- class lsst.drp.tasks.gbdesAstrometricFit.GbdesGlobalAstrometricMultibandFitConnections(*, config: PipelineTaskConfig | None = None)¶
Attributes Summary
Mapping holding all connection attributes.
Connection for output dataset.
Class used for declaring PipelineTask input connections.
Connection for output dataset.
Set of dimension names that define the unit of work for this task.
Set with the names of all
connection attributes.Set with the names of all
connection attributes.Class used for declaring PipelineTask prerequisite connections.
Class used for declaring PipelineTask prerequisite connections.
Class used for declaring PipelineTask input connections.
Set with the names of all
connection attributes.Class used for declaring PipelineTask input connections.
Class used for declaring PipelineTask input connections.
Connection for output dataset.
Connection for output dataset.
Connection for output dataset.
Connection for output dataset.
Set with the names of all
connection attributes.Set with the names of all
connection attributes.Class used for declaring PipelineTask prerequisite connections.
Connection for output dataset.
Methods Summary
(inputs, outputs, label, data_id)Override to make adjustments to
objects in thelsst.daf.butler.Quantum
during the graph generation stage of the activator.adjust_all_quanta
(adjuster)Customize the set of quanta predicted for this task during quantum graph generation.
corresponding to inputQuantum
.Return the names of regular input and output connections whose data IDs should be used to compute the spatial bounds of this task's quanta.
Return the names of regular input and output connections whose data IDs should be used to compute the temporal bounds of this task's quanta.
Attributes Documentation
- allConnections: Mapping[str, BaseConnection] = {'camera': Output(name='gbdesGlobalAstrometricFitCamera', storageClass='Camera', doc='Camera object constructed using the per-detector part of the astrometric model', multiple=False, deprecated=None, _deprecation_context='', dimensions=('instrument', 'physical_filter'), isCalibration=False), 'colorCatalog': Input(name='fgcm_Cycle4_StandardStars', storageClass='SimpleCatalog', doc='The catalog of magnitudes to match to input sources.', multiple=False, deprecated=None, _deprecation_context='', dimensions=('instrument',), isCalibration=False, deferLoad=False, minimum=1, deferGraphConstraint=False, deferBinding=False), 'dcrCoefficients': Output(name='gbdesGlobalAstrometricFit_dcrCoefficients', storageClass='ArrowNumpyDict', doc='Per-visit coefficients for DCR correction.', multiple=False, deprecated=None, _deprecation_context='', dimensions=(), isCalibration=False), 'inputCamera': PrerequisiteInput(name='camera', storageClass='Camera', doc='Input camera to use when constructing camera from astrometric model.', multiple=False, deprecated=None, _deprecation_context='', dimensions=('instrument',), isCalibration=True, deferLoad=False, minimum=1, lookupFunction=None), 'inputCameraModel': PrerequisiteInput(name='gbdesAstrometricFit_cameraModel', storageClass='ArrowNumpyDict', doc="Camera parameters to use for 'device' part of model", multiple=False, deprecated=None, _deprecation_context='', dimensions=('instrument', 'physical_filter'), isCalibration=False, deferLoad=False, minimum=1, lookupFunction=None), 'inputVisitSummaries': Input(name='visitSummary', storageClass='ExposureCatalog', doc='Per-visit consolidated exposure metadata built from calexps. These catalogs use detector id for the id and must be sorted for fast lookups of a detector.', multiple=True, deprecated=None, _deprecation_context='', dimensions=('instrument', 'visit'), isCalibration=False, deferLoad=False, minimum=1, deferGraphConstraint=False, deferBinding=False), 'isolatedStarCatalogs': Input(name='isolated_star_presource_associations', storageClass='DataFrame', doc='Catalog of objects corresponding to the isolatedStarSources.', multiple=True, deprecated=None, _deprecation_context='', dimensions=('instrument', 'skymap', 'tract'), isCalibration=False, deferLoad=True, minimum=1, deferGraphConstraint=False, deferBinding=False), 'isolatedStarSources': Input(name='isolated_star_presources', storageClass='DataFrame', doc='Catalog of matched sources.', multiple=True, deprecated=None, _deprecation_context='', dimensions=('instrument', 'skymap', 'tract'), isCalibration=False, deferLoad=True, minimum=1, deferGraphConstraint=False, deferBinding=False), 'modelParams': Output(name='gbdesGlobalAstrometricMultibandFit_modelParams', storageClass='ArrowNumpyDict', doc='WCS parameters