
class lsst.afw.math.ChebyshevBoundedField

Bases: BoundedField

Methods Summary

addToImage(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

approximate(boundedField[, orderX, orderY, ...])

Approximate a bounded field as a ChebyshevBoundedField.

divideImage(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

evaluate(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

fillImage(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

fit(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.






multiplyImage(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

readFits(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

truncate(self, arg0)

writeFits(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

Methods Documentation

addToImage(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. addToImage(self: lsst.afw.math.BoundedField, image: lsst.afw.image._image.ImageD, scaleBy: float = 1.0, overlapOnly: bool = False, xStep: int = 1, yStep: int = 1) -> None

  2. addToImage(self: lsst.afw.math.BoundedField, image: lsst.afw.image._image.ImageF, scaleBy: float = 1.0, overlapOnly: bool = False, xStep: int = 1, yStep: int = 1) -> None

classmethod approximate(boundedField, orderX=3, orderY=3, nStepX=100, nStepY=100)

Approximate a bounded field as a ChebyshevBoundedField.


A bounded field to approximate

orderXint, optional

Order of the Chebyshev polynomial in the x direction. Default is 3.

orderYint, optional

Order of the Chebyshev polynomial in the y direction. Default is 3.

nStepXint, optional

Number of x steps to approximate boundedField. Default is 100.

nStepYint, optional

Number of y steps to approximate boundedField. Default is 100.

divideImage(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. divideImage(self: lsst.afw.math.BoundedField, image: lsst.afw.image._image.ImageD, overlapOnly: bool = False, xStep: int = 1, yStep: int = 1) -> None

  2. divideImage(self: lsst.afw.math.BoundedField, image: lsst.afw.image._maskedImage.MaskedImageD, overlapOnly: bool = False) -> None

  3. divideImage(self: lsst.afw.math.BoundedField, image: lsst.afw.image._image.ImageF, overlapOnly: bool = False, xStep: int = 1, yStep: int = 1) -> None

  4. divideImage(self: lsst.afw.math.BoundedField, image: lsst.afw.image._maskedImage.MaskedImageF, overlapOnly: bool = False) -> None

evaluate(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. evaluate(self: lsst.afw.math.BoundedField, arg0: float, arg1: float) -> float

  2. evaluate(self: lsst.afw.math.BoundedField, arg0: numpy.ndarray, arg1: numpy.ndarray) -> numpy.ndarray

  3. evaluate(self: lsst.afw.math.BoundedField, arg0: lsst.geom.Point2D) -> float

fillImage(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. fillImage(self: lsst.afw.math.BoundedField, image: lsst.afw.image._image.ImageD, overlapOnly: bool = False, xStep: int = 1, yStep: int = 1) -> None

  2. fillImage(self: lsst.afw.math.BoundedField, image: lsst.afw.image._image.ImageF, overlapOnly: bool = False, xStep: int = 1, yStep: int = 1) -> None

static fit(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. fit(arg0: lsst.geom.Box2I, arg1: numpy.ndarray, arg2: numpy.ndarray, arg3: numpy.ndarray, arg4: lsst.afw.math.ChebyshevBoundedFieldControl) -> lsst.afw.math.ChebyshevBoundedField

  2. fit(arg0: lsst.geom.Box2I, arg1: numpy.ndarray, arg2: numpy.ndarray, arg3: numpy.ndarray, arg4: numpy.ndarray, arg5: lsst.afw.math.ChebyshevBoundedFieldControl) -> lsst.afw.math.ChebyshevBoundedField

  3. fit(arg0: lsst.afw.image._image.ImageD, arg1: lsst.afw.math.ChebyshevBoundedFieldControl) -> lsst.afw.math.ChebyshevBoundedField

  4. fit(arg0: lsst.afw.image._image.ImageF, arg1: lsst.afw.math.ChebyshevBoundedFieldControl) -> lsst.afw.math.ChebyshevBoundedField

getBBox(self: lsst.afw.math.BoundedField) lsst.geom.Box2I
getCoefficients(self: lsst.afw.math.ChebyshevBoundedField) numpy.ndarray
integrate(self: lsst.afw.math.BoundedField) float
isPersistable(self: bool
mean(self: lsst.afw.math.BoundedField) float
multiplyImage(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. multiplyImage(self: lsst.afw.math.BoundedField, image: lsst.afw.image._image.ImageD, overlapOnly: bool = False, xStep: int = 1, yStep: int = 1) -> None

  2. multiplyImage(self: lsst.afw.math.BoundedField, image: lsst.afw.image._maskedImage.MaskedImageD, overlapOnly: bool = False) -> None

  3. multiplyImage(self: lsst.afw.math.BoundedField, image: lsst.afw.image._image.ImageF, overlapOnly: bool = False, xStep: int = 1, yStep: int = 1) -> None

  4. multiplyImage(self: lsst.afw.math.BoundedField, image: lsst.afw.image._maskedImage.MaskedImageF, overlapOnly: bool = False) -> None

static readFits(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. readFits(fileName: str, hdu: int = -2147483648) -> lsst.afw.math.BoundedField

  2. readFits(manager: lsst.afw.fits._fits.MemFileManager, hdu: int = -2147483648) -> lsst.afw.math.BoundedField

truncate(self: lsst.afw.math.ChebyshevBoundedField, arg0: lsst.afw.math.ChebyshevBoundedFieldControl) lsst.afw.math.ChebyshevBoundedField
writeFits(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. writeFits(self: lsst.afw.math.BoundedField, fileName: str, mode: str = ‘w’) -> None

  2. writeFits(self: lsst.afw.math.BoundedField, manager: lsst.afw.fits._fits.MemFileManager, mode: str = ‘w’) -> None