difference cutouts for upload to Zooniverse, or to just to view as images.

usage: plotImageSubtractionCutouts [-h]
                                   (--sqlitefile SQLITEFILE | --namespace NAMESPACE)
                                   [--postgres_url POSTGRES_URL]
                                   [--limit LIMIT] [--all] [-j JOBS]
                                   --instrument INSTRUMENT [-C CONFIGFILE]
                                   [--collections [COLLECTIONS ...]]
                                   [--reliabilityMin RELIABILITYMIN]
                                   [--reliabilityMax RELIABILITYMAX]
                                   repo outputPath

More information is available at

positional arguments


Path to Butler repository to load data from.


Path to write the output images and manifest to; manifest is written here, while the images go to OUTPUTPATH/images/.


-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--sqlitefile <sqlitefile>

Path to sqlite file to load from; required for sqlite connection.

--namespace <namespace>

Postgres namespace (aka schema) to connect to; required for postgres connections.

--postgres_url <postgres_url>

Postgres connection path, or default (None) to use ApdbPostgresQuery default.

--limit <limit>

Number of sources to load from the APDB (default=5), or the number of sources to load per ‘page’ when --all is set. This should be significantly larger (100x or more) than the value of -j, to ensure efficient use of each process.


Process all the sources; –limit then becomes the ‘page size’ to chunk the DB into.

-j <jobs>, --jobs <jobs>

Number of processes to use when generating cutouts. Specify 0 (the default) to not use multiprocessing at all. Note that --limit determines how efficiently each process is filled.

--instrument <instrument>

Instrument short-name (e.g. ‘DECam’) of the data being loaded.

-C <configfile>, --configFile <configfile>

File containing the PlotImageSubtractionCutoutsConfig to load.

--collections <collections>

Butler collection(s) to load data from. If not specified, will search all butler collections, which may be very slow.

--reliabilityMin <reliabilitymin>

Minimum reliability value (default=None) on which to filter the DiaSources.

--reliabilityMax <reliabilitymax>

Maximum reliability value (default=None) on which to filter the DiaSources.