and covariance.', multiple=False, deprecated=None, _deprecation_context='', dimensions=('instrument',), isCalibration=False), 'outputCameraModel': Output(name='gbdesAstrometricFit_cameraModel', storageClass='ArrowNumpyDict', doc="Camera parameters to use for 'device' part of model", multiple=False, deprecated=None, _deprecation_context='', dimensions=('instrument', 'physical_filter'), isCalibration=False), 'outputCatalog': Output(name='gbdesGlobalAstrometricMultibandFit_fitStars', storageClass='ArrowNumpyDict', doc='Catalog of sources used in fit, along with residuals in pixel coordinates and tangent plane coordinates and chisq values.', multiple=False, deprecated=None, _deprecation_context='', dimensions=('instrument',), isCalibration=False), 'outputWcs': Output(name='gbdesGlobalAstrometricFitSkyWcsCatalog', storageClass='ExposureCatalog', doc='Per-visit world coordinate systems derived from the fitted model. These catalogs only contain entries for detectors with an output, and use the detector id for the catalog id, sorted on id for fast lookups of a detector.', multiple=True, deprecated=None, _deprecation_context='', dimensions=('instrument', 'visit'), isCalibration=False), 'referenceCatalog': PrerequisiteInput(name='gaia_dr3_20230707', storageClass='SimpleCatalog', doc='The astrometry reference catalog to match to loaded input catalog sources.', multiple=True, deprecated=None, _deprecation_context='', dimensions=('skypix',), isCalibration=False, deferLoad=True, minimum=1, lookupFunction=None), 'starCatalog': Output(name='gbdesGlobalAstrometricMultibandFit_starCatalog', storageClass='ArrowNumpyDict', doc='Catalog of best-fit object positions. Also includes the fit proper motion and parallax if fitProperMotion is True.', multiple=False, deprecated=None, _deprecation_context='', dimensions=('instrument',), isCalibration=False)}¶
Mapping holding all connection attributes.
This is a read-only view that is automatically updated when connection attributes are added, removed, or replaced in
. It is also updated after__init__
completes to reflect changes ininputs
, andinitOutputs
- camera¶
Connection for output dataset.
- colorCatalog¶
Class used for declaring PipelineTask input connections.
- Attributes:
- name
The default name used to identify the dataset type.
- storageClass
The storage class used when (un)/persisting the dataset type.
- multiple
Indicates if this connection should expect to contain multiple objects of the given dataset type. Tasks with more than one connection with
with the same dimensions may want to implementPipelineTaskConnections.adjustQuantum
to ensure those datasets are consistent (i.e. zip-iterable) inPipelineTask.runQuantum
and notify the execution system as early as possible of outputs that will not be produced because the corresponding input is missing.- dimensionsiterable of
dimensions used to identify the dataset type identified by the specified name.- deferLoad
Indicates that this dataset type will be loaded as a
. PipelineTasks can use this object to load the object at a later time.- minimum
Minimum number of datasets required for this connection, per quantum. This is checked in the base implementation of
, which raisesNoWorkFound
if the minimum is not met forInput
connections (causing the quantum to be pruned, skipped, or never created, depending on the context), andFileNotFoundError
connections (causing QuantumGraph generation to fail).PipelineTask
implementations may provide customadjustQuantum
implementations for more fine-grained or configuration-driven constraints, as long as they are compatible with this minium.- deferGraphConstraint
, optional If
, do not include this dataset type’s existence in the initial query that starts the QuantumGraph generation process. This can be used to make QuantumGraph generation faster by avoiding redundant datasets, and in certain cases it can (along with careful attention to which tasks are included in the same QuantumGraph) be used to work around the QuantumGraph generation algorithm’s inflexible handling of spatial overlaps. This option has no effect when the connection is not an overall input of the pipeline (or subset thereof) for which a graph is being created, and it never affects the ordering of quanta.- deferBinding
, optional If
, the dataset will not be automatically included in the pipeline graph,deferGraphConstraint
is implied. The custom QuantumGraphBuilder is required to bind it and add a corresponding edge to the pipeline graph. This option allows to have the same dataset type as both input and output of a quantum.
- name
- Raises:
- TypeError
Raised if
is greater than one butmultiple=False
.- NotImplementedError
Raised if
is zero for a regularInput
connection; this is not currently supported by our QuantumGraph generation algorithm.
- dcrCoefficients¶
Connection for output dataset.
- defaultTemplates = {}¶
- deprecatedTemplates = {}¶
- dimensions: set[str] = {'instrument'}¶
Set of dimension names that define the unit of work for this task.
Required and implied dependencies will automatically be expanded later and need not be provided.
This may be replaced or modified in
to change the dimensions of the task. After__init__
it will be afrozenset
and may not be replaced.
- initInputs: set[str] = frozenset({})¶
Set with the names of all
connection attributes.See
for additional information.
- initOutputs: set[str] = frozenset({})¶
Set with the names of all
connection attributes.See
for additional information.
- inputCamera¶
Class used for declaring PipelineTask prerequisite connections.
- Attributes:
- name
The default name used to identify the dataset type.
- storageClass
The storage class used when (un)/persisting the dataset type.
- multiple
Indicates if this connection should expect to contain multiple objects of the given dataset type. Tasks with more than one connection with
with the same dimensions may want to implementPipelineTaskConnections.adjustQuantum
to ensure those datasets are consistent (i.e. zip-iterable) inPipelineTask.runQuantum
and notify the execution system as early as possible of outputs that will not be produced because the corresponding input is missing.- dimensionsiterable of
dimensions used to identify the dataset type identified by the specified name.- minimum
Minimum number of datasets required for this connection, per quantum. This is checked in the base implementation of
, which raisesFileNotFoundError
(causing QuantumGraph generation to fail).PipelineTask
implementations may provide customadjustQuantum
implementations for more fine-grained or configuration-driven constraints, as long as they are compatible with this minium.- lookupFunction
, optional An optional callable function that will look up PrerequisiteInputs using the DatasetType, registry, quantum dataId, and input collections passed to it. If no function is specified, the default temporal spatial lookup will be used.
- name
- Raises:
- TypeError
Raised if
is greater than one butmultiple=False
Prerequisite inputs are used for datasets that must exist in the data repository before a pipeline including this is run; they cannot be produced by another task in the same pipeline.
In exchange for this limitation, they have a number of advantages relative to regular
connections:The query used to find them then during
generation can be fully customized by providing alookupFunction
.Failed searches for prerequisites during
generation will usually generate more helpful diagnostics than those for regularInput
connections.The default query for prerequisite inputs relates the quantum dimensions directly to the dimensions of its dataset type, without being constrained by any of the other dimensions in the pipeline. This allows them to be used for temporal calibration lookups (which regular
connections cannot do at present) and to work aroundQuantumGraph
generation limitations involving cases where naive spatial overlap relationships between dimensions are not desired (e.g. a task that wants all detectors in each visit for which the visit overlaps a tract, not just those where that detector+visit combination overlaps the tract).Prerequisite inputs may be optional (regular inputs are never optional).
- inputCameraModel¶
Class used for declaring PipelineTask prerequisite connections.
- Attributes:
- name
The default name used to identify the dataset type.
- storageClass
The storage class used when (un)/persisting the dataset type.
- multiple
Indicates if this connection should expect to contain multiple objects of the given dataset type. Tasks with more than one connection with
with the same dimensions may want to implementPipelineTaskConnections.adjustQuantum
to ensure those datasets are consistent (i.e. zip-iterable) inPipelineTask.runQuantum
and notify the execution system as early as possible of outputs that will not be produced because the corresponding input is missing.- dimensionsiterable of
dimensions used to identify the dataset type identified by the specified name.- minimum
Minimum number of datasets required for this connection, per quantum. This is checked in the base implementation of
, which raisesFileNotFoundError
(causing QuantumGraph generation to fail).PipelineTask
implementations may provide customadjustQuantum
implementations for more fine-grained or configuration-driven constraints, as long as they are compatible with this minium.- lookupFunction
, optional An optional callable function that will look up PrerequisiteInputs using the DatasetType, registry, quantum dataId, and input collections passed to it. If no function is specified, the default temporal spatial lookup will be used.
- name
- Raises:
- TypeError
Raised if
is greater than one butmultiple=False
Prerequisite inputs are used for datasets that must exist in the data repository before a pipeline including this is run; they cannot be produced by another task in the same pipeline.
In exchange for this limitation, they have a number of advantages relative to regular
connections:The query used to find them then during
generation can be fully customized by providing alookupFunction
.Failed searches for prerequisites during
generation will usually generate more helpful diagnostics than those for regularInput
connections.The default query for prerequisite inputs relates the quantum dimensions directly to the dimensions of its dataset type, without being constrained by any of the other dimensions in the pipeline. This allows them to be used for temporal calibration lookups (which regular
connections cannot do at present) and to work aroundQuantumGraph
generation limitations involving cases where naive spatial overlap relationships between dimensions are not desired (e.g. a task that wants all detectors in each visit for which the visit overlaps a tract, not just those where that detector+visit combination overlaps the tract).Prerequisite inputs may be optional (regular inputs are never optional).
- inputVisitSummaries¶
Class used for declaring PipelineTask input connections.
- Attributes:
- name
The default name used to identify the dataset type.
- storageClass
The storage class used when (un)/persisting the dataset type.
- multiple
Indicates if this connection should expect to contain multiple objects of the given dataset type. Tasks with more than one connection with
with the same dimensions may want to implementPipelineTaskConnections.adjustQuantum
to ensure those datasets are consistent (i.e. zip-iterable) inPipelineTask.runQuantum
and notify the execution system as early as possible of outputs that will not be produced because the corresponding input is missing.- dimensionsiterable of
dimensions used to identify the dataset type identified by the specified name.- deferLoad
Indicates that this dataset type will be loaded as a
. PipelineTasks can use this object to load the object at a later time.- minimum
Minimum number of datasets required for this connection, per quantum. This is checked in the base implementation of
, which raisesNoWorkFound
if the minimum is not met forInput
connections (causing the quantum to be pruned, skipped, or never created, depending on the context), andFileNotFoundError
connections (causing QuantumGraph generation to fail).PipelineTask
implementations may provide customadjustQuantum
implementations for more fine-grained or configuration-driven constraints, as long as they are compatible with this minium.- deferGraphConstraint
, optional If
, do not include this dataset type’s existence in the initial query that starts the QuantumGraph generation process. This can be used to make QuantumGraph generation faster by avoiding redundant datasets, and in certain cases it can (along with careful attention to which tasks are included in the same QuantumGraph) be used to work around the QuantumGraph generation algorithm’s inflexible handling of spatial overlaps. This option has no effect when the connection is not an overall input of the pipeline (or subset thereof) for which a graph is being created, and it never affects the ordering of quanta.- deferBinding
, optional If
, the dataset will not be automatically included in the pipeline graph,deferGraphConstraint
is implied. The custom QuantumGraphBuilder is required to bind it and add a corresponding edge to the pipeline graph. This option allows to have the same dataset type as both input and output of a quantum.
- name
- Raises:
- TypeError
Raised if
is greater than one butmultiple=False
.- NotImplementedError
Raised if
is zero for a regularInput
connection; this is not currently supported by our QuantumGraph generation algorithm.
- inputs: set[str] = frozenset({'colorCatalog', 'inputVisitSummaries', 'isolatedStarCatalogs', 'isolatedStarSources'})¶
Set with the names of all
connection attributes.This is updated automatically as class attributes are added, removed, or replaced in
. Removing entries from this set will cause those connections to be removed after__init__
completes, but this is supported only for backwards compatibility; new code should instead just delete the collection attributed directly. After__init__
this will be afrozenset
and may not be replaced.
- isolatedStarCatalogs¶
Class used for declaring PipelineTask input connections.
- Attributes:
- name
The default name used to identify the dataset type.
- storageClass
The storage class used when (un)/persisting the dataset type.
- multiple
Indicates if this connection should expect to contain multiple objects of the given dataset type. Tasks with more than one connection with
with the same dimensions may want to implementPipelineTaskConnections.adjustQuantum
to ensure those datasets are consistent (i.e. zip-iterable) inPipelineTask.runQuantum
and notify the execution system as early as possible of outputs that will not be produced because the corresponding input is missing.- dimensionsiterable of
dimensions used to identify the dataset type identified by the specified name.- deferLoad
Indicates that this dataset type will be loaded as a
. PipelineTasks can use this object to load the object at a later time.- minimum
Minimum number of datasets required for this connection, per quantum. This is checked in the base implementation of
, which raisesNoWorkFound
if the minimum is not met forInput
connections (causing the quantum to be pruned, skipped, or never created, depending on the context), andFileNotFoundError
connections (causing QuantumGraph generation to fail).PipelineTask
implementations may provide customadjustQuantum
implementations for more fine-grained or configuration-driven constraints, as long as they are compatible with this minium.- deferGraphConstraint
, optional If
, do not include this dataset type’s existence in the initial query that starts the QuantumGraph generation process. This can be used to make QuantumGraph generation faster by avoiding redundant datasets, and in certain cases it can (along with careful attention to which tasks are included in the same QuantumGraph) be used to work around the QuantumGraph generation algorithm’s inflexible handling of spatial overlaps. This option has no effect when the connection is not an overall input of the pipeline (or subset thereof) for which a graph is being created, and it never affects the ordering of quanta.- deferBinding
, optional If
, the dataset will not be automatically included in the pipeline graph,deferGraphConstraint
is implied. The custom QuantumGraphBuilder is required to bind it and add a corresponding edge to the pipeline graph. This option allows to have the same dataset type as both input and output of a quantum.
- name
- Raises:
- TypeError
Raised if
is greater than one butmultiple=False
.- NotImplementedError
Raised if
is zero for a regularInput
connection; this is not currently supported by our QuantumGraph generation algorithm.
- isolatedStarSources¶
Class used for declaring PipelineTask input connections.
- Attributes:
- name
The default name used to identify the dataset type.
- storageClass
The storage class used when (un)/persisting the dataset type.
- multiple
Indicates if this connection should expect to contain multiple objects of the given dataset type. Tasks with more than one connection with
with the same dimensions may want to implementPipelineTaskConnections.adjustQuantum
to ensure those datasets are consistent (i.e. zip-iterable) inPipelineTask.runQuantum
and notify the execution system as early as possible of outputs that will not be produced because the corresponding input is missing.- dimensionsiterable of
dimensions used to identify the dataset type identified by the specified name.- deferLoad
Indicates that this dataset type will be loaded as a
. PipelineTasks can use this object to load the object at a later time.- minimum
Minimum number of datasets required for this connection, per quantum. This is checked in the base implementation of
, which raisesNoWorkFound
if the minimum is not met forInput
connections (causing the quantum to be pruned, skipped, or never created, depending on the context), andFileNotFoundError
connections (causing QuantumGraph generation to fail).PipelineTask
implementations may provide customadjustQuantum
implementations for more fine-grained or configuration-driven constraints, as long as they are compatible with this minium.- deferGraphConstraint
, optional If
, do not include this dataset type’s existence in the initial query that starts the QuantumGraph generation process. This can be used to make QuantumGraph generation faster by avoiding redundant datasets, and in certain cases it can (along with careful attention to which tasks are included in the same QuantumGraph) be used to work around the QuantumGraph generation algorithm’s inflexible handling of spatial overlaps. This option has no effect when the connection is not an overall input of the pipeline (or subset thereof) for which a graph is being created, and it never affects the ordering of quanta.- deferBinding
, optional If
, the dataset will not be automatically included in the pipeline graph,deferGraphConstraint
is implied. The custom QuantumGraphBuilder is required to bind it and add a corresponding edge to the pipeline graph. This option allows to have the same dataset type as both input and output of a quantum.
- name
- Raises:
- TypeError
Raised if
is greater than one butmultiple=False
.- NotImplementedError
Raised if
is zero for a regularInput
connection; this is not currently supported by our QuantumGraph generation algorithm.
- modelParams¶
Connection for output dataset.
- outputCameraModel¶
Connection for output dataset.
- outputCatalog¶
Connection for output dataset.
- outputWcs¶
Connection for output dataset.
- outputs: set[str] = frozenset({'camera', 'dcrCoefficients', 'modelParams', 'outputCameraModel', 'outputCatalog', 'outputWcs', 'starCatalog'})¶
Set with the names of all
connection attributes.See
for additional information.
- prerequisiteInputs: set[str] = frozenset({'inputCamera', 'inputCameraModel', 'referenceCatalog'})¶
Set with the names of all
connection attributes.See
for additional information.
- referenceCatalog¶
Class used for declaring PipelineTask prerequisite connections.
- Attributes:
- name
The default name used to identify the dataset type.
- storageClass
The storage class used when (un)/persisting the dataset type.
- multiple
Indicates if this connection should expect to contain multiple objects of the given dataset type. Tasks with more than one connection with
with the same dimensions may want to implementPipelineTaskConnections.adjustQuantum
to ensure those datasets are consistent (i.e. zip-iterable) inPipelineTask.runQuantum
and notify the execution system as early as possible of outputs that will not be produced because the corresponding input is missing.- dimensionsiterable of
dimensions used to identify the dataset type identified by the specified name.- minimum
Minimum number of datasets required for this connection, per quantum. This is checked in the base implementation of
, which raisesFileNotFoundError
(causing QuantumGraph generation to fail).PipelineTask
implementations may provide customadjustQuantum
implementations for more fine-grained or configuration-driven constraints, as long as they are compatible with this minium.- lookupFunction
, optional An optional callable function that will look up PrerequisiteInputs using the DatasetType, registry, quantum dataId, and input collections passed to it. If no function is specified, the default temporal spatial lookup will be used.
- name
- Raises:
- TypeError
Raised if
is greater than one butmultiple=False
Prerequisite inputs are used for datasets that must exist in the data repository before a pipeline including this is run; they cannot be produced by another task in the same pipeline.
In exchange for this limitation, they have a number of advantages relative to regular
connections:The query used to find them then during
generation can be fully customized by providing alookupFunction
.Failed searches for prerequisites during
generation will usually generate more helpful diagnostics than those for regularInput
connections.The default query for prerequisite inputs relates the quantum dimensions directly to the dimensions of its dataset type, without being constrained by any of the other dimensions in the pipeline. This allows them to be used for temporal calibration lookups (which regular
connections cannot do at present) and to work aroundQuantumGraph
generation limitations involving cases where naive spatial overlap relationships between dimensions are not desired (e.g. a task that wants all detectors in each visit for which the visit overlaps a tract, not just those where that detector+visit combination overlaps the tract).Prerequisite inputs may be optional (regular inputs are never optional).
- starCatalog¶
Connection for output dataset.
Methods Documentation
- adjustQuantum(inputs: dict[str, tuple[lsst.pipe.base.connectionTypes.BaseInput,[lsst.daf.butler._dataset_ref.DatasetRef]]], outputs: dict[str, tuple[lsst.pipe.base.connectionTypes.Output,[lsst.daf.butler._dataset_ref.DatasetRef]]], label: str, data_id: DataCoordinate) tuple[[str, tuple[lsst.pipe.base.connectionTypes.BaseInput,[lsst.daf.butler._dataset_ref.DatasetRef]]],[str, tuple[lsst.pipe.base.connectionTypes.Output,[lsst.daf.butler._dataset_ref.DatasetRef]]]] ¶
Override to make adjustments to
objects in thelsst.daf.butler.Quantum
during the graph generation stage of the activator.- Parameters:
- inputs
Dictionary whose keys are an input (regular or prerequisite) connection name and whose values are a tuple of the connection instance and a collection of associated
objects. The exact type of the nested collections is unspecified; it can be assumed to be multi-pass iterable and supportlen
, but it should not be mutated in place. In contrast, the outer dictionaries are guaranteed to be temporary copies that are truedict
instances, and hence may be modified and even returned; this is especially useful for delegating tosuper
(see notes below).- outputs
Mapping of output datasets, with the same structure as
.- label
Label for this task in the pipeline (should be used in all diagnostic messages).
- data_id
Data ID for this quantum in the pipeline (should be used in all diagnostic messages).
- inputs
- Returns:
- adjusted_inputs
Mapping of the same form as
with updated containers of inputDatasetRef
objects. Connections that are not changed should not be returned at all. Datasets may only be removed, not added. Nested collections may be of any multi-pass iterable type, and the order of iteration will set the order of iteration withinPipelineTask.runQuantum
.- adjusted_outputs
Mapping of updated output datasets, with the same structure and interpretation as
- adjusted_inputs
- Raises:
- ScalarError
Raised if any
connection hasmultiple
set toFalse
, but multiple datasets.- NoWorkFound
Raised to indicate that this quantum should not be run; not enough datasets were found for a regular
connection, and the quantum should be pruned or skipped.- FileNotFoundError
Raised to cause QuantumGraph generation to fail (with the message included in this exception); not enough datasets were found for a
The base class implementation performs important checks. It always returns an empty mapping (i.e. makes no adjustments). It should always called be via
by custom implementations, ideally at the end of the custom implementation with already-adjusted mappings when any datasets are actually dropped, e.g.:def adjustQuantum(self, inputs, outputs, label, data_id): # Filter out some dataset refs for one connection. connection, old_refs = inputs["my_input"] new_refs = [ref for ref in old_refs if ...] adjusted_inputs = {"my_input", (connection, new_refs)} # Update the original inputs so we can pass them to super. inputs.update(adjusted_inputs) # Can ignore outputs from super because they are guaranteed # to be empty. super().adjustQuantum(inputs, outputs, label_data_id) # Return only the connections we modified. return adjusted_inputs, {}
Removing outputs here is guaranteed to affect what is actually passed to
, but its effect on the larger graph may be deferred to execution, depending on the context in whichadjustQuantum
is being run: if one quantum removes an output that is needed by a second quantum as input, the second quantum may not be adjusted (and hence pruned or skipped) until that output is actually found to be missing at execution time.Tasks that desire zip-iteration consistency between any combinations of connections that have the same data ID should generally implement
to achieve this, even if they could also run that logic during execution; this allows the system to see outputs that will not be produced because the corresponding input is missing as early as possible.
- adjust_all_quanta(adjuster: QuantaAdjuster) None ¶
Customize the set of quanta predicted for this task during quantum graph generation.
- Parameters:
- adjuster
A helper object that implementations can use to modify the under-construction quantum graph.
- adjuster
This hook is called before
, which is where built-in checks forNoWorkFound
cases and missing prerequisites are handled. This means that the set of preliminary quanta seen by this method could include some that would normally be dropped later.
- buildDatasetRefs(quantum: Quantum) tuple[lsst.pipe.base.connections.InputQuantizedConnection, lsst.pipe.base.connections.OutputQuantizedConnection] ¶
corresponding to inputQuantum
.- Parameters:
- quantum
Quantum object which defines the inputs and outputs for a given unit of processing.
- quantum
- Returns:
- getSpatialBoundsConnections()¶
Return the names of regular input and output connections whose data IDs should be used to compute the spatial bounds of this task’s quanta.
The spatial bound for a quantum is defined as the union of the regions of all data IDs of all connections returned here, along with the region of the quantum data ID (if the task has spatial dimensions).
- Returns:
- connection_names
] Names of collections with spatial dimensions. These are the task-internal connection names, not butler dataset type names.
- connection_names
The spatial bound is used to search for prerequisite inputs that have skypix dimensions. The default implementation returns an empty iterable, which is usually sufficient for tasks with spatial dimensions, but if a task’s inputs or outputs are associated with spatial regions that extend beyond the quantum data ID’s region, this method may need to be overridden to expand the set of prerequisite inputs found.
Tasks that do not have spatial dimensions that have skypix prerequisite inputs should always override this method, as the default spatial bounds otherwise cover the full sky.
- getTemporalBoundsConnections() Iterable[str] ¶
Return the names of regular input and output connections whose data IDs should be used to compute the temporal bounds of this task’s quanta.
The temporal bound for a quantum is defined as the union of the timespans of all data IDs of all connections returned here, along with the timespan of the quantum data ID (if the task has temporal dimensions).
- Returns:
- connection_names
] Names of collections with temporal dimensions. These are the task-internal connection names, not butler dataset type names.
- connection_names
The temporal bound is used to search for prerequisite inputs that are calibration datasets. The default implementation returns an empty iterable, which is usually sufficient for tasks with temporal dimensions, but if a task’s inputs or outputs are associated with timespans that extend beyond the quantum data ID’s timespan, this method may need to be overridden to expand the set of prerequisite inputs found.
Tasks that do not have temporal dimensions that do not implement this method will use an infinite timespan for any calibration lookups.